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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Plenty of Thais of mixed Thai/farang parentage-- including several celebrities-- have Western first names.

    You/he will run into difficulties with "Bob" as a nickname though, as it sounds like the Thai word for sin. "Rob" or "Robbie" should be OK.

    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    True, except Rob will be pronounced Lob by Thais, or Roy as Loy etc.

  2. 5 hours ago, Catoni said:


         Jumping from that height with a rope around his neck ..I'm surprised he didn't decapitate himself.  Usually a hanging drop of the distance that he dropped would rip a persons head off. 

    That's what i thought, i remember something Albert Pierpoint (sp) wrote about how important the length of the drop was so as to stop decapitation, so saying all we can offer is the usual RIP to the poor man, if there were others involved ie. murder lets hope the police find them through maybe the other suicide note that names other ex-pats!

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  3. 11 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Yeap, he will be campaigning for himself. And when people call him out on it, he will just say, "No, I'm not. Don't say I'm campaigning when I'm not. Let me ask you - can the PM break the law?" Blah, blah, blah, blah. 



    He has already stated a few months back "I can do anything i want" so he's well covered, i seriously think he should be called Big Joke Tuu!

  4. 2 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    No, they will not with-hold your pension, some guys have theirs paid into a foreign (Thai) bank account. However you will not get the annual increase of about 3 quid a week if you tell them you live here. 

    They will withhold your pension, if there is any doubt you are not in the UK happened to me, after living in Thailand for about 9 months pension stopped being paid into my UK bank, until i realised my pension had stopped being paid in, i contacted them after about a month and gave them my new address details, they informed me of the no increases rule and dropped my money back to where it before, as i had had a yearly increase, they then paid into my bank money owing after they had stopped paying at the old rate!

  5. 21 hours ago, Esso49 said:

    They tend to deny anything that brings them into disrepute.  After all these years they still deny the Rape of Nanking , and that was 80 years ago. The Japanese age of consent is 13 (https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/japan) so kiddy fiddling this 13 year old is perfectly OK for them in Japan so hence they can go home without a blemish - crazy and disgusting I know, but it is the Japanese law.

    Yes, it seems that way, i've seen pictures of 30 yr. old Japanese women dressed as schoolgirls in sailor suits, knock kneed, and pigeon toed, but if as you say 13 is the legal age i suppose it's ok, seems a bit off to me though, and most westerners i would think!

  6. Yes thanks everyone that tried to help, could not answer individually because of you've guessed, it no quote!

    The problem seems to be down to google but only on my laptop, on the desktop no problems, i've tried deleting google a couple of times and re-installing with no luck, so have been using Opera which works OK, and in TV forum, quotes are there and scroll to the tap is there, but i prefer Google for it's speed, my internet connection here in Sattahip with "True" is painfully slow, and Opera is deadly slow especially in the evenings, so it seems i am stuck with what i've got at the moment!

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