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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. 19 hours ago, pagallim said:

    OK, firstly I can't be objective about what happens in Jomtien.   However, in my very recent experience of doing  a marriage extension elsewhere, it's pretty straight forward as long as you have the copies of the required documentation (none of which is a problem if legally married) and M'Sahib is there to provide originals of whatever.   In fact, it's a lot less hassle than the current Retirement Extension.

    Jomtien is pretty straight forward using ubonjoe's printed requirements, if you are using money in the bank method you need a letter from the bank stating the correct amount is in the bank, the letter must not be more than 2 days old or will be rejected, no witness required, but will be needed for home interview as they call it, for checking and photos which they will take with their own camera etc. virtuall the same photos you take to the their office in the first place, crazy or what!

    • Haha 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Once you get your head around the "its your name in Thai" thing, it becomes more useful, open and operate a Thai (script) name bank account with it, instead of trying to operate an English name account with Thai name ID. If you want to use it for flight checkin, make the booking in Thai script etc.

    Sheryl, the mod that answers the medicial questions, was saying in another thread its needed to register at public hospitials to get ongoing social security if you finish working.

    Yes my checkups at government hospitals, my wife does all the check in details and apparently the pink un makes it a lot easier, don't ask what it makes simpler though, other than than i've never used it!

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  3. 5 minutes ago, fantom said:

    After the Windsor Castle fire £20,000,000 was spent on fire prevention measures, I wonder if there was any fire management measures of any significance at Notre Dame. The thing went up like a bonfire.


    Also just why should the populations around the world be asked to chip in for the restoration? After the Windsor fire the Queen stumped up the renovation costs as it was her property. Why doesnt the Catholic church / Vatican assume responsibility for the renovation?

    Yes she did, but that was after it was reported that the tax payers would cover the cost which caused an outrage!, only then did the Queen step in!

    • Sad 2
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  4. 1 hour ago, OJAS said:

    Indeed, it does strike me as tantamount to cracking a nut with a sledgehammer for DWP to instigate extradition proceedings against suspected "miscreants" to enable them to face the music in the UK, in view of the paltry amounts involved. In any event, I gather that they deal with this issue in practice merely by abating pension payments until differences between frozen and current rates have been fully recovered.

    In my case i did not tell them i was living in Thailand, about 10 months later my UK pension stopped dead, i contacted them via post as to to why this had happened, they said letters sent my old address had been returned, and to give my new address which i did, giving my Thai address, (as i had no other) they were very civil, i was not fined or asked to return the money overpaid, just my weekly pension dropped backed to where it was before i moved to Thailand since an yearly increase had happened in the above mentioned, i think it's very unfair to not get the paltry annual increase, which if you lived in Singapore you get, but not in Thailand!

  5. 16 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

    First job to introduce democracy to Thailand would be to reinvent the Army as guardians of national security taking orders from a freely elected Government. This would involve them relinquishing all business interests including directorships.


    Second job would be to cleanse the police, recreating them as protectors of life and property and servants of the people, free from political interference. No business interests for them either. 


    Both jobs would need substantial pay rises to make corruption unnecessary and easily punished.


    Otherwise the cycle of coups and repressive governments with noses in the trough will continue forever.

    Then you were taken away ever so quietly and shot!

  6. 14 hours ago, bronzedude said:

    Thanks. I hope having a witness during the home visit will be all that's required. If this is the case, it should be no problem.

    That is all you need at Jomtien these days, they specificly told us a couple of months back, no witness required for the extension, but as you say needed at The Home Interview which follows during the 30 day wait for acceptance!


  7. 35 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    It's about looking good in a uniform with gold braid & wings... nothing about ability to fight!

    It's also about job opportunities for the elite friends, hundreds of commanders need thousands of soldiers to justify their existence!

    We all saw how efficient the "Thai Navy Seals" were last year, couldn't get a football team out of cave !!

    To be fair, at least the Thai Navy Seals admitted they could do no more and needed foreign help, credit where credit is due i think!

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