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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. To find out the dead guy s character, all the police have to do is go around the neighborhood and ask a few people. In Thailand people know some things about their neighbors.
  2. Elon Musk has a strange way of keeping himself in the news. How many of you will buy a Tesla or any EV that will not go at least 1000 miles on a single charge? I will not, only hybrid for me in the future. Does Elon have a foundation like Bill Gates or some of those other rich billionaires? Just wondering.
  3. What some people do not get is that the world has had hot spells and ice age spells. Yes the world heats itself up and cools itself down. However these days there are those who try to say it is all man kinds fault. Global warming yes, and the climate does change as well, but when Carbon dioxide is less than 1 percent of the atmosphere, I do not believe it is the reason for this rise in world temperatures. Have we notices how many volcanoes have been erupting the past several years, as well as large weather changes, El Nino and El Nina, for example. I just wished that more Real scientist would talk about what they think is happening. I am tired of Climate alarmists and their garbage.
  4. The way lots of these Chinese tourists like to spit all over the place, hw can anyone say that there is no danger of them spreading COVID? I am just glad that a lot of these people stay in groups and stay in the Chinese/Thai hotels. Yup that sounds racist, but I do not trust a lot of people these days. Guess that is how I lived long enough to be a senior.
  5. Another rich guy with not enough brains to leave his valuable toys at home in a safe. No sympathy from most of us except the poster who seems worried that we will talk about this rich guy in a negative way.
  6. This guy is just another rich Thai male who has stooped to lying to try and save his face. It is Thailand after all, and I have seen this method used many times. Just another coward who will not take the blame for his poor judgment and actions. IMO
  7. Hey, it is Thailand so there are different rules. There is the Thai rule, and the foreigner rule. Not same same at all.
  8. Raise the ship, get everything off of it that is able to be repaired, then sell the hull for scrap. Who would want to sail in a ship that has sank? What ever flaw the ship had that caused it to sink, should keep the Navy from wanting this ship back in service. Non navy politicians should not be involved with this situation. IMO
  9. Can the big authorities, please tell TAT employees and management to lay off the WEED When they are at work. It is affecting their brain power. Thanks in advance.
  10. I am glad that I will not be going to Thailand until next Winter. Maybe by then the endemic COVID variant will be that weaker. Only 6.7 Million people have officially died from COVID so far in the 3 years of COVID. Hopefully my general health will be good enough to once again travel abroad. Remember that there are lots of Chinese who are not vaccinated. I hope that none of the travelers are not carriers. Good Luck to all of you.
  11. Considering how many people in China that are not vaccinated, especially the older Chinese, I think that there are going to be a lot of people dying in that country in the next year. i also remember Thailand wanting to get the Chinese tourist to return. Be careful what you wish for Thailand. I am also glad that XI has had lots of people protesting his policy. It would be nice if the Russian people protested their leaders policy as well, but that does not appear to be happening. IMO
  12. Oh oh, I guess the death by car accident stats will go up. Just about like most exoduses.
  13. It is good to see the children of Rich Russians who have escaped the cold weather or Russia to spend their Winter in Thailand. I feel sorry for the poor people of Russia who's children have been sent to die in Ukraine. I believe there will be many young Russian guys who will be in Thailand for a very long vacation.
  14. Thanks to thaibeachlovers. Climate change does exist, but there are posters and other people who like to blame climate change on mankind, when a lot of it is from the earth. jak2002003 I have flown around the world a few times, so No it is not flat. Oh and the USA does get hurricanes every year and even lots of tornadoes, also weather bombs and other weather events. Those weather events have happened for all our life times. Global warming has happened in the past, did you not read my post? You could also google, trees found in the arctic, if you wanted to do a tiny bit of your own research. As I stated I am sick of those who think that mankind is the only reason for climate change. I also think that a hybrid vehicle is better than an EV, as it can get to any destination as long as there is fuel in the tank. Canada and the USA are very large countries like Australia and Russia and China, so EVs are pretty useless unless you only go around your local area and do not travel on hot or cold days as the battery range is a lot less than the lab range. Oh in cold weather the battery is likely not going to keep the charge as long either. Getting the EV battery change is also very expensive, google how much the Tesla battery is worth, and the Tesla tires as well.
  15. With the COVID cases in China, I hope that very few Chinese are allowed to leave unless they are totally healthy. I certainly will not be going to China or even landing in China for at least the next 5 years, as they will need at least that much time to get their COVID problem finished with. Do not forget China was where the first COVID variant came from and it was a killer. So was the next 2 variants, especially Delta. Just saying.
  16. Weather patterns caused by the movement of the Jet streams have nothing to do with Global warming. A disrupted polar vortex, is caused by the jet stream as well. This is just natural weather occurring. I am so sick of the climate change idiots blaming every weather event on mankind, or global warming or climate change. That is all BS. pure and simple. There have been severe weather events in the past 100 years. All to do with nature and not climate change. Oh and global warming, may be nature caused by the way. Plus there is evidence of trees in the arctic in northern Canada from 100s of years ago, that had nothing to do with mankind, but all to do with the earth warming itself up. This storm in the eastern states is just that a big Winter storm caused by natural weather patterns.
  17. Give this quality guy some jail time then deport and black list him for at least 10 years. Thailand does not need tourists like him.
  18. Considering that Vlad Putin was a KGB guy in the past, how can the Russian believe anything that he says. It is also a shame that the rich and filth rich Russians are not letting their friends know the truth about this invasion of another country by Russia. The BS story about some Nazi type of a person should be realized by all people including the Russians. I for one am hoping that this war ends soon, and, I doubt it will end if Putin is not taken from power in some way. Just saying. IMO
  19. The guy killed his wife and now his son has to be looked after by someone else. I wonder if the son will ever forgive his dad? It does not matter what the woman was doing, she did not deserve to die.
  20. Hey in China, with the lock downs being lifted, there is a lot of new COVID cases. I wonder how many Chinese will be able to make it to Thailand as carriers? It is peak travel season everybody, so good luck to all of you. Oh and remember you are in Thailand, not your home country. Well that is those new expats who have not become semi Thais. People are still dying and getting sick from Flu, and the latest variant of COVID, and maybe even a few from colds and other types of disease and sicknesses. Have a great hot Winter there in Thailand you lucky people. I cannot travel until next year, so it is a frozen Winter here in Canada for me. Harvey M..
  21. Yes folks it is December, and is usually considered to be the High of High tourist season. In mid January, there will be the long stayers that will be in Thailand until Spring, or March or April when their countries will have warmer weather. By February the number of the short stay tourists will have gone back home and only the expats and other long staying people will be in Thailand. This is a yearly event, so why are some people showing surprise? Just wondering?
  22. Sorry Mac but the Taliban attacked the military and government of Afghanistan, so you actually think that they are a legal government of that country? You sure do not seem to be to up to date on the recent history of that country. IMO.
  23. I also do not like living in a condo, but I would just sell and move away. This old nut decided to go after people who had offended him, how foolish. There are many other people in the world like this guy, that s what is scary to me.
  24. A bunch of students and fireworks, what could possibly go wrong?
  25. I had some pretty bad jobs, but this one sounds way worse. I do not blame the one guy who is quitting this line of work.
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