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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    I have a simple question? Why was so much effort made to keep foreigners from entering the country, and so little effort made in keeping migrant workers from entering? 

    We all know what it is, it's that disgusting abomination that's been allowed to run rampant throughout the country, pure racism.......  I know i shouldn't say this but i feel it's time for madam Karma to enter the stage and level the high and mighty.......  It'll be interesting to see who runs and hides under the bed the fastest......  Anutin's gone, Prayut's on the move.......  The tourist ?    Quality.........    Rats and ships come to mind.......  

    • Like 2
  2. Ha ha......Pure comedy !    Ah well, looking on the bright side they could flog off what's left of Thai Airways and when all the little sticky fingers are finished they'll be able to probably buy enough bangers to fuel a rocket.......  Better get onto Somchai Armstrong quick up in Nackon nowhere.........    Hey i wonder if they've passed it by A nut in yet, not only do we have to get vaccines off them dirty farangs but we'll have to spring for a rocket motor from them....... 

  3. Anybody who's lived in Thailand for some time knows that immigration was perfectly fine until precisely six years ago......  The worst damage has been inflicted in the last three years, and the disgusting situation of negotiating for entrance into Thailand based on the amount of extortion levied from the lads in charge is an absolute death knell for Thailand......  

    Attached is a picture of Cheap Charlies from a just a few years ago, all these great popular places destroyed by who and for what ?     This is just a small example of the sad situation that's ravaging the country at the moment........ and i don't mean C19......       

    Charlies Bar..jpg

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  4. It's quite funny isn't it, everytime one of these lot pops up with a statement to make they always look the same..... One guess where the governor and his family hail from...... Er....... begins with "C"........ See the picture forming ?     I wonder if they're still eating dogs up there, it's a hard habit to break coming from the old country......... 

  5. 1 hour ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    I guess the lack of us being able to get more or less fluent in Thai plays a big role in almost everything in daily Thai life. But I see just as few Asians do it let alone Chinese or Japanese (who sometimes speak worse English than Thais on top of that). 


    Just the Singaporeans seem to get good in Thai fast. I would agree one would need to speak above medium Thai to get the nationality, i'd expect the same in Holland. I personally stopped learning at a point, as Thai sounds nicer without understanding it entirely lol, they really gossip a lot and often talk bad too. Or just about such basic nonsense I rather not listen. However I keep picking up more so no escape...

    I learned to speak Thai years ago, i now regret it 100% because now i know how pathetic and meaningless most of the conversations are..... Food, Fun, and the other........ Oh, and also money...... that's your lot......   It's the same reason i don't want to know how the TV works, i'd rather just imagine magic in a box....... something wonderful happening........ignorance is bliss......  Ten years of marriage and i had a go at two meaningful conversations..... Both ended in disaster !     Rent it....... cheaper in the long run...... 

  6. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    I think this should come as a surprise to only the most naive amongst us. When was the last time a high ranking policeman, army officer, administration member, parliamentarian (within the ruling party), immigration or customs officer was arrested, tried and convicted, and sentenced to actual prison time? How about the same for the super wealthy? Red Bull case ring a bell? The Dark Tao killings? The list goes on and on and on. And if you even begin to examine human trafficking, illegal fishing, drugs trafficking, one can only imagine where the trail would lead. 


    Prayuth is not only NOT making any attempt to tackle corruption, he and his band of cronies are doing everything in their power to protect the above. The nation is not in good hands. The students are correct. Oh, will I be arrested for saying that?

    I can see the arrests coming, especially some of us on here who are only spouting the obvious truth, i'm just glad i'm NOT in the country and i'm hoping that while i'm away common sense prevails and the students and others with a more forward thinking attitude get into a position where they can assist Thailand in maturing from a fiefdom into a country for its people.....  But then again it would have to have politicians elected by the people, for the people......    Something certain individuals will not allow to happen at all cost.........  too many brown envelopes still on the table..........and too many snouts in the trough......

    • Like 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, Scot123 said:

    Right at the start some people on here were stating that brown envelopes had increased from 30% of a contract to 40% of the contract and some on here ridiculed those comments.  When you have a system where promotions and positions are paid for meaning that the most corrupt rise through the ranks so you end up with a system so devolved of honour and talent. Not an eyelid is raised how these things become millionaire and even billionaires on very modest salaries.  And then you have a self confessed Mafia man who is a drug smuggler who spent hard time in an Australian prison now in a senior possition. It all is quite disgusting.

    Cockroach infestation...... !     Tea money has been around 45 %  for a few years now......  You couldn't even get a cure for cancer into Thailand without paying all the little greedy hands off first..... It's in the DNA, it's called greedy little #$%@ syndrome.......  Disgusting indeed.......

    • Like 1
  8. Oooooh dear me...... What next from this lot ?  I told you Somchai was going to be next on the moon, when i read this headline i honestly checked the date, and no it wasn't April the 1st !  

    Is there anymore proof needed that jumping through hoops to this lots orders is madness, just wait till the van comes round with the lads with the jackets with long sleeves and carts em all off to the bouncy room house...... Baan Baaa !   Can you believe it ?   Thailand's in the worst state it's been in for years and they've come up with this beauty .......  Maybe this is why they're offering visas to professionals, hoping to scrape up some rocket scientists on the cheap !    Best laugh of the day !  keep it up.....  

    • Haha 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    Be careful before giving them any more info than you have to

    And yes I have worked & paid taxes here for 31 years

    33 years and i've never paid tax in Thailand.......  Just depends on who you work for and what's written in the contract.......   Seriously if Thailand wanted to levy tax on the greedy scale that they would like to, then the best tack would be to control Beer and birds...... Let's face it, like many others, i never came to Thailand for the temple tours.....   Cheap beer and a self replenishing stock of hotties........ All taxable.....   ( But as you say, don't give em ideas ) 

    • Haha 1
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