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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. COD is still available on Lazada. Certain suppliers won't accept it, but that's their decision, not Lazadas. But why use it anyways? COD is for Luddites who can't accept that the 21st century exists.
  2. I've switched to using K-Plus QR code (via the app of course) with Lazada. Very easy and apparently refunds are instant if required.. (Haven't had cause to test that out yet)
  3. 98% of the world's population are reckoned to have this phenomena, known as an earworm or brainworm. But I doubt whether statistic also applies to OCD suffers. (if that's the right term) I get them very often and they do not bother me in the slightest. And although I do show a slight inclination toward OCD, that doesn't bother me either. A tune that came to me recently kept me guessing for quite a few days. I knew that it was a film score but I couldn't think which one. Then after about a week the penny dropped. It was the title music from 'Gone With the Wind'. A film made 6 years before I was born. What a memory! For those who are bothered by earworms, a few minutes mindfulness meditation can be helpful for you.
  4. Whilst Thailand moves forward, - Why Thailand became a haven for LGBT couples https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly92g14edro America moves backwards. - "It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cqld6wnv1rgo
  5. And also a slap in the face for every decent American who believes that the democratic process should be a peaceful, civilized affair. Great start DT. Shame on you!
  6. And just how do you think they 'inflate' the bill? Come on, suggest how they do it. Explain the methodology.
  7. Read the story properly, not just the headline! I think you've been watching too many movies.
  8. Hmm, it seems that zoology isn't in your portfolio either. Why don't you trot off and talk about a topic you do know something about? 'Contrary to the popular myth, ostriches do not bury their head in the sand when scared or frightened'. https://www.clevelandzoosociety.org/z/2020/03/11/truth-or-tail-do-ostriches-really-bury-their-head-in-the-sand-when-scared-or-frightened#:~:text=Contrary to the popular myth,blend in with the terrain.
  9. It is pretty easy to see that good manners is not your strong suit.
  10. Last time I checked, death was 100% guaranteed, so there's little point worrying about. Especially at my age!
  11. Did you know that if it wasn't for the quick actions one Flying Officer George Innis RAF, King Bhumibol might not come to the throne? Innis was in command of RAF police in Bangkok and fearing Bhumibol might be in danger as well, quickly spirited him away after his elder brother was assassinated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Innes_(RAF_officer) Rubbish. A peace treaty was signed in 1946. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Thai_Peace_Treaty
  12. Ah yes, I'd forgotten that point. It's a long time since I held ISAs. So I guess that the enquiry from your ISA provider was in connection with this NYC business that going on everywhere. But you seem to have accepted my statement regarding tax residence so I guess we can call that touché. 🙂
  13. Then instead of reading the crap on this forum (and there's lots of that), try a mindfulness course.
  14. Thailand is not considering making you tax resident. If you stay here more than 180 days in the year you are tax resident. Those of us who live here permanently have always been tax residents, The fact that the TRD have never involved in their tax affairs is neither here nor there. (pardon the pun) Your ISA company are quite right to query you on tax residency because only residents of the UK can hold ISAs. https://www.gov.uk/individual-savings-accounts
  15. I share that view with you, but we're not his family. Tradition runs deep in the Irish soul.
  16. Yes that is quite true, but the very fact that the family are going to such lengths to have his body repatriated is indicative that they prefer the traditional way. And burial is still the most common way in Ireland.
  17. He came from Ireland. Good Catholics don't do Buddhist cremations.
  18. This is totally irrelevant to Robby's death. All divers check the contents of their cylinders for pressure and gas mix if using Nitrox which many do nowadays. Even if the pressure was a bit low, (which sounds like bar stool gossip to me) it would have no bearing on the cause of death.
  19. Sorry but I've heard or read it all before and some! By taking that one small sentence out of my post, your response becomes completely out of context with what I wrote. Thank you for your effort, but you're barking up the wrong tree.
  20. I'm forever reading about the 'new rules' on this forum. The fact is, that as far as us retired expats are concerned, there are no 'new rules'. In theory we have always been liable to taxation, however it's clear that the TRD have, thus far respected the terms of our DTAs and left us to get on with our lives. Plus the bonus of having us bring lots of extra money into the economy and in many cases supporting families as well. IMO This situation has not been created by TRD, it's come about by certain meddling amateur tax advisors on this forum (and we all know who they are) and greedy professional tax advisors looking to make a killing. I do not believe it's a case of not been thought out properly. I don't think it was even contemplated in the first place.
  21. I've no issues with that. For pensioners, which I'm sure would constitute the main the main group that is quite easy to do.
  22. And just to add to that, were the TRD to go chasing around tracking down all us 'miscreants', they would find that most retirees won't owe them any money. Most of us are protected by DTAs in various forms or are drawing pensions that cannot be taxed in any other country anyway. The yield IMO would not be worth the effort and I wouldn't like to contemplate the anguish it might cause amongst the community. Let sleeping dogs lie is, by far their best policy.
  23. No I haven't had that experience because I've been nowhere near a TRD office. But I did read this back in September 2023: 'The program will begin January 1, 2024 and apply only to tax residents in Thailand meaning tourists and short term workers will be exempt. Also exempt will be those who have been taxed in a foreign country that has a standing Double Tax Agreement with Thailand' And the more I read, the I more hear and more I see, the more I believe it to be true. I also read recently that in a poll conducted by the Thai Enquirer, 58% of expats polled said they have not registered with the TRD for a TIN and do not intend to do so. So I am in good company. (I hope) https://www.thaienquirer.com/50744/thai-government-to-tax-all-income-from-abroad-for-tax-residents-starting-2024/
  24. Perhaps you, and others who think that death from hypothermia is just a bit of a joke should read this article. Deaths during these cold spells are all too common in Thailand. And sammiieuk, you didn't answer my question: 'why only Thais?' https://ddc.moph.go.th/uploads/files_en/34320210406072042.pdf
  25. Your experience, which I'm not questioning, still does not mean that someone with an undiagnosed heart problem would have problems on their 1st dive, which is what you claimed.
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