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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Well, Dang, there goes my vacation in Thailand this coming Winter. Well there is always Belize, or Mexico, Hawaii if I want to spend only a week in a tropical country. Glad there are other choices.
  2. Ho Hum another 4th of July another shooting. I wonder how many mass shootings until the next 4th of July? When I hear of a mass shooting, the first country I think of is the USA.
  3. With all the shootings in the USA, one would think that the gun laws would be changed a lot more than they finally have been, but no that 2nd amendment and the NRA power seem to keep the insanity going. Having a population of 350 million is not a help either. When less than a million are killed such as what happened from COVID, it does not affect the population amount that much. Throw in the different attitudes of different states and it all becomes one big mess to try sort out. I agree that there are a lot less shootings in Europe and usually a lot less people die in them as well. Look at the age of the 2 latest shooters in their 20s. Either still living with Mom and Dad, or barely on their own. No real experience on their own, and they have to go out and kill other people. It is a real sad world we live in.
  4. I hope that this guy actually gets executed. Why have the death penalty if it is not going to be used.
  5. If Texas is one of the states to ban abortion, then it is no surprise to me to see a group of people there, trying to change slavery to something they think is less unsavory. The United States of America is more divided, and fractured than before. Maybe the country needs a name change. Remember that Texas was once a republic. They are still sore being that the state is much smaller than Alaska. Everything is big in Texas, especially the egos of some people. Just my opinion of course. I have some former relatives who live in Texas.
  6. Yup, on my next visit I will be more wary of all drivers. More high on drugs or booze or both is not something I am looking forward to. i wonder just how many will forget to leave all their weed before packing up for their homeward trip. It will be funny if many people get delayed for being forgetful. if this is what it takes for Thailand to have a good high season, well, good luck. i am just hoping to get a few Roti, and those coconut ball desserts in Hua Hin and Jontien beach when I return for my 45 to 60 days in country.
  7. Walking along a railing at 6 stories up from the ground, is not foolish or dangerous, it is plain stupid. This 19 year old did not even get to the 20s. To die in your teens is just wrong. I feel sorry for his parents siblings and friends. RIP
  8. If any of you think that on your 10 hour or more flight has totally safe air because of the filters on the airliner, you are in fantasy land. Filters cost money, airlines are trying to get some money back. Do the math and wear your mask. I have had 3 family members return from Thailand to Canada, and they did wear their masks, but either on the plane or at the two stopover airports, they contracted COVID, and did 2 weeks quarantine. The concept of safe air on an airliners is just a nice thing to think about but not believe.
  9. Answer to why people in Thailand wear masks, well if you are in Bangkok on a bad air day, or in Chiang Mai, a mask is always a good idea. Other parts of the world where COVID cases are on the rise, well DUH is all I can say for the idiots who are maskless in a crowd. I will not go to the USA until less than 100 are getting sick per day from COVID, so that will be at least 2 to 3 more years. With all the mass shootings tho, I do not have any desires to be any closer to them than I am at present.
  10. Lately I have not lost any family members to COVID, but they have all told me that it is like getting the flu first followed by a head cold, and lasted at least a week. I had both symptoms, followed by bronchitis, so 3 weeks of health were wiped out by the experience. With less people dying from COVID, the high numbers just mean that people are not working, so I guess that is okay. Life goes on for the lucky ones who have not caught COVID lately. I have to wonder just how many people have died from this disease in some countries like China, etc., who will lie to save their faces.
  11. With no shadows, the police were all there at mid day, and we all know how hot it is then. Where will these police be, in the evenings when the traders are out in force? Just another photo op for the police I believe.
  12. Getting too close to a family member or anyone who looks healthy but is not, is enough to catch COVID if you get careless and do not wear a mask all the time. So not forget it is air borne, and can be in the air of a public bathroom, or even private bathroom where an infected family member may have been just before you enter. I am starting to believe that there is no such thing as only a cold or only a flu right now. Hey the PM of Canada is mingling with other rich people and has had COVID 2 times or so all ready as well.
  13. I have no problems wearing a mask around people who may be sick. I do not understand those that are disturbed by other people wearing masks.
  14. I am happy to see a bit of a return to the normal tourist experience. I would be happy if there was no visa requirement for travelers who were visiting Thailand for 90 days or less. If the 45 days for visa free travel still exit this Winter, that will be the time that I will be in Thailand. I will have to wait to see just how much the Thailand Immigration and government really want tourists to return to Thailand this Winter season.
  15. Is this the same PM who says the submarines are still being purchased from China? Yes this guy sure knows how to save Thailand money.
  16. Another great article of the old Trink days. Thanks for the pictures. It has been over 2 years since I have been back to Thailand, so the pictures helped my memories. When I started going to Thailand, Patpong was very popular, and there were some bars about 10 minutes walk from Nana Plaza, near some train tracks. but the expressway was built over where they existed. I remember a good place to eat at Gullivers, I hope that all restrictions will stay gone, when I come back to Thailand this Winter. Also hope that the 45 days still exist for not having a visa. Keep up the good reporting. Harvey M
  17. In my opinion, people who wear their mask down on their chin, are as smart as the guy who wears his base ball cap on backwards then uses his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. So not intelligent. I have no problem with people wearing masks, as I do not know if they are healthy or not, and I do not need to get sick from anyone else. Any kind of disease, actually.
  18. Just what Thailand needs, someone else on the side of the criminals. What a country. Sack the MP.
  19. I have brought in cookies, and chocolates in cooled boxes. as well as red and black twizzlers. Candy. It is best to call and ask the authorities first, and the best way is to go to the airport and ask in person to someone who knows the rules. Harvey M
  20. Well I noticed that some pro drug, or weed people are upset by a ghost of the past. Stoner, perhaps, and several others. I am upset with the present government, but that is just me. Carry on.
  21. Could it be that they do not know the meaning of nepotism?
  22. The most ignorant animal on earth is a human. They are all over the planet, not just in Asian countries.
  23. Yup the glory days of crypto are gone. Poof. Nice to be poor enough to have no money worries.
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