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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 4 minutes ago, Truth Will Set You Free said:

    Why don’t they just do 90 visa which will cut down on the work load.  People spend to much of their time trying to get extension and cut out the corruption. ????????????????

    Money...... 1900 first pop, 1900 second pop........  Then there's all the external costs of visa runs....... All about the money honey.........  Greed, rampant greed.......  

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, mtls2005 said:


    Like, which countries?


    Options appear limited?



    Doing just that, i'm in Portugal at the moment, no quarantine and no hassle, free entrance........ bars open and all the fun of the fair.......       Thailand's killing itself with all this confusion and xenophobia and most people just don't trust it anymore....... Like i've said many times........ New management needed..... 

    • Like 2
  3. Says it all...... Holding the place hostage while they work out the next heist....... Not good to have too many witnesses around....... By the time Thailand opens again most serious travelers will of moved on to easier pastures, along with lots of enterprising young ladies......  All for the good of the people of course.......    It's so sad what's happened in Thailand, and sadly it's not finished by a long chalk......... Not until some individuals get their marching orders....

    • Like 2
  4. 51 minutes ago, lungbing said:

    It was a stitch up between France and Britain to keep Siam as a buffer between  British Burma and Malaysia and French Indo-China.  Those bits the British wanted, they took, eg the states that are now in Northern Malay and those bits France wanted it took, like Battambong, now in Cambodia.

    And as for Thailand never being colonised, what were the Japanese 1941-1945 then, armed tourists?

    Honoured guests i believe....... The same ones that marched / peddled down to Singapore knocking off an estimated 90,000 Chinese on their way....... 

  5. 10 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    Well, they say that, but they still had a Chinese Opium War style exploitative treaty situation, as well as giving away a lot of land that they captured from Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Malaysia.


    It was really all down to Rama V convincing Western powers that they didn't need to colonise Siam to exploit it of its natural resources, but that he was modern/civilised/organised enough to facilitate it.

    The Bowring Treaty......  It was Britain that stopped the colonization of Thailand, nothing to do with Thailand being strong or smart, Rama V was chuffed to bits that he had the worlds super power as his heavy and he often used them to do his bidding, including a few British gun boats down the South......... Even his Admiral was British..... Sir John Bush, Chief of Police, Ships Captains, mercenaries, etc,etc,etc,.......  A part of Thailands history not known by most........

    • Thanks 1
  6. Very sad, but this is just one of the well known attractions of Thailand that used to attract Thais and farangs in hoardes.

    Hemmingways, Climax, Cheap Charlies, New wave bar, Soi 7, Soi 11, Soi 7/1, Sukhumvit street bars, Onnut beer garden, etc.etc,etc........ Get the picture ?  All of Thailand's going to look like KSR very shortly.......   

    I'm currently in Portugal and i'm looking to get the hell out of SE Asia as the madness of greed seems to be infecting all the surrounding countries, i'm just glad that in my thirty odd years in SE Asia i enjoyed it to the full....... I'm gonna miss you Thailand, but the buffalo's too sick to fix........  

    • Like 2
  7. I have to agree with Scot123. Being an old hand here i can honestly say that Thailand has given me some of the best laughs and times in the last thirty years, unfortunately i can say that the rot set in around 2006, was filled up in 2014 and now the decay has spread so far that the only solution is EXTRACTION ! 

    I'm sorry for the Johnny come latelys because they'll never know how good Bkk and Thailand used to be......  There'll never be an "Old Thermae" again....... and even the fairys rule the Malaysia Hotel now........ We're all Doomed !    Thanks Thailand......Re-Set necessary......  

    • Like 2
  8. 13 hours ago, NeoDinosaw said:

    From Cambodia all the round eyes were  trucked out from the French Embassy , where they had been gathered, through to Aranyapathet.. It was slow moving because of  the number of massacred locals blocking the roads.   

    100%   You've also left out the fact that those who massacred the population were under Communist Chinese control and strangely enough are still in power in Cambodia today........   Doesn't bode well for Thailand if they carry on kissing Chinas bum......  Pol Pol 2 the sequel, starring in the lead role.......  Cha Cha, cash my cheque.... 

  9. 14 hours ago, BigStar said:

    And that could happen here!!! Have achieved maximum hysteria now? We've had SUCH a good time playing our fave sport.

    It's funny last year many "Expats" in Thailand felt nice and secure jumping through all the hoops and congratulating themselves on how wonderful and righteous they where and how everyone else should just go home and leave Thailand to the righteous hoop jumpers........  Strangely you don't hear much from them now......... I wonder why, do you think it's because they're too busy emptying their duds ?      

  10. 14 hours ago, BigStar said:

    Exactly. All farang bank accounts will be confiscated, safety boxes broken open, houses searched by Thai SWAT teams and looted, farang rounded up, detained, extorted, and then summarily deported. Could happen tomorrow.


    Our naive noob members, babes in the wood, seem never to have learned the classic, shrewd, street-smart TVF Poster Three Primal Laws Of Survival In Thailand:


    1. Never invest in anything you aren't ready to lose;

    2. Never own more than you can carry with you or freely leave behind;

    3. Keep your suitcase packed at all times.


    Experienced, knowledgeable members follow these religiously. Why are you still here, anyway?


    Now quoting one or more of the Laws entitles you to an extra ten (+10) instant points of TVF posting cred from our peanut gallery, but you blew it. Still, you have time to RUN! NOW! You've been warned!!! Meanwhile I'll continue to enjoy the good life in Pattaya. ????



    Pattaya ?    Well, i truly feel sorry for you.......   Shooting any lower you'll have no toes left.....   Kao jai mei ?  

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