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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 4 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    and that's the thing, with that visa deal, they can only attract the untalented pool


    their deal is simply not competitive, yet still could be successful, no shortage of untalented freelancers in this world ????

    Otherwise known as chancers........    I can't believe what these loons are coming out with...... I once worked for PTT,  they had a "No Farang" policy because Thais were so clever...... Strangely there was loads of us in a hotel in Bkk paid from a certain country abroad into a bank account in Singapore, never touched Thailand hence no paper trail and no tax......... and more importantly no loss of face having to employ Farangs to pull them out of the sticky stuff......... Then they set fire to a driller off Australia...... Class !     

  2. 5 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Exactly.. They still dont seem to get the concept of what a 'free'lancer is.. It isnt someone with an employment contract !! 

    They just cant get past the control aspects, there has to be a top down employment relationship etc.. Free market competition isnt what they appear comfortable with. 

    If you don't control it then you can't tax it........ 

  3. Let me just get this right...... You want me to surrender myself and my skill and experience and you're gonna allow companies to pay me 50,000 bht  for skills that you don't have in Thailand......  Er, no..... for one i make 50,000 bht in two days at the moment selling my years of experience and qualification to a large oil company next door to Thailand that lets me in for free for three months.....   Cheeky barstuards now want us to surrender ourselves for basically free and get our knowledge and experience dangling a visa carrott, well you know where you can stick yer carrott !.......  50,000bht a month !  I wouldn't get out of bed for it..... 

    • Haha 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, gamini said:

     elite Card doesn't make much sense when when a retirement Visa costs only BT 1,900 and it is so easy to get. But there seems to be a number of posts with vested interest on this forum who are posting false information here claiming that the retirement Visa is very problematic. 

    There's a lot of people on this forum who indeed have vested interests...... there's a few in uniform as well......   100%

  5. 2 minutes ago, lovethai123 said:

    I never even tried to nor I need to.  I don't need to live there. I am happy in my home country. I started going there as most people from my country visit Thailand for holidays. Fell in love and started visiting frequently. That's all. 


    I agree there are many good things about thailand like natural scenic beauty and easy availability of women. But apart from that, I don't see anything so good. I come from a democratic and developing nation and we are the oldest civilization in the world. Thailand is good for holidays. But a family over there. A wife , a child, a home. No never. 


    I would always be scared when my wife's brother turns as her real husband and they throw me out. 



    Nah, it's normally the gardener that turns out to be the wife's real husband, then you're out on your backside..... a couple of million short, if you're lucky.....  Welcome to the land of pork pies...........

    • Haha 2
  6. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    I would assume a few things from this poll. First, the questions were leading. Second, most who support the wearing of uniforms are over 40. Third, there seems to be some confusion here. I think the concept of order and discipline, really means keeping the youth under control, maintaining an extremely conventional society, not questioning the status quo on any level, and obeying the "elders" under all circumstances, and at all costs. 


    There is a seismic shift taking place. The youth are getting tired of the tiny boxes they are being asked to live within, and becoming more open, forward thinking, creative and progressive. They want the nation to move forward. And there is a significant percent of the "older" population that wants everything to remain the same, feels a level of comfort living within that tiny box, with a very limited horizon, and is scared, very scared of change and progress. 

    The future's forward.......... Or it should be........

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  7. Recognition at last !     Just wind the clock back six years and drop the demands to be a multi millionaire with a private jet then Robert's your fathers brother......... The place would be back to normal overnight.......  Tourist visas and consulate staff that would actually help you rather than try their best to stop you getting a visa..... 

    All very easy........

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    Pavements you can't walk along.....atrocious air quality,....choked with traffic (when busy)....scams left, right and centre....over priced drinks......aggressive ladyboys.....drugs and the 'p' word.........all fixed with the prefix NEO.


    Amazing Thailand.


    It is the last place on Earth high end tourists would want to go.

    Oh yeah, i can see em all picking up sticks in Bermuda and heading towards the new paradise........ Pattaya !......   What are these lot on ?   

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