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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. @Liverpool Lou & @howerde listen up. I'm right up there with @Doctor Tom. I've held a Flexaccount and a credit card account with Nationwide for well over 30 years. During that time I've lived in Saudi Arabia, China, Egypt and now Thailand. They have always been aware of my where abouts and for most of that time I have not had a UK address. It is now difficult (but apparently not impossible) to open an account in the UK unless one is resident there, but established customers, providing they are honest about their current status, should have no need to worry. And just to emphasis the point I have just now received my new credit card in the post.
  2. Wrong. As I previously mentioned, you can connect via the internet. You don't even need to have a SIM card to do that, just a Wi-Fi connection. I know, I've done it.
  3. Wouldn't the banks own mobile app suit your purposes @wisemonkey? You can use that anywhere in the world providing you have a data connection. Even free Wi-fi hot spots will do.
  4. 'Many a true word is spoken in jest'. Watch this space. Actually, I'm not so sure that the planet itself is doomed, simply our tenure here upon.
  5. What a palaver, thank goodness not all offices are so pedantic!
  6. Fine if you happen to bank with K bank. What about those of us who don't bank with one of Wise's partner banks?
  7. This is exactly what I have been doing for the last four years without any problem. I use the Wise PDFs and downloaded bank statements via the banking app. I get the 'Standard letter for Immigration' from the bank plus signed and stamped copies of the passbook front page. Immigration at Sakon Nakhon have been quite satisfied with that.
  8. Well done Britmantoo and no doubt you were in a nice cozy bed with a warm duvet and cuddled up to your partner. (Asians BTW give off heat quicker than we do, it's like sleeping next to a radiator) I congratulate you on your hardiness!
  9. So how many times in your life have you said 'I'm starving' when you're not, or let's cut to the chase 'I'm freezing' when you're not. They're colloquialisms aren't they and we all use them just as the author of this article has. And as far this poor lady's demise goes, if the body's core temperate drops below 35 deg C, hyperthermia will set in and it's a killer. In the lady's circumstances, death by hyperthermia is a very, very likely. And just so you know that I know what I'm talking about. 10 years ago next month, my own mother died of exposure.
  10. See my previous post.
  11. Go tell her that! An old frail body losses heat quicker than a young fit one. It does not have to be 'freezing' for one to die of exposure.
  12. My comments regarding the pick up are, of course a conjecture based on the very observable fact the the majority of drivers in Thailand will drive in the righthand lane in this type of road. I would say that 70% and upwards do so. One could also level the same comment at the CRV driver. Yes I did get the CRV and Yaris mixed up in my narrative didn't I. I was hoping that no one would notice, but we can rely on you can't we. But I'm sure that you understood what I was getting at.
  13. I'm quite sure that they have no need of any confirmation from me. ????
  14. It can be done. https://www.theengineer.co.uk/content/news/raf-voyager-takes-flight-with-sustainable-aviation-fuel
  15. Deleted
  16. If you want to lift a quote from someone's post, you need to go back to the original post and use that one. If you lift it from someone else's post, as you did with the one from LanLaew it will attributed it to the responder, not the originator. The same thing happened with the Bangkok Barry post even though I hadn't even seen that one. In fact he's on my ignore list so I wouldn't. But it still came to me, not him. I'm not getting at you, I know that it's a flaw in the system that has never been addressed. Take care.
  17. Neeranam this is the second time you have addressed me about quotes that I never made! Did you have a few last night or what? No, I am not NanLaew and no, I am not Bangkok Barry. But yes I can drive! Please check to ensure that you're addressing answers to the right poster. I have better things to do with my time. Have a nice day.
  18. I never said that. You'll have to ask @NanLaew it came from his post, not mine. PS. Yes I can drive.
  19. Yes, I've had to back off the flow rate just to get a warm shower. Luckily I'm I can tolerate cool or even cold showers so I'm not too bothered.
  20. That really shouldn't be that difficult to work out. South of Bangkok basically.
  21. The web site that you referred to mentions solid yellow lines. I referred to diagonal yellow markings such as we see in the photograph. These are not mentioned in the website, despite them being commonplace and here we have one of the many inconsistences that we come across on Thai roads. They use internationally recognized road markings but do not explain what they mean. In the wider world, these markings are described as follows on one web site: 'Yellow painted islands are there to tell drivers to stay to the left of the diagonal yellow stripes and to not drive on or over them. They are meant to act as imaginary boulevards'. That would, of course include making right turns. But this is Thailand and as you rightly explain, such rules are widely ignored anyway. Illegal or not, that is a very unwise spot to make a right turn.
  22. Just from studying the still from the CCTV I can see 3 driving faults that culminated in this unfortunate accident. Firstly the deceased driver was making an illegal right turn. There are yellow hash marking down the centre which means you should not cross the line. Secondly the Yaris driver was driving without due attention to what was going on ahead. And thirdly the Pick up driver is doing what so many do here and driving in the righthand lane when he should on the left unless overtaking. Accidents rarely have a single cause and this is a classic example.
  23. Up yours! One who openly admits that he does not know, cannot possibly be RIGHT!
  24. There is absolutely no need to kill snakes unless they are a direct threat and that is a very rare situation. Snakes, even venomous ones will leave you alone if you leave them alone. They will only strike if they feel threatened. So well done @gejohesch on killing a completely harmless (to you) rodent deterrent.
  25. Very helpful!
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