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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 4 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Singapore had the situation under control for a while until all those migrant workers who stay in very cramped dorms started to get it, then it spread like wildfire. 100's of people packed in like sardines 10 to a room sleeping on bunkbeds.


    Do we have any cramped dorm like conditions in Thailand?


    I'm sure the government are all over this issue now they've seen what can happen in Singapore.


    Construction work camps is what I'm referring to here.

    Go and have yourself a walk down Klong Toey and see how poor Thais live....... Mind you only in daylight...... 

  2. 18 hours ago, garyk said:

    IMHO, with Thailand now on a linear trajectory with CCP views. Anyone wanting to invest or retire in Thailand is in for a world of hurt. Anyone retired, that can get out of Thailand should get out. This is not thing to be taken lightly. 

    Said it years ago, just treat it as lightly as you can, because any serious involvement here is only going to end in tears.......  Nothing you can't pick up and run with.....  

    • Like 2
  3. 15 hours ago, BeltAndRoad said:

    They have to counter Australia's order of useless submarines.

    Ha ha.... the only difference is that the French ( Aus ) ones are scared to submerge and the Chinese ones will be staying on the bottom......  I don't know who's dafter ..... If you want a submarine you either talk to the British or the Germans....... Plenty of practice..... 


    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    You are very condescending. 

    When I say that I speak Thai, I mean fluently. A few years ago when applying for Thai citizenship, I got full points on the Thai language test. But I guess you do as well, being a tourist. 




    Why on earth would i want Thai citizenship ?  Mmmmm, sound as though you're wearing a silver bangle mate...... All the best of luck anyway.......  I speak fluent Thai as well..... But i don't want to be Thai, i have a nationality that allows me freedom of movement....... Unlike a Thai....... 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    I've had nothing but nice times with Thai ladies (for very reasonable amounts of money)

    One Thai wife, one Thai LTR girlfriend, many short times .........

    All enjoyable and memorable.


    Compared to the Brit schoolteacher that tormented me any cheated on me for 30 years .... they were all saints.

    The great thing about Thailand, there's no judge to hand a woman all your hard earned assets, if you gave her too much, you only have yourself to blame.


    As for the OP ....... pay a fortune for PR in a country whose government hates me ......... no thanks.

    Yeah same same, had an English teaching girlfriend for seven years, turned out she was on the batter for six of those years with a written account diary of all of her exploits, made 50 shades of grey look like a ladybird book on cookery.......  As for Thai women, had thirty years of mostly nice experiences, one or two nutters, but mostly ok..... the secret was though...... "If it flys, floats or F&^%s", rent it........  Spent most of my working life contracting and offshore, heard every horror story there is concerning women.....  Coming from the North of England you'll only get what you're worth from me, nothing more.......   But it's all been a giggle.......  

    I fully agree with your last comment though, why bow down to people who'd rather hoof you up the chuff. ?..... Nah, do what they do and keep them on their toes......  When i was leaving Thailand last year going into Malaysia the immigration officer asked me why i was leaving Thailand and how long will i be staying in Malaysia ?  The answer which was screaming out of my passport was that my visa was up, and as long as i want was the answer to the latter question, something she did not appear to like........ Plus the visa's free....... Big smiles all round........ 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    I agree that many 15 year olds are woman -  but you said "I'm reminded of what a Thai girl once told me," rather condescending, ain't it?



    Out of interest, would you take marriage counsel from a sex worker in your own country?


    I see no relevance to the number of years I have lived in Thailand.


    Why did you presume she was a sex worker, just because she hung around 7/1 ?  A lot of other "Workers" hung around there as well..... As i said, is your stamp dry yet ? because like a lot of people on TVF you don't have the experience to voice opinions regarding Thailand....... The general opinion is 15 years, ability to speak the language and have ventured out further than BIg C.......  Woman, girl, individual without a phalus..... pretty much the same......   I knew you wouldn't tell me your time here......... It shows though...... 

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Late 20's yet you call her a girl, that's confusing. Soi7/1, say no more regarding her job.

