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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. 9 hours ago, tropo said:

    The trick is to bring fresh air in somewhere. Leave a window slightly open, for example. It will cost a bit more to cool the room, but your air will be fresher. The old style wall units used to have vents to the outside, but the new split style can only circulate the air in the room.

    Yes but,

    Sliding insect screens on doors/windows? What happened to them...

    The vents on the old window units were to cool the condenser, not new fresh air.

    Thanks :thumbsup:


  2. 10 hours ago, The manic said:

    giving people healthcare is not a trick it's humane justice. Just because foreigners like you hate the democratically elected leader does not mean the 25 million people who did vote for him think he tricked them. The solution is to have an election.

    Wake up. He bought the election with "gifts and promises" and killed 2,500 people, plus those political opponents that went missing. He should be put to death for mass murder.

    Escaped jail fleeing the country for corruption.

    The health care was about as well costed out as the rice scam he had his sister do, that was to distract from the amnesty bill he wanted.

    Thailand did need a health care system and now it has one that is not properly funded, only by rock stars running from one end of the country to the other.

    Thai democracy? Next at the trough more like...

    Until the entrenched corruption is ended in the judiciary, police, civil service and military nothing will change.


    The question is: Who CAN make the change?





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  3. 16 hours ago, altcar bob said:

    Thai hospitals need leaving alone for everything unless of course you want your wallet lifted     CT scans are done for around 1000 baht  and cataract far cheaper there too..India

    I don't agree.

  4. 46 minutes ago, The manic said:

    I paid 6 thousand baht  per day for VIP room including spare bed for carer and basic nursing. It's  3500 baht for basic room. An MRI was 7 thousand baht for me at Bumrungrad and an x Ray about 25 pounds. Brilliant and cheap compared to the rest of the world. The UK NHS is one of the worst in the western world for successful outcomes for everything from cancer to childbirth.  One of the readons I live in Thailand is for the excellent affordable health care. I just wish the Thai people could afford it too which is why Taksin was so popular. The USA system is plain cruel. The OP should forget belongings in Thailand, look after his health as a priority in whatever way he feels comfortable with.  He has done nothing wrong and nothing to fear on the legal front.

    Political trick by Toxin, now they have to find the money. It needs to be administrated without corruption... Fat chance!


    UK's NHS has been mismanaged by successive governments for 70 years.




  5. Thai hospital costs depend on where you go mostly.

    CAT scans are not cheap as the equipment is VERY expensive.

    If you have money you should go private in the UK if you don't already have Bupa or something.

    NHS is swamped now. It is a political ping pong ball that is out of control and has been for most of the last 40 years.

    My dad was misdiagnosed three times with things before he died and I have had a similar problem over a cataract operation I need.

    Best of luck, hope you get well, the possessions can wait until you recover.



  6. 17 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    No never sweaty. Planes are iceboxes one has to wear a jacket. BO yes. Some people can't do anything about it I think,  it seems to be genetic. Last year once a man ACROSS the aisle smelled so bad I had to put the blanket over my head. When you are near a real stinker the plane is always full too. Bummer.


    Smokers foul odour of clothes, body, and breath is due to choice. A lifestyle choice that causes trouble for others.



    Intolerance of other people's life choice is not allowed these days, or are not aware of PC?




  7. 9 hours ago, Mac98 said:

    Smoke a pipe 55 years. Lungs, heart great shape, says doc. I enjoy it, relieves stress, will never stop. Good for you stopping killer cigarettes. But what would the boys in the foxholes during WWII have done without them?

    My Dad smoked a pipe (Three Nuns when I was a kid).

    He gave up cigarettes for a pipe in his teens as he thought they slowed him down playing rugby.

    In later years he still had a pipe with Edgeworth tobacco, but liked a good Cuban cigar (Romeo y Julieta).

    When he died he had no diseases, just "worn out" as the doctor put it.





  8. 20 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    Thank you for joining the pale of human decency. I just spent a very unpleasant 7 hours seated next to an American woman on a flight. Even though it was business class being in proximity to the constant light odor of cigarette emanating from her hair and clothes was more than I could bear. I spent most of time in a sleeping position with a blanket over my face and skipped the second meal.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Oh dear my heart bleeds for you. How you must have suffered horribly.

    Grow up, she didn't light up. How many sweaty BO overweight non smokers have you sat next to?





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  9. Ah! Hot or cold?

    Horses for courses and that applies here too.

    I like a fan and blanket, she likes 22c air and a huge duvet...

    Compatibility or compromise?

    I have other problems too, my missus kicks and rolls around in her sleep.

    Any suggestions other than the spare bed (for her)?





  10. On 1/18/2018 at 4:00 PM, roger101 said:

    I'm more concerned about the security than the cost. If it was just cost the UK's Post Office does a signed and tracked service for about 250 Baht for a small letter.


    With the normal post my sister sent a Christmas Card on the  3rd December which I received in January.

    A couple of years ago my new card got lost in the Christmas post in the UK . The bank would not send the replacement outside of the UK.

    If you have an address in the UK just get it sent there and someone can Fedex or DHL it to you here in a padded envelope. No problem and I got it in 3 days from posting.



  11. I love this, "technology is infallible" or so those that sell it would have us believe.

    These "algorithms" are hopeless and need much more development before they are actually capable of making a contribution over competent humans.

    They might help things speed up but are not able to process variables they are not programmed for.

