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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. On 2/5/2018 at 3:45 PM, peperobi said:

    I feel more like a criminal here in Thailand, for everything you do you need the permission of the authorities, the next request will be that in case you need to go to the WC you will need a special permission and you must declare how many times a day and where do you plan to do it....

    Yep it's going that way.


    • Thanks 1
  2. On 1/28/2018 at 8:16 AM, altcar bob said:

    Now you know,you do know its easier to look Kayak,Airasia  or whatever than asking me....but yes I am going over next couple of months for heart/cancer scans, airfares for nearest point about 6 to 7 thousand baht,prob cheaper when I eventually book  (Calcutta,Kolcutta)  just look up medifee for that city for choice ,get skin cancer  bowel  GI  heart stress tested  echo tested   far cheaper than Thailand      visa about 40 usd

    Thanks for the info.

    If I get sick it might prove useful.

    Everyone I know that has visited India has been sick from something they got there though, so I'm in no rush...

    Best of luck.


  3. On 1/31/2018 at 5:21 PM, plachon said:

    Queen Victoria will be turning on her plinth, as well as her grave, when she learns of this news. I guess the Embassy will be operating out of a 4 room condo unit in future, as everything is outsourced and austerity post-Brexit Little Britain bites to the bone of its past hope and glory mythology.  :shock1:

    More nonsense, this has nothing to do with the UK leaving the EU.

    The sale of the front grounds was done under Blair/Brown government long before any mention of a referendum on the EU/UK.

    Australia just sold and moved their embassy here.

    The online services mean the FO do not need the staff to provide the dismal service the embassy provided 25 years ago, or as it does now.

    The statue is a symbol not a person. If the new embassy is in an office block it can still be on show, but the Victorian era was long gone before the British acquired the land to build the compound.

    Upgrading security in an old building? It's cheaper to move and reinvest.


    Remoaner bleating rubbish again.





  4. On 1/26/2018 at 10:51 AM, altcar bob said:

    And it was 400 baht where I went (colonoscopy)


    You could well say this....under year ago 5 days hospital india laser op prostate, ....(friend) frightened off by Thai prices flew UK,prob went private about 8000 gbp, I had the op for half what his air  fare was  and Im pissing better than what falls off Niagra

    Good for you, but airfare to India etc?


  5. On 1/26/2018 at 8:33 PM, The manic said:

    I am no fan of the NHS. And agree with a lot of what you say. But don't confuse attemptsto give The  basic dignity of humane, desperately needed, healthcare to Thai poor people with your hatred of a politician. BTW. We pay into the NHS all our lives via taxes and National Insurances Payments.  Its not free at all. 

    I think you are both correct (yourself and BL).

    NHS is extremely badly organised and fatally managed.

    Funded by tax and prescription charges etc and abused in the UK by millions that have never paid in.

    Smokers/drinkers you can argue about (on topic), but they pay in huge amounts to the coffers, and all the obese people do not.

    As medical science progresses to extend life expectancy, like the recent pensions plan law, a health plan insurance should be introduced also, but not like the laughable NI stamps, dedicated and ring fenced.


    Basic healthcare is essential for a modern society, but  should not include gender change or IVF.


    You can get good medical care in Thailand and with a bit of research you can get it for a fair price at a good hospital, although you might have a longer wait (but never like the NHS).




  6. 14 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:



    I assume that report only considers investors from the U.S., who are protected by an antiquated "friendship law" dating back to the Vietnam war and which allows U.S. citizens to actually own 100% of their business. 


    As for the rest of us: Yes, it's perhaps easy to start a business with a sackful of money to invest - and lose once your 51% Thai partner smells the profits and saws you off like a dead tree branch; or because your greasy Thai lawyer failed to inform you that as a non-U.S. foreigner you were actually not legally permitted to engage in that sort of business in the first place.


    I assume that report only considers investors from the U.S. 


    Anyone remember the story of Carlsberg and ThaiBev?



    • Like 1
  7. On 1/26/2018 at 8:28 PM, djayz said:

    So why is my drinking supporting the elderly? 

    I can't stand old people! They're slow and feeble and they smell old... I refuse to drink ever again in this country! Outrageous! 





    It really is just peanuts. 

    Coming up for 46 if your birth date is correct, but born on 29 Feb I guess you think you are never going to be old?

    To teenagers you already are...

    And there is only one alternative to old age.




  8. The 12 districts don't seem to be in tourist areas as far as I can see (corrections welcome).

    If that is correct then we are talking about locals.

    What many people ignore is the fact most prostitution, gambling and late night "entertainment" is 98% Thai.

    New restrictive laws only serve to allow for more extortion by the corrupt BiB.

    Until they are cleaned up nothing can change.

    To achieve that the Army and politicians (elected or not) need to be vetted also as they too are guilty.

    So, the question remains: Who can stop corruption in Thailand?




  9. 10 hours ago, tropo said:

    It's all about the fan. I sleep with a ceiling fan and aircon set to 28C. Right now the room temperature is 28 - 29C, so no aircon.Less fan power requires cooler numbers. I set my room climate so that I can sleep on top of the sheets and not sweat. It's a bit silly to cool the room down so that I have to use blankets to stay warm LOL. If the humidity is high, I may have to drop the aircon setting down a degree.

    A high ceiling with a fan.


    Good night you lucky chap.




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