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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. 13 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    Well, now, have you spoken to the English about this? Let's hear the classical view from Dr. Johnson, which may still hold popularly:


    "The noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees, is the high road that leads him to England!"
    Boswell: Life


    "He that travels in the Highlands may easily saturate his soul with intelligence, if he will acquiesce in the first account. The highlander gives to every question an answer so prompt and peremptory, that skepticism itself is dared into silence, and the mind sinks before the bold reporter in unresisting credulity; but, if a second question be ventured, it breaks the enchantment; for it is immediately discovered, that what was told so confidently was told at hazard, and that such fearlessness of assertion was either the sport of negligence, or the refuge of ignorance."
    Johnson: Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland


    He would not allow Scotland to derive any credit from Lord Mansfield; for he was educated in England. "Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young."
    Boswell: Life


    'Course to be fair we have the bigoted view towards the Irish as well:


    The author of these memoirs will remember, that Johnson one day asked him, 'Have you observed the difference between your own country impudence and Scottish impudence?' The answer being in the negative: 'Then I will tell you,' said Johnson. 'The impudence of an Irishman is the impudence of a fly, that buzzes about you, and you put it away, but it returns again, and flutters and teazes you. The impudence of a Scotsman is the impudence of a leech, that fixes and sucks your blood.'
    Arthur Murphy :Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson

    But you've reminded me to see Braveheart and Rob Roy again sometime soon.

    Dr Johnson, author of the 1st English dictionary, actually used "Scotchman" to describe a jock, and teaze with a Z not an S?


    Braveheart was a terrible movie, a sort of Scottish equivalent of the Charge of the Light Brigade historically.


    And nobody on this thread find's the French annoying?




  2. 8 hours ago, laislica said:

    You have an interesting point.

    However, as we read in another thread, giving money to beggers simply encourages begging, whislt giving food or clothing simply helps.


    If honesty is always given a big reward, IMHO, that simply means that Honesty always requires a big reward..... (custom and practice)

    The reward, IMHO, should be praise and thanks and possibly, a small token of gratitude.....

    The reward should not be linked to a percentage of the potential loss.

    Just sayin.


    We are mostly of the same opinion, just the value of the reward.

    20 baht is a bag of crisps, not much even to an 8 year old.

    200 might have got him a toy, or 500+ a nice toy he would appreciate, cherish and remember it was given for his good deed.


  3. On 12/30/2017 at 9:32 AM, Tchooptip said:

    I called my daughter in Law in Bangkok, she found the telephone number of the owner, called her, if you throw my dad out you will have a big problem with me, not with him because he is a good man, and do not want a problem with anyone.

    The owner came 2 minutes ago OK I am sorry you can stay, but what she did not know a few minutes ago, I saw the hotel employee who told me aggressively "must go" 

    We paid for a few more day so the end of the story.

    Happened to me years ago. Unconfirmed bookings for Thai nationals take priority over falangs on National Park islands.






  4. 9 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    I've never lived here full time :smile: I think that's probably one reason why the money side has never bothered me as much perhaps as some others, used to come and play a lot. Now I feel in my wife I have found somebody and some place I want to spend the rest of my life. Have great children too!! My wife has given me a new direction I never had before I like it. Three years max will be here for good, if my company decides I'm getting too long in the tooth and a bit of down sizing is in order, maybe sooner :smile: I'm easy go with flow no rush.

    Again I will say good for you, but living in Thailand permanently has pit falls. It is very different to work with westerners 10 months of the year to living in a village in Isaan for years of retirement on even a substantial pension. Have you assessed the cost of educating the children, and where to find stimulating conversation for instance? (don't rely on TV)

    I know guys that are very happy and successful and others that have had insurmountable problems despite no money worries who had to escape after 20 or 30 years of marriage.

    Plan carefully is my advice.


  5. 7 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    I agree, and right now it is all good for me, I am fortunate.  But perhaps rather than moan and whinge people better to roll the dice again, be it Thailand or elsewhere, in the snakes and ladders game we call life. I too had a learning curve to negotiate been associated with Thailand for over 30 years :smile: 

    Yeah, I've been here as long but with a few enforced family breaks, like educating my son in England.

    Where you live in Thailand is a personal choice. If the family is good why not if you want to live in the sticks.

    Some people don't want to live on a farm. I don't want to live in a tourist area as I prefer city life.

    My 1st words were "horses for courses" and if it works for you fair enough.




