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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. It's all here. All you have to do is google it! https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a80bddc40f0b623026953eb/uk-thailand-dtc180281_-_in_force.pdf
  2. HMRC will tax all pensions that you draw, regardless of where you live and of any DTAs that are in affect. The only proviso with regards the Thai/UK DTA is that government pensions can only be taxed in the UK. The rest are fair game unless they do not exceed your personal TEDA.
  3. I'd ascertained that quite a long time ago Sheryl, but it's really good to read that it came out of the mouth of a senior TRD official. It's my assertion now that those that are quite sure that they are NOT liable for tax in Thailand to keep well away from the revenue offices. I see absolutely no point in pointing oneself in the spotlight unnecessarily. But keep a good record of ones income, just in case.
  4. What are you on about? If one wants a marriage extension and does not have 400k to hand, then he uses the income method. 40k per month remitted from abroad. I've been doing it for years. All perfectly legitimate and no corruption involved at all.
  5. Perfect! I've been waiting for a report like this to come along which lays it out so clearly. I'm in more or less the same situation as you @CFCol with my government service pension (military) making up the bulk of my total income. The residue is well below my total allowances (I have a non working Thai so I get an extra 60k. I'd actually worked this out quite some time ago and very pleased that you have had confirmation of that. Great report. Thanks a lot. I shall award myself an extra whisky tonight and sleep well.
  6. Our village shop (singular) closes because the couple that run it prefer to go off and make merit themselves and I fully respect that. I've never heard or read anywhere that Thais are not allowed to drink on religious days. The ban is on selling it, not drinking it. My wife, who enjoys a tifle herself has just confirmed that! I have no sympathy for tourists or expats who can't accept the rules of the country they are visiting or live in.
  7. On the other hand Thailand can provide a safe haven for the LGBT community from those same countries. And they do exist, despite the harsh regimes that they live in. And wouldn't they be more welcome than clowns that we so often read about on the streets of Pattaya and Phuket? They certainly wouldn't behave in the same unruly manner.
  8. I'll certainly vouch for that. My wife' daughter is a (now open) lesbian and we have had some great times amongst the LGBTQ community in Udon Thani where she has most of her friends.
  9. Not very fast at all. She had just come round a left hand slip lane and the oil slick that she referred to is clearly visible in the video.
  10. What does beef eating have to do with this?
  11. Was that during the alcohol ban at the height of the Covid pandemic?
  12. I agree with H & S. This non alcohol day is observed throughout the country. I've read in other posts about M & P shops selling alcohol. Not so in our village. In fact the village shop is closed completely on this and all religious observance days. My playbook has always said respect the laws and cultural rules of whichever country one chooses to live in. If you can't do that then you shouldn't be here!
  13. You're suggesting that they should have flown all the way to Moscow with the nose gear doors open and the nose gear (possibly) not secure? Not a chance of them doing that!
  14. On the 18th Sept 2023 an article in the Thai Enquirer was amongst the first to announce these amendments (not rules) to the Thai tax code. That article included following paragraph: 'The program will begin January 1, 2024 and apply only to tax residents in Thailand meaning tourists and short term workers will be exempt. Also exempt will be those who have been taxed in a foreign country that has a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand'. I repeated this paragraph many times on this forum but it was consistently brushed aside. Maybe now folks will start to take note. https://www.thaienquirer.com/50744/thai-government-to-tax-all-income-from-abroad-for-tax-residents-starting-2024/
  15. DWP only use Citibank for payments to foreign banks, not to UK accounts.
  16. I have 3 pensions paid into Wise and they are all deposited at around 9:30am UK time. (currently 15:30 ICT) If they were to be paid into my UK bank account they would normally be deposited shortly after midnight, so payments destined for Wise obviously follow a different payment route which doesn't begin to operate until the start of the working day. It has always been thus for as long as I've been using Wise.
  17. I agree (once again!). I've sent many registered letters to the UK, including to DWP Wolves' address and I've always received 'proof of delivery'. Sometimes I even get to know the name of the person who signed for it!
  18. Oh I so wish our British counterparts would get themselves into the 21st century!
  19. And wisely so I would hazard! 😄
  20. I rather like to think that this has been caused by an 'administrative cock up' by the DWP when the POL form was last updated some years ago. A mistake that has now been corrected. Like you I have always endeavoured to have a stamp affixed in the appropriate box, whether they insisted on it or not. A small detail now can save a lot of hassle later.
  21. It's a bit difficult to pin a restraining order on a soi dog though isn't it. Nowhere did I read that the police had raided the compound.
  22. So, having settled the issue of the stamp requirement (I hope) @5davidhen1 as your girlfriend's brother is the Phu Yai Ban, he will most certainly know the senior personnel in her local district office. My wife's nephew is our Phu Yai Ban and that is where I go, with his cooperation, to get my form signed and STAMPED. Fill in as much detail as you can in English (You can get the office address, in English, from google maps) and have the senior officer sign and stamp. There should be no charge for this. If you want to be sure that the letter is delivered, use registered post at around 250 Bhat. The above procedure has worked for me on 3 occasions at least now. Hope you find this helpful.
  23. What? The occasional thrown object causes the lion to roar all night! More likely the poor creature is pining for freedom and the company of its pride.
  24. Are you seriously trying to tell me that Life Certificate that I received just last week is not the latest version? I say again, the one I received includes the words 'I have placed my official stamp on this form'. And that other stuff you posted earlier was AI burble which has no official weight at all. It's probably as out of date as the outdated link that you posted!
  25. The latest version of the DWP life certificate does call for a stamp. The witness signs to say: 'I have placed my official stamp on this form'. I completed my own DWP LC form just this week. The O/P doesn't say so, but it's possible that his G/F lived in the UK with her late husband and worked there. In which case she would have accrued NI credits in her own name, thus entitling her to a pension.
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