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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. Sorry lads, no Cpt Nemo this year......  But we do have an old Aircraft Carrier that we've never used....  Go and Play with that...... Oh and see if you can find a pilot to get one of those Harriers off the deck without splattering himself...... 


    As for the pending purchase of submarines under the 2021 budget – a controversial matter at this time of national crisis – the spokesman said that Navy is considering the matter and related legal regulations carefully, realizing that budget must be used to restore the nation and economy as well.

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, kensawadee said:

    DO YOU BELIEVE THIS??????? The Thai gov't has alredy 'ordered' all that hardware and is expected to pay for it once it is finished the construction process..... Subs may take a couple years.......

    The present Thai gov't has no real concerns 'OTHER THAN' It's military .......

    As for Thai people and the gov't's concern..... The 'Hiso' Thais have enough money to take care of themselves.... The 'LoSo' Thais (Thai Poor folks).... Not to worry, They are of no real value...... IN THE GOV'T VIEW......... 

    So the Gov't will talk up this stuff but.... Talk is all they will do.... This present bunch....

    They all know that when this virus craps over they're gonna get the b-jesus kicked out of them...... The people have had enough of action men characters..... and rightly so........ Silly little kids with a fetish for uniforms........ 


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  3. 5 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    This is very concerning. I'm already on a knife edge with Covid19. What if Laos suddenly decide to sweep in through Isan, or we suddenly need submarines to defend against a Malaysian surface attack. NOT HAPPY.

    Malaysia's already got submarines and Laos has an old elephant with a swiss Army knife........ Both could probably do La la Land......  The last time the Cambodians had a poke at them with the remnants of the Khmer Rouge over the (Cambodian Temple) you could hear the Armys ring pieces rattling down here in Bkk..... Don't worry, Thailand always surrenders......... With grace of course.... 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:

    And farangs wonder why they are so hated by so many Asians...

    Yeah it's called jealousy......  You know that box on the immigration form that asks, "Passport valid for which countries" ?.............. Mine says ALL ........... Don't know about yours........ 

    • Like 2
  5. I hope all those westerners who've been jumping through the hoops and depositing large amounts of cash into Thai banks feel safe now, we don't even get a mention it just shows you the opinion of the Powers that be concerning "FARANGS"......  Told you before, "Don't have nothing you can't pick up and run away with".... 

    Considering the anti farang sentiment i wouldn't be surprised if there'll be forced repatriation or incarceration soon...... China really has caught a sucker with this lot.......  "You can only con a greedy person".....  

    • Haha 1
  6. This is from another forum, this nationalistic attitude concerns me more than the virus because we all know how the powers that be and the locals like to find someone to blame........ 


    The version of this story published by a doctor at the Vachira tells a different tale. 


    He clearly stated that the guy died from the injuries sustained in the accident. 


    But he also lamented about bad farangs coming to Thailand, not mentioning having been to a high risk country (Malaysia) or a high risk area (Bangla Road) and therefore putting doctors and nurses at risk of contracting the virus. 
    I mean this guy broke his neck, even if he was still able to speak, Covid probably wasn`t very high on his list of priorities.


    Anyway, story is currently going viral on the Thai Phuket FB pages and the overwhelming tenor is:
    The doctors should have left the tourist to die in the first place. And now lets send all of these bloody farangs back to their own countries... Thailand for Thais...

    We ain`t getting more popular here...

  7. I've just seen this on another forum, even a broken neck is now being dismissed in favour of the much more fashionable virus........  Nasty implications in this letter, "Bloody farangs" go home........


    The version of this story published by a doctor at the Vachira tells a different tale. 


    He clearly stated that the guy died from the injuries sustained in the accident. 


    But he also lamented about bad farangs coming to Thailand, not mentioning having been to a high risk country (Malaysia) or a high risk area (Bangla Road) and therefore putting doctors and nurses at risk of contracting the virus. 
    I mean this guy broke his neck, even if he was still able to speak, Covid probably wasn`t very high on his list of priorities.


    Anyway, story is currently going viral on the Thai Phuket FB pages and the overwhelming tenor is:
    The doctors should have left the tourist to die in the first place. And now lets send all of these bloody farangs back to their own countries... Thailand for Thais...

    We ain`t getting more popular here...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 14 hours ago, thaibutty said:

    The version of this story published by a doctor at the Vachira tells a different tale. 


    He clearly stated that the guy died from the injuries sustained in the accident. 


    But he also lamented about bad farangs coming to Thailand, not mentioning having been to a high risk country (Malaysia) or a high risk area (Bangla Road) and therefore putting doctors and nurses at risk of contracting the virus. 
    I mean this guy broke his neck, even if he was still able to speak, Covid probably wasn`t very high on his list of priorities.


    Anyway, story is currently going viral on the Thai Phuket FB pages and the overwhelming tenor is:
    The doctors should have left the tourist to die in the first place. And now lets send all of these bloody farangs back to their own countries... Thailand for Thais...

    We ain`t getting more popular here...


    Yeah the nasty truth is coming out now......... Not so much the land of smiles eh.........  Just imagine if a "Bloody Farang" had made such a statement in the west concerning a Thai national ?   

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