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Posts posted by maxcorrigan

  1. 7 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    If you don't understand the process first, it might seem like officials are messing with you even when they're not.  Varying English abilities on their part can exacerbate it.  If you soak up all the horror stories and negativity from the internet, you might also develop a negative outlook and a short fuse to getting angry and frustrated. 


    When you submit docs for an extension based on marriage, there's a 30 day processing period, after which you must return and receive the extension/permission to stay stamp in your passport.  That's standard procedure.  It would also be right at the end of your existing permission to stay so sure, you need to show up and finish the process, or make other arrangements.


    Doing an extension based on marriage involves more paperwork and effort on your part as well as for Immigration.  That's why they might try to "sell" you on Retirement if you're qualified.   "My" I/O teased me every year about doing Retirement extension, even though I wasn't old enough.  I am now, my next extension will be Retirement.  Nice!  :thumbsup:

    The last two times i have turned up after the thirty days, they had not received the OK to stamp my PP they said come back in a week my wife who went to the IO said she could'nt make it in a week they said no problem come in fortnight which she did and got the stamp, so i'm not sure how the permission to stay is affected they did'nt seemed to much concerned about it, this was at Jom Chien for what it's worth!   

  2. 1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

    No need to read this article full of platitudes and nonsense. The Constitution ensures that the poor are not represented at the top levels of the country. 

    Nothing will reduce inequality here unless the all mega-rich wake up one morning and stop being overweeningly  greedy. It won't happen. This is a zero sum game.....for poor people to get better off relies ultimately on the mega-rich having a bit less by either paying some taxes, getting less in kickbacks, not getting fraudulent monopolies, or by becoming citizen to whom the law applies. None of this will happen. Marx tells us that the elite will never give up the privilege they have without a fight.

    True, as is happening in the UK right now!

  3. 2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    To cultivate good ethics to the children, the military should have a mini corruption museum stand displaying all the corrupted acts like the GT200, crony officer appointment, airship, aircraft carrier etc and don't ever forget to display the infamous watchgate. They can also have cardboard cut-outs of those infamous military personalities involved in corruption.

    Plus of course a pine tree type chart with Uncle tuu at the pinnacle and respective Generals Admirals, and crooks with thumbnail pix, all in their respective pecking orders, down the widest part for mere mortals who have to pay for it all.

  4. 2 hours ago, jayboy said:

    It's sometimes a good idea to step back and consider what the position would be in a normal country.


    For what it's worth my opinion is that in a normal country he would not be considering what political party to join. He would be considering what he needed to do to avoid arrest, trial and a spell in jail.

    You forget this bloke is fully cloaked with his all encompassing amnesty, so he can't be held accountable for anything he does past present and future, so in his blinkered eyes he is safe (or so he thinks)

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  5. 13 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

    I don't think he understands self-determination or even property rights.  I'm not sure where he's from, but he seems to suffer from lack of a classical education.


    Yes some people on the TVF to go to great lengths to hide their nationality or where they are from, presumably so you can't get back at the poor dears and upset them!

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