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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. I love garlic too and it goes into just about every meal I eat. But I only chew it raw on the rare occasions that I have a cold, sore throat or similar. It's a very ancient Chinese remedy which has always worked for me. As far as supplements in general go, IMO they are a waste of money which simply results in expensive urine.
  2. I'm not surprised he 'skipped over' your post. If you want your audience to loose interest fast, write a 230 word post without a single paragraph break! That works.
  3. The former is of interest to all citizens, no matter where they live. Of the latter, there was another petition on this very topic not so long ago. Voter fatigue I think it's known as.
  4. Yes, there are actually 3 petitions running simultaneously, all of which ought to be of interest to us, which is why I brought them to the forum's attention. The one calling for relief from taxing the state pension is of particular interest to me. Not only is my state pension frozen, its taxed as well! A double insult IMO!
  5. You provided the link to the 'acknowledgment' page post signing. But I've just revisited it and I noticed that has a link back to the petition page, but some folks might not notice. No harm in 'belt and braces'. 😀
  6. Another petition that I noted whilst digging out the correct link was this one. Get your marks on that whilst you're at it. Make the state pension tax exempt. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/710017/signatures/new And there's also this one which deserves your attention: Raise the income tax personal allowance from £12,570 to £20,000 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/702844 No harm in keep snapping at their heels.
  7. The correct link would help! https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/704130
  8. Have you seen his birth certificate? CNN say that his birth name is Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky. You know different do you? https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/29/europe/volodymyr-zelensky-fast-facts/index.html
  9. That's a ridicules comparison @impulse. The US certainly was not under existential threat at any time during WW2. Neither were millions of its population displaced or constantly under bombardment and Its infrastructure being destroyed night after night. None of this was ever a problem for the US. How can a Ukraine possibly hold elections under such circumstances?
  10. Head scratcher? Not at all. Customers are more likely to buy a portion of the cake if they think they are getting a bargain. So the shop simply inflates the price of the whole cake by 60 baht. The customer is happy because they've got themselves a bargain (they think) and the shop probably sells more cakes by using this simple marketing ploy. Customers can be very gullible.
  11. I believe it was carrying cigarettes. https://www.nationthailand.com/news/general/40046375
  12. What compulsory health insurance? He's came on a non imm-0. It not required.
  13. How on Earth can they possibly hold elections in the middle of a war? The logistics of doing so make it all but impossible. It is also a well known fact that Russia has interfered with Ukraine's elections in the past in order to promote their favoured candidate and I'm sure they're not above doing so again. And just for the record, Winston Churchill suspended elections during WW2 for similar logistical and disruptive reasons.
  14. What is your home country and what do you mean by 'a small monthly government retirement pension?'
  15. Ivermectin is used in the treatment of nematodes which are intestinal worm infections such as flatworm or eelworm. Yes, liver fluke is a parasite but they are not nematodes , They are trematodes and call for different treatment. As I said, triclabendazole is often prescribed here.
  16. There is a lot less paperwork involved with a retirement extension and it only involves one visit to the immigration office. Would you be using deposit in bank method (800k) or the monthly remittance method 65k/month?
  17. Yes, I raised my eyebrows at that comment too. They do have effective treatment here as long as the infection is identified early enough. A drug called triclabendazole is usually prescribed here. Ivermectin is prescribed for parasitic infections, but not liver fluke as far as I know.
  18. Not just Thailand's banks either. I had to complete a tick box questionnaire regarding my tax situation from my UK bank recently. It presented a bit of a catch 22 problem. If I declared myself 'tax resident' in Thailand, which technically I am, it went to ask which country I paid tax in. The correct answer is, of course the UK, but it didn't offer that choice! So I backed away from that and answered UK and UK! Fortunately I have not registered with TRD for a TIN as I don't owe any tax anyway. And I think that this is a damn good reason NOT to register with the TRD unless one has to.
  19. There are still old timers in the villages that believe that if they take a good slug of loa khao with their koi pla, they will kill off the parasites and so they won't come to any harm! I've lost count of the number of deaths there have been in our village that have succumbed to liver/stomach/cancer issues that are, in reality death due to liver fluke. And it's not as if they are not aware of the problem. There have been plenty of awareness campaigns and free screening programmes, but they tend not to respond until they begin to present symptoms. And by then it's usually too late.
  20. In most countries that have a 'green channel' for customs there are trained officers, both covert and overt, who look out for this kind of behaviour. They can pick up quite a lot from body language.
  21. The article would benefit from having a commentator who was just a tad more object. His pessimism, even cynicism is quite clear. Link below to the original article in the Thaiger: https://thethaiger.com/news/bangkok/bangkok-to-adopt-beijings-air-pollution-solutions-in-landmark-deal
  22. Did you read the full thread or are you just a 'read headline' and respond type of guy?
  23. If you mean 'extension renewal', not necessarily so. Read my post above and the second page of a TM7 . Immigration form TM7
  24. My wife had an extensive discussion on this topic with our friendly and very helpful staff in Sakon Nakhon. I'm 79 now and although I am both physically and mentally in good shape, but one never knows does one. She asked what would happen if I was unable to attend the office or was unable to complete the required paperwork. They told her not to worry about it. They do have the power of discretion in such cases and will either visit the home or accept evidence of infirmity. Regarding the money, (I use the income method) providing the monthly payments arrive in the bank and she can attest to that, again no problem. The bottom line was 'don't worry about it. We won't come and haul your aging husband off to the IDC!'
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