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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. In line with just about every other country in the world!
  2. Well that's one way to describe the rampant corruption that pervades the immigration service in certain quarters.
  3. Judging by the emojis, I seem to have caused some confusion with this post and I can see why now. What I should have said was a page from my HMRC on-line tax account, giving details of my 3 pensions along with the transfer slips downloaded from Wise'. Does that make sense now ya'll?
  4. All my credits are sent via Wise and therefor from a personal account. All I gave immigration last time around was a page from my HMRC on-line tax account, giving details of my 3 pensions. That was enough to keep them happy. No way would I put 800k in an account and have immigration dictate to me what I can, or rather cannot do with my own money.
  5. And Korat is an improvement on Chiang Mai is it? Wow it must have been really bad up there!
  6. There are plenty of them around our village now, many of them being driven by kids of primary school age. I have pointed out to the Phu Ya Ban (AKA my wife's nephew) regarding the hazards of the kids riding out on the main road leading to the local school. But as always, it's the usual Thai response, 'it's up to them'.
  7. No you won't need an IDP. I've driven in Australia using a UK license a few times and on one occasion I used a a Saudi Arabian one.
  8. Those that you're talking about are generally what one could term 'economic migrants' and they will almost inevitably be swapping an area of low pollution for an area of high pollution, as indeed they do from our region in the north east. Very few people would get the opportunity to make the move in reverse, which is what I'm talking about. Us expats are not generally so constrained. In fact many could even leave the country altogether if they so wish.
  9. Not at all. Unlike most of the indigenous population, you're free to move if it doesn't suit you.
  10. There is some information in this article in the Pattaya Mail. https://www.pattayamail.com/news/pattaya-seniors-turning-to-electric-trikes-331830
  11. Treating the symptoms is one step better than sitting on their hands doing nothing.
  12. It's been happening up in our little corner of Issan for quite a few years now. Ploughing in is the preferred method of preparing the fields. There's very little burning around here and the reward is consistently clean air. It can be done.
  13. The first time I did a marriage extension at the Sakon Nakhon office I presented a perfectly prepared google map, giving clear directions to our village home. No, not acceptable, it had to be hand drawn. My wife volunteered her services and draw what was deemed to be an acceptable map. Using this 'acceptable map' it took the visiting IO over 2 hours to find our gaff, which, whilst rural, is only a 20 minute drive from the city centre. I've presented a computer drawn map ever since then, which has been accepted, however no one's been to visit us anyway. I wonder if they'll ever learn how to use google maps on their smart phones. All they would then need be the coordinates.
  14. How do you suppose they can stop the Burmese farmers from burning their land?
  15. Thanks, well said. There's lots of good riding to be had out there. Have fun and stay safe.
  16. Absolutely! I've said this before. The DC3 (C47 to military types) is the most successful aircraft in aviation history.
  17. I sometimes wonder why posters (especially one with a handle WhatMeWorry!) worry about how other people live their lives. Do you tell mountaineers not to climb mountains or skiers to stay off the pistes? Do you advice SCUBA divers that their activity could be dangerous? Many of us motorcyclists ride because we love and enjoy it. In fact I prefer riding to driving. It's much more fun and I will always take the motorcycle unless there's a large load to carry. So less of the 'telling other people how to live their lives' if you don't mind.
  18. Anyone whose income exceeds the personal allowance for the year (currently £12,570) will have the state pension included in the taxable amount. It is not taxed at source as with most incomes, but their tax code will be reduced on other incomes. My personal allowance shrinks from £12,570 to £6,879 because of this.
  19. My Aerox has a similar system. It's a good idea to commit the procedure to memory. That way you will have a 'key in your head' and won't be stuck anywhere. I 'rehearse' my unlock procedure once a month or so to ensure that I can remember it.
  20. Smart move. Let me know when you're set up and I'll assist as necessary.
  21. @john smith do you have an on-line account with HMRC? If you do that is the easiest route to resolving this issue, I had this problem for 3 years until I discovered how to fix it quickly and simply via my HMRC account and it has now been sorted, I received refund cheques for each of the 3 years that I overpaid and the problem hasn't reoccurred now for 10 years. If you do have a HMRC account and you would like some advice on how to go about it, let me know and I'll do my best to walk you through it.
  22. Do I understand correctly that even though an application is rejected, the applicant, having complied with the requirements, cannot be penalized as he has not committed any transgression of the law?
  23. Long hair is great until it comes time to clear the shower drain. Yet again!
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