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Classic Ray

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Everything posted by Classic Ray

  1. This is simply a protection for hiso hospital owners from their cronies in government who will use the people’s taxes to pay tourists hospital bills when they default. Nothing to do with reassuring tourists.
  2. Most advanced in altering taxi meters but cannot even construct bus stops for baht buses and tourist coaches to pick up and drop off passengers!
  3. Has anyone checked if he was in possession of a valid Rabbit card? Do they do a Monkey card?
  4. Whilst the armed forces, education, health care, police, land offices etc are all run as profit generating businesses, with low basic salaries expected to be topped up with corruption, nothing will change here. They even have an Anti Corruption bureau where staff have been arrested for corruption!
  5. Can’t they get rid of the the afternoon period without the country descending into anarchy? It’s worked everywhere else.
  6. As long as they display relevant quotations alongside from all other major religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc, this can reinforce the teaching of comparative religion that all children should receive before making their own choice of which, if any, they choose to follow.
  7. I understand that he is aggrieved, but in most countries, unless she was coerced into the relationship by the power imbalance, this would be regarded as a private matter. Here I think it is more a loss of face for the husband that is the real grievance.
  8. Marketing technique by Lazada? No such thing as bad publicity.
  9. Not usually a recommended HR technique for staff management.
  10. The alternative adopted in Western countries that banned burning is to plough the stalks into the ground. This does not kill all the bugs so some measures may be required to assist. There are also stubble digesters that can process the stubble into compost. The Government could assist with this but do not seem inclined to spend any junket money on it.
  11. They should consider tourist safety with more enforcement of unlicensed motorbike rental, drunk driving, illegal parking/taxi mafia, ladyboy jewellery snatches, and training/regulation of nightclub doormen. This is all from posts here, I never visit, put off years ago.
  12. At least the UK police are trying to reduce the guns in circulation and the victims harmed as a result. When are Thai police going to take similar measures? Incidents are reported daily of firearms being used in quite ordinary domestic disputes as well as in crimes like robberies and by gangs.
  13. Possible that he means he has third party only, but no cover for fire and theft, or damage to his own vehicle. Many companies refuse to provide comprehensive cover once your vehicle is six years old, especially if you change provider.
  14. Why are three consulting companies involved? Usually one for the client, one for the contractor.
  15. Maybe he will spend some of his last days recording what else he knows about public figures in Thailand.
  16. I use Sirinthorn Hospital for my GERD/Type 2 Diabetes etc treatment and find the doctors and nurses excellent. Doctors have better English of course than nursing staff but I can get by without much Thai. i would give them a chance first, but of course you have to write off most of a day for treatment/waiting.
  17. Esso used to be advertised as putting a tiger in your tank, waiting to see what slogan this petrol company will come up with.
  18. One strategically placed CCTV camera could monitor the sauna for both illness and people giving others unwanted attention. Most gyms already do this in other areas. Have to wait for someone to care for their customers in Thailand.
  19. When the police stand by and let the mob throw statues in the Docks, it’s open season for all protestors to do whatever they want to advance their cause. Disgusting to see how those sworn to prevent and detect crime and disorder are abrogating their responsibilities.
  20. There is a range of behaviour and preferences in sexual activity. Gay, straight, bi, sadist, masochist, dressing up as babies, even cannibals etc etc. There are always other people who feel the same or are willing to provide services to those prepared to pay or with shared interest. As long as no one is harmed, especially children, let people do whatever they want with other consenting adults.
  21. What I can’t understand is the statute of limitations applying in very serious charges like causing death. There have been many successes with cold case reviews and investigations of serious sexual abuse in Western countries that bring some measure of justice to victims and their relatives, Thailand seem to prefer to whitewash anything in the past and appear to be on its face a perfect country. Democracy means showing that human rights are respected and protected, including the right to justice.
  22. The moral compass, or lack of, shown by Thailand will affect tourism, and also investment by companies and countries like those in Scandinavia which have high moral standards. Continuing to ignore outside pressure will affect the Thai economy in a negative way, especially with competition for manufacturing and cheap labour from other countries.
  23. I think you mean lam. Lamb is more appropriate for Welsh and Kiwi villains!
  24. This might just be reminder raids to ensure that the right people are rewarded tomorrow.
  25. M Pass and Easy Pass (not called Easy Flow) have joint lanes on highways with yellow lights above the booths. You have a card which is read automatically at the booth and the toll fee deducted from the balance. M Flow is a new scheme with its own lanes where you have to register your vehicle number, as ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras read that number. Every month ( I think) you receive a bill for the tolls you owe. The system eliminates queues at toll booths.
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