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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Rural village or or an estate type village?
  2. I live in the countryside and there lots and lots of dogs. But no dog walkers. All the dogs in the village, 30, 40, maybe more are free to roam. And just like @KhunLA says, the dogs will always make their deposits very discreetly, never on the roads. I walk every day but I never encounter dog poo and I doubt if any Thai would consider removing it if they did. They don't even clean up buffalo dung for heaven's sake! This doesn't answer @stoner's issue of course, but it does at least indicate the type of society that we're dealing with here. Scooping up after ones mutt is a fairly recent western construct, which I doubt will ever catch on here.
  3. These issues are addressed in this article. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/economy/40030624
  4. There's some interesting information that I've unearthed on this web site. Electric motorcycles in Thailand Of course the rules herein are being blatantly ignored as is the way in Thailand. I've pointed out a few times, the dangers of kids as young as 5 years old riding these machines around the village and even out on the highway (such as it is), but the usual answer prevails. "It's up to them".
  5. I had 3 kids by 2 wives, but I was never really cut out to be a father and would have preferred to have done without.
  6. I don't have to make any effort to 'draw down'. I married an expert!
  7. My earlier comments were not about driving standards in Thailand. We already have enough 'know it all's ' on this forum to cover that issue. My issue is about the plethora of mindless degenerates who make sick jokes and nasty (usually racist) comments whenever tragedy strikes. And on that issue my thoughts are already clear.
  8. Yes, with a similar number of brain cells. What a sad lot you are.
  9. Along with the stupid childish comments that inevitably accompany them.
  10. You need to go back and study how Wise operates. There is no 'original international transfer'. No money crosses borders. That's the whole ethos of the way they operate. As far far taxation goes, that is well off topic.
  11. I rather think that that's more to do with your ego than with your partner's hair.
  12. My Wise in-payments are ALWAYS marked as a domestic transfer on my Krungsri statements and many thousands of Wise users are aware that this true for all none partners banks. Only the 3 partner banks will be marked up as an international transfer and apparently, even that is not always the case.
  13. Yep that's in accord with my own ball park assessment. I run my laptop plus the modem/router and a small desk top lamp off my Zircon 840 watt UPS. With a new battery it will run for about 30 minutes, although it's aging now and will need replacing soon. Batteries are readily available through Lazada. This is the main reason that I use a UPS. I was getting fed up with the short blackouts knocking my internet connection off-line.
  14. Probably the most important thing you can do for your partner @giddyup is to reassure her that to you, it is not important. That she is still the same gal that you fell in love with when you meet her and that you'll continue to love and support her no matter what happens on top. Try being light hearted about it and stroke her ego a little bit.
  15. Ok, so it's either it's the shop that's got it wrong, or your power monitor is telling porkie pies. Which one to trust. The simplest way to establish which is to find out the current flow. Can your monitor display the voltage and the current drawn? If it does then it's a simple matter to calculate the power yourself. Volts x Amps (P=V x A) Let's know how how it goes.
  16. Why do you ask, don't you trust it?
  17. This is the most misleading and ill-informed answer I've seen on this subject for a long time. Fortunately, most people are aware that it's complete rubbish.
  18. insurgent noun UK /ɪnˈsɜː.dʒənt/ US /ɪnˈsɝː.dʒənt/ Add to word list [ C usually plural ] formal someone who is fighting against the government in their own country: A perfectly legitimist use of the word, whilst 'jihad' is probably the most misunderstood and misused word in the world. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/what-does-jihad-really-mean-to-muslims
  19. What? The police doing their job properly, leaving no stone is left unturned thereby ensuring that they have all the facts. Remind me. Isn't that what the police are supposed to do and indeed what they do do in most countries?
  20. No we're not taking about dicks, but you're certainly talking like one!
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