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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. 17 minutes ago, ReMarKable said:

    I find a little tip makes my annual immigration visit go a little more smoothly.

    Yes for sure, but you are part of the problem albeit in a small way, giving tips, brown envelopes, back handers, etc. is just feeding the corruption that is endemic in LOS purely to make people do their jobs, residential proof is supposedly free but you have to pay everytime (at Jon Chien at least) with no hope of a receipt. 

  2. Maybe i am looking in the wrong place but the pic in the opener article with a vehicle nearly broke in half, does not look like a pick-up to me, my apologies if this has been mentioned, but could not be bothered to read through this two year old article, where apparently no one has claim involvement or claimed passport etc.

    Off topic but where has my Quote option gone?

    • Confused 1
  3. I can't quite understand how the Thai seals got some way into diving in the cave before saying they had done all they could and needed help, surely they must have gone past the dry spot where these four were stuck without any diving equipment, who had got there before the water rose cutting them off, would be interesting to know if someone has more knowledge of this!

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, baboon said:

    Putting aside the scoop of the century that he wants to stay on, my question is this: Is the man mental?

    Does he lack the self-awareness to realise he would be a complete and utter laughingstock without Article 44? Surely he can't be that stupid...? 

    You forgot a complete amnesty in case things go wrong, not too many PMs have got that type of protection!

    • Like 1
  5. Does seem a bit far fetched as other posters have pointed out, girl cries rape police immediately swing into action, girl taken to hospital finds no evidence of rape. cctv cameras checked out all working nothing amiss, girl apologises and admits she is in the wrong,  in other words everything  is in order  and police doing  their job, cameras working, hospital does a thorough job, all seems a bit like the honest taxi drivers syndrome, this all seemed to materialise after the other Brit girl cries rape on KT that the joke said there was no proof of rape!

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

    Actually in my view the Common Market was a good thing for Europe as it was just that, an easy and common trading relationship between nations.  What it became, or is becoming, an unelected European Republic then that is the real issue.  The problem here of course is that with the UK leaving they will no longer have any influence. Its like recognising a problem and rather standing to fight for principles, you run away. The British were once renowned for the former but how things have changed.

    Yes i agree had it stayed just that a "Common Market" it would have made sense!

    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

    He was also a two faced General, much like most of the current EU "stealocrats"  who came to political power by ordering the use of live weapons against students in 1965.  There are parallels with others within the modern era who will resort to anything to gain a political advantage.  The British shielded him and supported him and he repaid it by  his own selfish deeds. Remember France in WW2,  the only thing they ever excelled at was running backwards faster than anybody else, well maybe the Italians gave them a run for their money.

    One good thing he did was stopping us joining "The common market" for a while, other than that i agree with you!

  8. 27 minutes ago, africasiaeuro said:

    A prominent businessman does not ride a motorbike. Unless a Harley and then only on weekends.

    Ex at 21 years doesn't sound much logic either. 

    What I see regarding the shaving issue is classic Keegong.


    Free range fowl found another rooster.

    What was good before is not good now.

    Will they ever learn not to trust hen? No matter how excellent their carnal knowledge arts.

    And I don't give a hoot.


    A prominent businessman does not ride a motorbike. Unless a Harley and then only on weekends.

    And definitely not in the rain!

  9. 2 hours ago, BoganInParasite said:

    Been in Nan for four months now. I'm married and of an age where bars are not an attraction for me. There is a ton of restaurants, some golf and a few bars where I understand certain vices can be purchased or taken out. The Thai wife and I shop at Big C and I see less than one farang and Thai wife per visit. We love it here...clean, green and quiet. Nan Immigration is friendly and I've never seen it busy.

    You mean Clean, Green, and Serene, rolls of the tongue easier not that i know even where Nan is, but good luck sounds like the place i would like to live these days! 

  10. 2 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

    This idiot's balls should be removed. There are security camera's everywhere as witness.

    These kind of people are everywhere in the world. Girl child should be thought how to be safe.

    World has changed, idiots wait for the pray everywhere across the globe. Thailand is not the worst.

    In US and Europe religious priests pray on young boys and girls, that is unfortunate and religion is slowly dying now.

    I don't think the "Religion of Peace" is dying in fact gaining ground all the time, and strangling Christianity  wherever it goes, what's left of Christianity that is of course!

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