  6. 36 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    Never get the feeling of being an ATM we have a joint bank account and my wife handles transactions :smile: I've said it before, she is better with money than I am :smile: We always discuss any potential major outgoings, just the other day we were offered some soil to raise some land for a project, my wife consulted with me, and had informed the seller that if I agreed, she would let him know, so we talk all the time. Mostly about plans for the future, immediate, and further ahead, you know as married couples do? 

    Good for you, I hope it continues and you stay upcountry and remain happy.

    Not what everybody's experience is though. Look through some other TV threads...



  7. On 12/30/2017 at 2:40 AM, laislica said:

    The point is really that honesty in all things is what is required of everybody and at all times.

    There need be no reward for doing the right thing.

    Otherwise, is honesty only a gamble at the maximum you can legally get out of being honest?

    Leave the lad alone.


    Actually, honesty in relationships would be a good start to a Brave New World?

    You know, honest police men, honest politicians, honest figures in positions of authority, honest public?....


    He did this with no expectation of reward, and seemed happy with his 20 baht.

    But if you think giving him something significant as a reward will not encourage him to shun the intrinsic corruption in the country will not help the next generation of police, politicians and the rest to better behaviour I disagree.

    At 8 years old he should be taught being honest pays off in the end. 20 baht is no encouragement and he could get ridiculed at school for not keeping some of the money and dumping the wallet...






  8. Horses for courses: if you want to live out in the sticks and not pushed into it by a wife that wants to live back in the home town then good on you and enjoy the rural life with the family.

    As others have said, rent first as you might get tired of being an ATM for the family with nobody to talk to.


  9. On 12/28/2017 at 10:19 PM, beachproperty said:

    in general though the usual expat is a loser :shock1: Whether American or British,

    So as an American expat you must fall into your own social grouping. Since we are both losers in your book I think you should reconsider how you judge people.

    Maybe you just don't fit in with the people in that bar, try a Hooters or somewhere that shows American sport and enjoy the company of the rednecks.

    Some Brit owned bars I would never even consider entering, likewise some US bars.

    I suggest you work on your social skills a little and find a group of people you can get along with in a new venue.

    Brexit and Trump are not ideal subjects to start a conversation.

    :burp: Best of luck.


  10. 4 hours ago, zaZa9 said:

    What sort of crap post is this?

    The THAI is being brought up perfectly !

    He found someone elses property and  he did the right thing. And so did the staff announcing that the lost property had been found. ( I bet you wished they kept it ...)


    Theres only one thing contemptible here ... and its the falang insisting that there is ALWAYS something wrong with Thais ... and going on and < deleted> on how dishonest they are ...

    AND then advocating the kid, clearly not expecting anything ,  should not be honest next time !


    My god what a pitiful bunch is  much of this  TV  cesspit.


    If you cant see that the kid did the truly right thing , and  what  he did  is  what every society would love to see its children do  , then its easy. Just go home... must be much better there with your  national morality Im sure ...


    I can see your point, but the kid deserved some decent reward for his honesty and encouragement to keep his integrity.





  11. Chicken essence!

    That just about sums up Thai drivers.

    The biggest ego, wallet or the biggest vehicle has "right of way".

    The whole thing is a game of chicken, you can tell that by just trying to 'cross the road' on foot, even at zebra crossings...


    Driving sober, driving on the correct side, giving way, using lights at night etc etc is just ignored. Police are a waste of space, check points that are undisguised money collection stops that cause delays, and unmaintained vehicles driven by untrained people makes traveling by road a gamble with life and death every day here.

    Any bets on the dead and injured toll being a record this year?





  12. 21 hours ago, hellstens said:

    He needs to see a Psych doctor, that anger is not good to have walking on the street!

    Maybe he should seek help from a Tree Surgeon?

    Chopping a few small trees and plants that will grow again is less worrying than chopping up, strangling, shooting or setting fire to his girlfriend and family... Something that happens here on a regular basis.

    Please get your priorities right.







    • Thanks 1
  13. Are the "ladyboys" men that want to be women or simply homosexual men praying on heterosexual men (and boys)?

    PC has fudged (pun intended) the real motive, other than money, of these nasty, often violent and thieving "transgender" types involved in the sex trade and now also involved in other normal activities that give them opportunities to exploit a situation.

    To remain neutral, I have to say I have met some "tomboy-lesbians" that can also be nasty.

    The liberals have empowered them all with no thought to consequences.


    But maybe I'm just old fashioned...



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