    Take "voice recognition" as an instance which is still bloody hopeless, whatever you see advertised.

    I worry that Thai personnel will be involved in the development of self driving cars in the LoS.


    Reliable AI is a long way off...



  12. 19 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is not exactly correct. Those working at a school as staff, admin and etc are covered under the same clause of the police order as those that are teaching.

    Thanks for clearing that up Joe.

    My work in Thailand was not in Teaching but I put my son through school here for a few years and there were usually foreign admin staff not just teachers.

  13. The person involved was not employed as a teacher.

    That he worked in a school is irrelevant. As an admin worker was he entitled to a WP in the first place?

    I understand the situation has people concerned about their own circumstances, but was the decision correct or just a one off due to the immigration officer making an arbitrary decision?

    I suspect the officer allowed a 6 month extension to avoid the hassle of disputing how he got the WP in the 1st place.

    Has the supposed 60K law even been announced???



  14. 10 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    Only in your dreams can you post proof that GBP/THB was 80 ish in about 1992 now stop wasting everyone's time on this point.


    No, all currencies do not devalue over time, unless you intend in that remark to refer to inflation, which is not a function of a currency pair.


    And your points about pensions are also wrong yet again, it's not a case of 2.5% average since they were introduced, the 2.5% was a part of the triple lock introduced by Cameron/Osborne, not 3.5% and not lifetime average.


    And I think you and me are done here since I'm not going to waste  my time correcting your understanding of these things repeatedly.


    Yes done and blocked. You got the pound to dollar wrong, never a typo. I made money on buying and selling around that time but it looks like it was a lower starting point.

    Currencies do not devalue over time, year right:cheesy:, what planet do you live on?

    You still don't answer the question. Is the pound plunging now?


    Bye bye.


  15. On 1/14/2018 at 11:34 AM, billd766 said:


    Here is a link showing the GBP/THB forex rates since 1953. This particular year is for 1992 but you can change the years and the currencies.



    Okay, but the rate change at the time made me quite a bit of money over a period of about 18 months buying and selling.

    Maybe it was 38 to 50, not 50 to 75.

    I used a different set of stats but no reason to think these are any different.

    The point remains, the pound is not plunging and the premise of the OP is wrong.


  16. 22 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    I note you are not equipped to discuss forex or economics, neither by virtue of knowledge or good manners, never mind, here's some reading for you:






    The cheat sheet answers, should be too lazy to read the articles in the links I provided or not be able to understand them, confirm the value of the Pound has been falling since the second world war, indeed, even before that. Specifically, in this century it was overvalued twice, once up to 2007 and again at the time of and in light of the referendum on Europe - many economists foresee a third stage which will take place within the next two years. 


    BTW the Pound was hard linked to the US Dollar until the Asian crisis in 1997, after which it was unpegged and allowed to float freely - it was in '97 and '98 that GBP/THB reached in excess of 80 baht but only for short periods, not during the early '90's, regardless of whether you were here or not! 


    And the UK triple lock on state pensions is worth 2.5% per year, not 3.5%.


    If you have any questions on this, do some research!

    Thanks for the laugh. I can show statistics the pound was 80ish to the baht in about 92, maybe you should look that up.

    All currencies devalue over time, and exchange rates fluctuate.

    It depends on what currency you use as comparison.

    The 2nd World War, well it financially broke the UK and we were still paying the US "lend lease" installments in the 21st century.

    The pension increase in the UK is subject to the triple lock rules and again can differ year to year. An average since it was introduced may well show 2.5% but it is dependent on the factors that control it and the increase is intended to keep pensions above the rate of UK inflation.


    You ignore my comment on the OP,  and the whole thread is nonsense as the pound is not plunging.

    That is my point if you missed it, ignored it or it is beyond your English language comprehension ability.


    Try to keep up with the news...



    If you are such a financial genius how come you are reliant on the UK pension to survive, if you have or when you do retire?




  17. 23 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    A devaluation was always possible, just like the world might end tomorrow is also possible, that doesn't stop us having empathy for the pensioners who are in this difficult situation and who are seeing their lives turned upside down during their twilight years, DOES IT!

    Hey, I'm one of them! I have a fixed income too.

    What annoys me is it has been like this for years.

    Pensions rise by the "triple lock" at about 3.5% when you live in the UK and the lock on ex-pat pensions has been in force for many years for those residing outside the qualifying countries.

    Fact remains that the major costs to live remain cheaper here than in the UK (with the exception of buying a car if you want to dice with death on the roads). Gas and electric goes up every year by 6-7% in the UK.

    Inflation in Thailand is lower here than the UK too.


    People have moved to Spain and got the pension increases, but lost a home in the land/condo scams and property crash that happened.


    "The world might end tomorrow is also possible", indeed it could and in two years the Baht might be 70+ to the pound... (I was here in the early nineties when it was 80++)

    What is that supposed to imply?

    Invest in the NK Won?


    My income has suffered, but unless the already over valued baht gets completely over blown (that will hurt exports, to which the opposite applies in the UK), I am reasonably covered.

    I know people that live far above their means here and have spent too much on properties and left themselves with little in reserve. That is their problem for lack of planning.


    The whole thing about this post is that it is essentially wrongly headlined and badly conceived as there is no "PLUNGING POUND".

    It dropped about 18% 18 months ago, the value of the Baht has increased and the Dollar has decreased since.


    The pound is the highest since late

    June 2016 today...


    Maybe you GET THAT!!!






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