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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. He has created a get out of jail free and immunity clause. He's like the gingerbread man....can't catch me.....
  2. Sounds to me they had an indoor Marijuana grow going on. Grow lights would account for the higher electric bills as well.
  3. More information on the return of the Azov Commanders. Seems that Putin was definitely snubbed by Erdogan Putin Cheated by Erdogan RIGHT After Announcing Turkey Trip (msn.com) After wrapping up talks with Erdogan in a visit to Istanbul, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky returned home with five Azov commanders, who were initially taken prisoner by Moscow during a months-long battle to defend the port city of Mariupol. The commanders were freed in a prison swap overseen by Ankara in September—but only under the condition that they would stay put in Turkey until the end of the war. Zelensky posted a video of himself shaking hands with and hugging the soldiers, hailing them as “heroes” and celebrating that “they will finally be with their relatives,” according to Al Jazeera. The president also tweeted on Saturday a photo with the commanders using the caption “Home ????????.”
  4. So many folks in positions of power, such as News folks, entertainment presenters and others, think that they can get away with more than others because they have money. From the article: "In response to The Sun’s report, the BBC said it takes “any allegations very seriously and we have processes in place to proactively deal with them”. One has to wonder if being sidelined and taken off of the air means they have lost their job or what.
  5. The crazy thing is that people like this are allowed to run countries. Russia is only out for itself and really doesn't care what occurs as long as Putin achieves his goals, psychopathic goals with a view of ethnic cleansing. The world has definitely taken a step backwards as far as freedoms go.
  6. One day countries like Thailand will understand how to actually track folks. Even the big countries get a fail in this aspect as well.
  7. And Hot Dogs are not any better. Processing these imitation crab sticks etc...is just that it's Processing. Nothing original in them...
  8. Interesting read and would possibly drive a wedge between the allies involved in providing assistance to the Ukraine. Yet skepticism on my part says if Russia is using them then turn about is fair play. Why allow one to use something and get away without having the same used on them by using them on military targets, unlike Russia using them in civilian areas. Biden Weighs Giving Ukraine Cluster Munitions Despite Allies’ Ban - The New York Times (nytimes.com) On Thursday, Mr. Biden appeared on the verge of providing the cluster munitions to Ukraine, a step that would sharply separate him from many of his closest allies, who have signed an international treaty banning the use, stockpiling or transfer of such weapons. Russia using controversial 'cluster munitions' in Ukraine, rights groups say : NPR Russian military forces have used cluster munitions — a highly controversial weapon banned by many countries — against at least two civilian targets during its invasion of Ukraine, according to two international humanitarian organizations. Seven people died and 11 were injured in the bombings attributed to Russia, which has been known to use cluster munitions in warfare, possibly as recently as two years ago in Syria. "Russian forces should stop using cluster munitions and end unlawful attacks with weapons that indiscriminately kill and maim," Steve Goose, arms director of Human Rights Watch, said in a statement.
  9. Illegal is illegal, and yes some of those that snuck through the border, were given an amnesty and issued a pink card and work permit would be overstayers if they went past the time allotted......no difference to any of the people not here legally, either by expired Visa, expired extensions of stay, expired work authorization, or those without documentation or even Stateless people. In another OP running the Thai government is willing to let the children of illegals who have no ID themselves attend school in Chiang Rai. Seems that not all are on the same page as this Immigration head.
  10. So are overstayers. They have now become staying illegally once there documents expired. No difference. Fines and deportation are the same.
  11. The plot thickens. Russia extermination of its internal foes.
  12. Looks like they will be also rounding up the migrants working without passports, extensions of stays or other needed documents to be in the country. Many H-So households better keep there housekeepers, maids, or Gardners inside and hidden. Factories will be loosing workers it would appear. This isn't just about tourists and expats I am afraid.
  13. Yet, if that is so then why are many of the jobs not staffed by Thai's and migrant workers are doing them? My GF is a Paul Mitchell trained hair stylist and colorist. She had her own shop before Covid and employed 3 Thai ladies. Covid caused her to close and then she went out of business. She then picked up a job as a teacher at a training school for barbers and stylists. Last February when the Korean man was caught and arrested for running his own shop and styling hair, this reverberated through the Area in BKK and anyone not Thai was told they could not cut hair or work in a salon unless they were just a cleaner. Why if one is trained and has certificates can one not work in the profession I have indicated above. No waiver is available.
  14. One has to wonder if the Wagner boss is alive or dead with this information.
  15. Shameful to discriminate against folks who are skilled at certain jobs, like Hair Styling and coloring, who have also gone to school to learn the trade.
  16. And yet, an investigation is being conducted to source out the individual, so all guesses about who what when where and why are speculatory, and part of the discussion. If the posts were all made on pure substantiated evidence, what type of discussions would be had? I understand your view and is why I responded to your post. In your view since when is speculatory the same as conspiracy? Trumps comments in the OP are purely speculatory as well.
  17. How many posts which folks make on here are speculatory in nature. It is a view as a former law enforcement officer of a possibility, and not a conspiracy as you say., but rather of a speculatory nature.
  18. I would surely hope that the bag had not been touched by too many folks, and they could dust it for fingerprints in order to narrow the suspect down. One also has to wonder if, with all of the ongoing issues with the court and hunters case, if someone did not plant it there in order to stir things up even more........just a view as a former LEO where I investigated a few cases where evidence had been planted to try and make someone appear not so stellar.
  19. The biggest question is this "Is she listed in a Blue House Book, and does she have a Thai Birth certificate" If she does then the local Amphur where the house book is recorded at should have no problems in giving her a Thai ID card. Another question is "Does she have a Thai Passport" I know you said she has a birth certificate, but a new one may be needed. My question as far as the birth certificate as originally written is because my Thai daughter has a US Birth certificate, she was my stepdaughter but was adopted in the US.
  20. Thus the Marine and fisheries department can ask for a larger budget and more personnel for inspections.
  21. Go take a look at there website if your truly interested instead of asking here. Prices vary like anything.
  22. Used 5 Star marine for a few trips in April when my daughters came to visit. Both times made them private charters. Great crew and easy to deal with. Boats were clean and snacks were provided as well as all of the needed equipment for snorkeling etc. Have used a few others in the past, but with Shaun's crew and the ease with booking definitely they have earned the rating given in the OP.
  23. You need to find a mental health specialist to talk with. Medication can be prescribed for depression, anxiety or whatever the treatment may call for. As far as the drinking goes, you might wish to also find a local AA chapter or give one a call. Depending on your own personal medical insurance they may be able to connect you online with a mental health professional who can assist you.
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