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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 5 hours ago, 300sd said:

    Perhaps the governor should check with immigration...I'm sure they have all the paperwork he could dream of. 


    And if he's still not sure then he can email or phone these filthy farang, so his police don't need to get close to them!

    Nah you're missing his point, he wants Farangs to crawl up to his desk and beg forgiveness for being alive, he's probably a relation of A-NUT -IN ...... Actually checking through immigration data is too much work for such an esteemed individual, after all it never mentioned working like that when he bought his job..... 

  2. 17 hours ago, smedly said:

    more racist (deleted) so a Thai arriving from Bangkok or any other risky area in Thailand is "No risk at all" just those pesky foreigners 


    Like I said in another thread - forced testing is next for all foreigners - what an earner - it's all about the money

    You can see it coming, these lot know no limits to greed...... Give one an action man uniform and they turn into Mussolini........ Clap your hands and off comes the uniform while they're running away........  low life.... 

  3. 2 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    I see a lot of Western countries in a worse predicament. So I guess your view about karma is right. 

    My concern is Thailand, the place i've lived in longer than my home country.....   From what's come to light from all this madness, Thailand better change tack very quickly or else there's going to be big problems in the future, the like of which they've just dodged due to this virus.......  Everyone knew that April was game on, it's just been postponed......  

    As for a worse predicament than Thailand, go and travel round the country when you can and see how poor the country and its people really are....... Western countries have a system to help the population, Thailand has what ?   As my mates Thai girlfriend in England said when she was rushed into an NHS hospital and sorted out without any questions, "How wonderful they were, and that wouldn't of happened in Thailand"......  You're welcome......... 

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  4. 51 minutes ago, Sanchoneymar said:

    The shoes on the other side , what say you ? Karma is a bitch, Those who pray for others downfall are concentrating negative thoughts towards you, without taking cognisance of the slippery ground in which they are standing, which could lead to their downfall. , don't talk bad of others , so you won't receive it in future.

    Exactly as i see Thailands predicament right now....... They were bad to others, now karma's come around and kicked them a new ring piece........  I just hope they learn from this, but i doubt it......  

  5. 3 minutes ago, bander said:

    BIB hasn't got any tea money the last months and the government salary is not enough to pay multiple mianoi's.

    My bet is this crackdown is just the beginning targeting wealthy foreigners (with poolparty at the rooftop) braking the curfew. 


    Dead right it is..... Coppers were trying to shake down our restaurant the other day until the owners Mrs came out and gave em hell !  Told em to leg it while they still could before she called her cop brother...... Bigger ammo .......

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Yep, there I go again. What I am saying is that it´s time to stop moaning and go home or be quiet. Nothing of that has to do with what you done for Thailand or how big family you have in Kanchanaburi or Myanmar. As you say, either you put up with it or shut up with it, right?

    If you don't know what happened in kanchanaburi or Burma then you must either be Thai or cerebraly challenged..... 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Yep, there I go again. What I am saying is that it´s time to stop moaning and go home or be quiet. Nothing of that has to do with what you done for Thailand or how big family you have in Kanchanaburi or Myanmar. As you say, either you put up with it or shut up with it, right?

    I've put up with it for thirty years....... but that's not to say that i agree with some of the latest moves coming from the Powers that be...... 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Just a normal guy, with a normal quote of intelligence. That tells me you have just been a person that could have been replaced.

    You said it....... "normal", unfortunately normal didn't build the underground, skytrain, airport, oil and gas projects..... My last project was on the extension to swampy......  As i said, "Some" farangs have helped Thailand and some are as you say, just normal........  Blown trumpet over..... 

    • Sad 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Well how do the Thais see immigrants (The expat word is just a sad attempt at exceptionalism). In this case lets say Caucasian immigrants. I guess maybe like this.

    1) Come here to do a job, contribute to the economy, pay local taxes............wellcome.

    2) Come as tourists for a few weeks, spend their money, go home...........all welcome including Chinese and Russians.

    3) Come here to retire, maybe marry locally, exploit the high relative value of our foreign pensions, and the exchange rate (When that was possible), get plenty of cheap totty, and sunshine, and largely contribute very little apart from renting condos and purchasing food and beer...................barely tolerated apart from the limited number of Thais selling their wares direct to them. 

    How long does it take for the penny to drop that these are the people that most Thais - in government in particular - have no interest in. We are not God's gift to anyone. Thus the latest Covid rules regarding extensions are aimed at tourists, not immigrants. 


    In assessing whether to go or stay you need to do a rather complicated calculation.

    1) Do you have a preexisting condition, and does it effect your immunity.

    2) Are you well insured. 

    3) What are the relative chances of catching Covid here and at home. 

    4) If you are more likely to catch it at home or on the flight home, how critical to you is the medical treatment you would (Hopefully given the idiocy of Trump and Johnson) be given at home.

    5) How likely is it (See first para) that Thai authorities will use this opportunity to continue to turn the screw on their least welcome immigrants in the future.

    6) Will the Covid situation improve world wide by the time you want to/have to go home, and how will that effect flight cost and availability.


    Donald Rumsfelt was a crook of course, but his line about known unknowns, and unknown unknowns was a classic. The same applies here, there are too many variables, and it is impossible to give a simple answer whether to go or stay. People just have to make their own judgement I guess. 





    Well written....... No 5 looks like the ticket..... 

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  10. 6 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    No problem, but then there is no need to complain. Or maybe that is deep rooted in the culture?

    Here you go again........ "Deep rooted in the culture" ?   I might remind you sunshine that most western countries have put up with a lot more than Thailand ever has..... Personally i had a lot of family in Kanchanaburi and Burma that put up with a lot more than a virus that might or might not harm you........ Not a Thai in sight by the way.......... Apart from the ones that shopped the escapees.......    

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  11. 6 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    So, now you are all given an option and your government is trying to help and assist you. Then there is no need for staying and complaining over that everything get so hard and Thailand is making you jump through hoops.

    Now there is a chance to get information and get help as well as register for the last plane out. 

    Cheeky ........  Many "Farangs" have done a lot for Thailand, don't forget that........ 

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