    Sounds like the ideal Thai person to take marriage advice from :cheesy:

    If you knew what you were talking about you'd know that any border lady is basically a woman at 15, seen more life and had more experience than you could probably dream up...... Go on tell me how long you've been here ?  I need a laugh.....  

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, flinc2020 said:

    'The real problem: nobody had saved for a rainy day.' Not strictly true, many politicians saved for a rainy day, in the Cayman Islands, Monaco and numerous other offshore tax haven accounts, oh and of course bullion hidden away from prying eyes. They just didn't save for a rainy day for their population or country!

    100% right..... I have a family member who used to work for the TMB, a foreigner moving money out of the country........  Oooops, have i said too much ??? 

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    How old was she? What was her job, if she was old enough? 





    Oooh, the indignation !   The lady was in her late twenties, came from the border between Cambodia/Thailand at Poipet, always wore army trousers and hung around years ago on 7/1 Suk..... I asked why the trousers ? she said it was because being brought up on the border and PI&^ poor i used to get cast off clothes from the soldiers....     Anything else you'd like to know.........  Just as a matter of interest, how long have you been in Thailand... ?   Is your stamp dry yet ? 

  10. 5 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Sister in law did it all.. Took about 5 years from arrival.. With all the free school, free language classes, free assistance.. 

    Now a citizen with benefits, pensions, land ownership rights, etc etc.. While at the same time working has purchased 3 houses in Thailand with money she made there. 

    My mates girlfriend did the same, five years in England, own business, nationality, making a mint..... Asked her if she'd come back to Thailand to live ?  Looked at me like i'd lost the plot........ Why ?  

    • Like 1
  11. It's laughable that people are still willing to jump through hoops set up by individuals who don't want you to stay here really but whose only motive is purely financial. Having seen the true opinion of and dislike of foreigners coming out of the mouth of the Health Minister and understanding that there's a lot more like him with the same prejudices why would you want to deal into a game with so much to lose ? and remember in Thailand very few people ever make anything in this country..... I'm reminded of what a Thai girl once told me,   "It starts with a drink and ends up with the last drop of your blood"......  ( Her definition of marrying a Thai ).....  I'm sticking to Tourist visas and keeping moving, Thailand's become stale under the present management and there's so many other interesting places other than Thailand....  I believe it will go back to when i first came to Thailand thirty years ago when they used to beg you to come in because they were skint...... They couldn't stamp your passport fast enough at all borders just to get you into the country, all forgotten now, but i think the combination of bad management and a dose of biological karma might just bring those days back......  God knows the normal Thai person trying to make a crust wants it..... 

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    • Confused 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Thingamabob said:

    I still want to know the name of the smart ass, puerile, idiot farang who turned down the offer of a mask from Anutin in front of an assembled crowd and on TV. A lot of trouble has come our way as a result.

    Doesn't really matter, what matters is that one prod and out came the truth, if you'd of said that a person in such a position could have such opinions and be so childish you'd of been laughed off TVF by all the apologists on here......  It's good to know where you stand........  Old saying, "Forewarned is forearmed"....

    • Like 1
  13. Better be careful what i say here as i've just emerged from a five day ban.....  Truthfully the old fellahs main concern is not the virus or the well being of the people, it's the ever present threat that as sure as night follows day there's going to be large anti "Establishment" protests in the very near future and the "Excuse" of keeping the population locked down is very fortunate to say the least......... His big question is, "When do i let them out" ?  

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, superal said:

    What you say could be on the minds of many expats in Thailand not including the virus aspect cos I am told Cambodia has poor medical facilities . having said that Cambodia has only reported 122 virus cases and 0 deaths . Are there any lock downs or closures in Cambodia ? Do you prefer where you are to LOS ?

    Cambodia is upgrading its hospitals just as Thailand did years ago. People forget that Thailand only had one or two decent hospitals in BKK, the rest were on the same par with Cambodia.  Personally having lived in Thailand for a long time i currently spread my time out with neighbouring countrys, i spend time in Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia Laos, i find that Thailand no longer has the "Buzz" it used to have, especially under the current action man mob......  They've been in power since the thirties, but some have heavier feet than others.........  Or is that smaller brains ?  

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