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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. It will be interesting to see what occurs with him. He is such a polarizing individual and many still follow him. Only time will tell. Being tucked away in a foreign country of not ones birth can be very hard. I am sure many can understand that, no matter what the circumstances and whose fault it may be.
  2. It is definitely true gamesmanship which is occurring. Who will get to the finish line as the PM of Thailand is anybody's guess, but the majority of Thai people, well the younger folks, want to see Pita in the drivers seat.
  3. Looks like the concerns of demonstrations are not just being taken seriously by the Thai police and the government but have made the rounds to the foreign Governments as well. Just received this notice from the ACS US State Department Location: Throughout Thailand Event: The U.S. Mission in Thailand is monitoring reports of possible demonstrations nationwide. Although violence is not expected, even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. Avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations. Actions to Take: • Monitor local media and our Embassy website for updates, and check your email for further alerts; • Avoid demonstrations and large gatherings; • Review personal security plans; • Remain aware of surroundings; • Follow the instructions of local authorities.
  4. If that were to happen and they obtained all of the Votes that Pita did not get, then Prawit would definitely win the seat. Should that happen then there will be major chaos in Parliament as any type of bill or funding program will be stagnated for the next 4 years, and the government will be at a standstill with nothing getting done.
  5. The issue of abstaining is an issue, ut even more of an issue are the MP's who decided they had better things to do and could not even show up for such an important vote. Those that did not show up to vote should be removed from office citing Malfeasance as the reason.
  6. I overheard someone saying the entire UTN party as well as the Democrats and Anutins party voted No. The opposition, even if Pita does become PM can make the government a lame duck especially with the senate behind them.
  7. Yet TGJ, it is very tasty and leaves one wanting more. I make scrambled cheesy eggs using it. I put a slice on my breakfast sandwich I make with eggs and bacon. .sometimes must just go with the flow. Yes I eat good cheeses as well when I have my Salami and Cheese as a snack.
  8. I really feel sorry for my Thai friends and there families. Many only want a brighter future for Thailand. The continued belief that tourism will save this country and propel it forward is definitely not sustainable. Industry and innovation needs to be pushed to the forefront, but the ideas are always pushed away by the current government......sad
  9. Will the sad and desperate man named Trump ever close his mouth and stop the drivel it spouts. Heis rhetoric is tiresome and old. He is a person so full of hate it amazes me that people still buy into his views.
  10. The issue there is that no one elected the current sitting Senators. They were installed by Prayut and his group and are loyal to only he and his friends, of which the current coalition led by Pita is not......sad day really.
  11. Watching the Channel 34 HD news now. They are classifying this as a Mafia style murder with Olaf from the Outlaws MC group leading the hit. Peter must have crossed someone somehow......
  12. Its called a markup at Makro. Bought for probably half of the price sold for.
  13. Like a dog that just can not let a bone go.....this is getting to the point where politics here is looking like a rugby match.
  14. You have to love how it's playing out Globally https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2023/07/11/burger-king-super-cheeseburger-thailand-new-meatless-item/70404170007/ Burger King did not clarify how many calories are in a Super Cheeseburger but CNN reported that the cheese alone would be around 2260 calories. The burger immediately became a social media sensation with some expressing complete disgust while others were intrigued. People have begun posting TikTok videos sharing their experiences trying the sandwich or discussing the desire to visit Thailand for the unforgettable taste. Other Burger King restaurants in Thailand offer substitutes for beef including their salmon katsu burgers with rice served as a side.
  15. Another day and another one bites the dust from the UTN. This time many will be excited to see this one gone from the political spectrum. Watch and see if he does not try and become the new General Prem......
  16. I take it you have never eaten any Wisconsin Cheese then, or even cheese from the Northern California and Oregon regions.. Non Americans have no idea of what good cheeses are actually made in the US.
  17. And that's why I posted the laughing emoji, because I agree and the statement made me laugh when you wrote how unprofessional they were. When your not smart enough to do it right and you get caught it is laughable.
  18. Sorry your not a fan, but the imitation cheese slices are excellent for burgers as they melt easily and taste good. I use them when I make a grilled cheese sandwich on my homemade sourdough bread.
  19. Unfortunately, It didn't just collapse into the construction zone. It collapsed and fell into the roadway, where cars and motorbikes were struck. Many were injured, I think so far they have reported 13 or more were injured. Photos showed cars crushed as well as motorbikes. These folks were lucky as were many others. We watched the fakebook live video being streamed by a rescuer.
  20. So its basically a Cheese sandwich. Used to make them with a mixture of sandwich cheeses. All Kraft singles, as well as a good helping of the Kraft Cheddar spray cheese from the can. Yummy as all get out and yes, not good for you, but it tasted very good.
  21. Well now I wonder what pushed him over the edge? Looks like many folks will be happy as all get out and will be partying away the night. How will his BFF Prawit take the news.....
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