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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. Hospitals will not refuse you treatment if you can show that you have funds available. In fact, in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath, they should never refuse you treatment anyway.
  2. This is why it is so wise to keep access funds in a passbook only term account. No on line connection, no card, strictly over the counter service only with passbook and ID. Why people keep their money so readily accessible is beyond my understanding.
  3. I had 5 minutes to spare whilst finishing my morning coffee and very good it was too. Made with loving care. ???? (ditto this morning)
  4. So I've discovered what the O/P is talking about, despite his very misleading headline. 'Auto' my backside! He's on about very Cheap Charlie manually adjustable specs such as those you can find on Lazada W/S if search for 'adjustable glasses'. Thanks, but no thanks @3NUMBAS, Like @KannikaP above. I'll stick to my very reliable varifocals that have served me well for at least 30 years.
  5. It would appear that auto focus lenses are still in the early stages of development (read about them here) So where on earth did the O/P get hold of 5 pairs of the 'best-selling adjustable glasses' from?
  6. When I wrote that I did have in mind the fact that worry can induce anxiety and that, in turn can result in elevated blood pressure. It's a well known 'vicious circle'. Anyway I'm sure the O/P has had enough reassurance by now that he doesn't actually have a problem. ????
  7. I was also asked for those details when we went to obtain a yellow house book and pink ID. It was the first time in many years that I'd been asked for those details.
  8. I don't travel too much nowadays, so I doubt whether I shall be roaming that far from home. But I've been out on the one at Wat Pha Tak Suea near Nong Khai and I had no safety concerns there. However, the completely unguarded cliffs close by were another matter!
  9. So I don't think that anyone need be too concerned about the safety aspects of this structure. I'd have no qualms about walking out on it. A lot safer than being on any mountain trail @StayinThailand2much. Yes, I've been on quite a few myself.
  10. I think the only thing that you need to worry about @backstreet is your tendency to worry about things! ???? Relax, everything is fine. I use the same machine as you BTW and although my readings aren't as low as yours, they are consistent and therefor IMO reliable.
  11. That would involve reading to the bottom of the article, a bit of a strain apparently for some people.
  12. My reminder turned up yesterday, 3 days after I received the approval. Obviously there was a bug in the system somewhere.
  13. There are plenty of stories of people falling from great heights and surviving. Google Nicholas Alkemade for instance.
  14. That is no so. it's just another of the many urban myths. Deaths at the scene are recorded immediately, Subsequent deaths are added as they arise.
  15. Moonlover

    Isaan Woman

    I completely agree with you. I've learned over the 9 years of living here with my Issan gal (whom I met in Egypt by the way) that it's better to be somewhat acquiescent, even if I don't always agree with her. She knows the ropes here, far better than I ever will.
  16. Moonlover

    Isaan Woman

    That's one of the problems with living in a rural Thai village, having had a western scientific education. It can make one very arrogant!
  17. Come to think of it, I didn't receive a reminder of my recent due date either. No problem because I always put a reminder on my Hotmail calendar anyway, just in case. I did the report as usual and received the confirmation last Friday.
  18. Moonlover

    Isaan Woman

    I've been married, in turn to an English woman, an anglicized Indian woman and now an a Thai woman from Issan and that is where we now live. If you were to line the three of them up right now and invite me to choose again, I'll take my Issan gal anytime thank you very much. Personally I don't think that the O/P's woes are anything to do with the fact that his wife's an Issan gal. It's the woman you choose, not where she comes from that counts and of course one's own temperament! Let's not forget that rather important aspect.
  19. I don't have time to respond to this boring rubbish. I'm too busy enjoying my day. (again) P. S. See my sign off signature.
  20. There was much hue and cry along with a lot of hot air after this accident in Chonburi in 2017, in which 25 people died. But, as always nothing has been done. See article here
  21. It's all explained on this web site https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/pensions/article-10786301/Can-state-pension-unfrozen-visit-UK.html Google is your friend.
  22. Quite correct. Bathrooms need ventilating otherwise the air becomes musty and mold can develop.
  23. Yes, we have a similar issue, but fortunately we do not have a permanently open window in the bathroom so the effect is not so serious. But if one of us forgets to turn off the bathroom extractor fan we soon know about it in the bedroom! So maybe the the simple answer for the O/P is to only open the bathroom window when necessary to clear the air of humidity and odours . The cooled dry air from the A/C would soon take care of it.
  24. I have no real interest in this topic as, fortunately I live in region where the air qualify is, at worse 'moderate' and usually better than that, often 'excellent' in fact. I was merely providing you with a very reasonable technical explanation based on a life time of experience. I never discuss conspiracy theories. I hope your bad air woes will soon be over.
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