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Classic Ray

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Everything posted by Classic Ray

  1. Forty years ago, Greece was like this, all the grandmas in black going ballistic about topless sunbathing. They learned to adjust once they saw the money rolling in, without the same hypocrisy as Thailand, which tolerates open prostitution without admitting it exists. Mores will change over time, if they don’t, tourists will go elsewhere to enjoy themselves.
  2. The rental shops are the source of the problem. If they refuse to check for licences etc, the police should impound the bikes and fine the shops and hirers. But we all know why this simple solution will not be implemented.
  3. The US has taken the first step to restricting Chinese imports by imposing a tariff on Chinese EVs of 100%. Meanwhile Thailand lets them flood in as the Thai manufacturing facilities close as a result. The consequences are no surprise. The Government should be promoting alternative manufacturing industries instead of sending everyone back to the fields.
  4. Isn’t one of the signs of being a hermit leading a solitary existence without human contact? But this one has a wife, lives in a compound and offers perverted healing practices that some people believe in, even if they are not sick. Amazing Thailand - home of make believe!
  5. Probably some tension within Immigration about who will make up the extension fees of 1900 baht that will no longer be required if the allowance is 60 days visa exempt.
  6. Barramundi make excellent eating, I hope enough of them survive the anglers to deal with the tilapia problem. Actually what is the tilapia problem? Are they eating other native fish? Tilapia are also a good food fish.
  7. The legislation in Australia and New Zealand is far more permissive of these activities, although not a human right for customers. The prostitutes human rights are far better protected than in Thailand.
  8. She’s 82, brought up before the “stand back, just film” generation. I’m always amazed how the badly trained and incompetent “electricians” here are so willing to work on live circuits, without any PPE including insulating gloves. Life is cheap.
  9. Thais will choose EVs until the whole life costs, including residual values and costs of repairs/battery replacement are factored in and become reality. Whilst ICE vehicles typically have a lifespan up to 30/40 years in Thailand as they don’t rust much and parts are easily available, it remains to be seen how long EVs can be reasonably maintained. EV maintenance cannot be carried out without specialised training and facilities, which may not suit non-dealer garages. Expect high labour charges at franchises, as well as expensive/unavailable parts to be the norm.
  10. One of the strengths of British democracy is allowing free speech and the expression of a range of opinions. Whilst I may not agree with his sentiments, I do support his right to express them. His constituents and the electorate in general can make their own minds up about his views. As long as he is not provoking or supporting the use of violence to achieve his aims, he should be allowed to continue.
  11. The police can only clear up the mess once it’s happened. Prevention comes from education in schools and, more importantly, good upbringing by parents, or grandparents as is commonly the case.
  12. They are attracted to your house by their food source, insects such as mosquitoes., Due to this I welcome them as necessary predators. Never bothered me in the last ten years since I moved here. If you don’t like them simply block their entry points but prepare for an influx of insects.
  13. I thought a guilty plea usually resulted in a 50% reduction in sentence?
  14. People have been collecting toys like model cars and Barbie dolls for ever, with the most valuable still in their boxes and never played with. This is just another variation, good luck to those who make them and those that like them.
  15. No mention of any arrest of the criminal or court proceedings. Usual weak police response.
  16. With the economy as it is, is this the right time to take on more debt? Who is the imaginary enemy that justifies the upgrading of the aircraft? Time to prioritize helping the poor rather than making another murky deal to benefit the few.
  17. Should really abolish the time limitations altogether as done in many other countries. it’s only enforced in CP foods outlets like Makro and 7/11 and other supermarket chains like GoFresh and Big C so I’m surprised they haven’t pressured for it anyway.
  18. In UK police forces they follow an interview process conducted by a panel for qualified candidates before they appoint a Chief Constable. Not perfect in all cases, but fair. In the US many chiefs are elected in a political process. This appears to be radically different to the RTP process which follows the seniority cab rank model. That might be where it’s going wrong, as it is a fundamentally flawed model, accompanied by pandering and campaigning which must lead to corruption.
  19. Wonder if they made him pay for damage to the gear, like they do for jet skis? Risk assessment is not a developed skill in Thailand when money is involved.
  20. Why is extradition mentioned? If the crime was in Thailand, he will be dealt with locally.
  21. Biden for King? Serves the Yanks right for getting rid of the Brits. Only the Sovereign is above the law in the UK, we can (and do) prosecute any other Royal or politician for any provable crime. But a country considering re electing a madman and only opposing him with a geriatric probably deserves all they get.
  22. It’s an odd part of the Thai justice system that so much seems to be sorted out by the exchange of money between the parties (and the police) without the involvement of the courts or any open fixed penalty system. it just invites corruption and dissatisfaction for victims. Apart from charging/summonsing people to court or officially ticketing them, the police should have no part of financial negotiations, although it does make up for the pitiful official salaries they receive.
  23. Have a proper eye test at a good optician and buy varifocal lenses without visible steps between the zones. I got some for 5000 baht with an ordinary frame from Seven Day Optics. They will deal with both near and far vision. Why bother with surgery?
  24. Can you quote any sources for the trends in the UK you quote?
  25. Another case of Hu done it.
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