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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Hail stones form in the upper atmosphere were the temperature is below freezing point. The 'shome mishtake' is yours for not doing your homework. By the way hailstorms sometimes occur in Saudi Arabia.
  2. I 've been using StreamVPN for many years, way back to my time in China nigh on 20 years ago. Very reliable and cover multiple countries. My primary use is BBC iPlayer at which it excels. https://www.streamvpn.com
  3. I can't speak about sugarcane as we do not have any in our area. (thank goodness) But there has been a big move toward mechanization on the farms around here and stubble burning has been much reduced in the period that we have been living here (around 7 years) And the results speak for themselves. The green dot is Sakon Nakhon and that is now a regular occurrence hereabouts, with a rise into 'unhealthy' and beyond being very rare. So it can be done. Where there's a will, there's a way.
  4. Yes, I quite agree with you. There is ample evidence that there has been cyclic warming and cooling of planet Earth over millions of years. But this time it's different. The most destructive animal on mother Earth is giving it a great big shove in the wrong direction. And it's the only planet we have so it's time mankind got a grip. Listen to Greta, not that idiot Trump!
  5. Another denier presents his case without shred of evidence. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/sea-level-rise-1
  6. Now that's what I call a very selective poll and is no way representative of the falang population in general.
  7. Krungsri. 9 years ago, when I 1st came here I tramped around Robinsons with my legal Thai wife and was rejected by 3 banks. The 4th one I went to was Krungrsi who furnished me with an account in about 30 mins and they've been brilliant ever since. So naturally I'm going to say Krungsri. And I suspect you'll get a similar story from almost everyone. i.e. 'My favourite bank is the one that accepted me'.
  8. Yes, that's correct. I nabbed it before my wife clicked on to it. ????
  9. Given that the only factor that you mentioned was ''noodle shops and majority MSG “Restaurants” how can one draw any other conclusion as to the implication of your post?
  10. Blaming traditional Thai eating habits are you? Was there an obesity problem here in Thailand before the arrival of western junk food outlets? I don't think so.
  11. I wasn't suggesting that it could make you fat. (unless it was a daily habit of course) Rather I was commenting on the previous poster's suggestion that eating contests were part of 'Thai culture'. Not so, they are just yet another bad habit imported from the west to go along with the junk food and soda drinks.
  12. Thai culture. Oh really? And there's plenty more of these out there. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=457044512686838
  13. I comment on this regularly. Our home is quite central in the village and most of the kids pass by us going to and from the village shop. Out of school hours there's almost a constant stream of kids going to the shop and returning with usual haul of fat and sugar laden snacks and drinks. And worse, they're not even benefitting from walking or biking to the shop. Many of them are now transiting on their shiny new electric scooters and trikes. Same when going to and from school. The furthest any kid has to travel to the school is around 700 meters but many now using their EVs, on the main road of course! Naturally my comments inevitably fall on deaf ears. 'It's up to them' is the standard Thai response.
  14. Given that the Thai government have expressed alarm at the low and declining birth rate I would think that they are very much concerned about the high death rates on roads. Especially when one considers that the majority of losses are the countries potential bread winners, young males on their motorcycles,
  15. On the other hand you could believe what WHO has to say rather than stick with the official government figures. Take your pick. https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/thailand/roadsafety/overview-en-final-25-7-19.pdf?sfvrsn=f9d7a862_2
  16. Unbelievable, why so? 50 deaths per day is actually slightly below the annual average.
  17. We have a package deal with True. As well as internet and TV connection, I get a phone/data SIM for free on which I only have to pay for calls and SMS messages. I rarely use it as a phone so my mobile data comes for free. Check with your provider O/P, they may have a similar package.
  18. Oh for sure it was well known that we had a lot of help from the US during the Falklands campaign, indeed it's doubtful whether we would have succeeded without their help. But that was nothing to do with NATO and it did put a lot of strain on our so called 'Special Relationship'.
  19. That is not so because: 'The Falklands War between the United Kingdom and Argentina did not result in NATO involvement because Article 6 of the North Atlantic Treaty specifies that collective self-defense is applicable only to attacks on member state territories north of the Tropic of Cancer'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_NATO refers.
  20. Do tell me how you know that it has nothing to do with your attendance at a hospital? 'White coat syndrome' is well known within the medical profession and you don't have to 'feel' nervous for it to affect you. Many people have hidden trauma due earlier experiences and it can unknowingly spike your blood pressure. It's because of this that home monitoring is the recommended way to check ones blood pressure and I'm pleased to see that there is so much interest in this topic.
  21. Yes, I endorse that comment. One thing to watch out for though is the cuff size. The 1st Omron I bought was too small for my arm, (despite the fact that I do not have fat arms!) I consulted Indy88 shop on Lazada via chat and they advised me on the correct one to buy for my 'falang arm' and it's worked very well ever since.
  22. A valid point, but there are 2 other factors. As we age and that is most of here, our metabolism slows down and we are less able maintain body heat. So we quite simply feel the cold more. The other factor is that our homes here do not have the benefit of good insulation nor, generally do they have any means of heating them. 11oC in the UK, for instance would not be considered very cold, but we would, none the less, have switched on the heating by then and we wouldn't have to dress up just to stay in the home!
  23. Don't know where you're located Dr. Tom, but up here in the north east it hasn't just been 'coolish', it's been pretty damn cold! There were a few nights when we wore socks, shirts and wooly hats in bed. Really!
  24. I presume the O/P is referring to Basa fish, or Pangasius bocourti to give it its posh name. Boiling is definitely not the way to cook these fillets. There are plenty of 'Thai fish curry' recipes on the internet, or if you're not such a dab hand in the kitchen (which appears to be the case) there are a number of pre mix curry sauce packs available. 'Cooking for dummy' packs I call them. (which includes me BTW)
  25. I've never printed off the TM47 from an on-line report of which I've done many now. It's never been a problem when I reported for extensions. Immigration have the details on their system anyway. Don't worry about it O/P.
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