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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Sign posted at my local Gourmet Market explains it well.
  2. More respectfull? Really? Keeping silent would still have folks attack him. Fight fire with fire.
  3. And so the current mudslinging and finding fault continues from even within the coalition. This former police chief is a dinosaur and has been involved in politics for years on all sides. His soul was sold long ago to help himself not the public. Of course this is my view.
  4. He just keeps gathering up mpre and more rope to make his own noose with his comments, doesn't he. Why can the Donald not keep his yap trap shut...rhetorical question.
  5. Yet they grasp at it like its the gospel, and believe anything and everything. When will the mudslingers realize they are all being played.
  6. The main serial petitioner was from Prawits party, and former Prayut go to guy. It is saddening to see the politics being played in a country that so badly wants to be seen on the same playing field as the bigger countries. Looking at what's transpired and how it has affected the economy and the country in general shows how far back it has been set. Tourism is the only saving grace it appears and they keep touting how great the numbers are and what is expected from tourism. A country can not run on tourism alone and Thailand should be building an infrastructure which boosts its economic profile. How the Baht has strengthened is another issue. The markets here do not show a strengthening baht, but with the political turmoil and the economic issues it should be moving in the opposite direction as the USD and the US economy are actually improving. Gold prices tell the tale and they have been bouncing around for the past few weeks as well. Wishing this country the best, but see dark days ahead for the general public.
  7. The powder keg however is still dry. Many folks will not forget the disloyalty if Pheu Thai jumps into he'd with Prawit and Anutin. The country is taking further steps backwards in my view, and the old Guard do not see it. Shamefull
  8. He can not just let it go and move forward. The man is stuck in 2020 still. His current diatribe seems to actually be pushing folks away from him. I see the Baby Boomers, who supported him are starting to tire of his shenanigans.
  9. I tend to agree as the USD has now slipped backwards just over a full baht in the past week. The US economy is doing well, stock market increasing, banks seeming to be doing better, at least my stocks are, and Gold prices are solid. I was set to transfer a large sum when it was at 35.05 Thb to $1 last week, but with the way things were looking waited as it seemed it would continue to either go up a little or stay the same, but to drop to what it is today is definitely someone speculating in order to move money back out.
  10. In your view 80K USD may be a low level for the West, EU and UK, but for Thailand that's around 225K Thb per month. How many Thai's make that type of money, ergo why its an amount they decided to use as the WP amount. How many working expats, working here in Thailand also make that kind of money, the answer would seem to be just a small percentage and why those that make this type of money on a pension are looked at as wealthy, for Thailand at least. How many pensioners make almost 8K USD a month on there pensions? Again its a small percentage.
  11. Unfortunately, we can never please all of the people who are just a tad bit jealous there are folks like us who chose the LTR Visa because we qualified for it. Some do not think that folks like us live here in Thailand or some of us own a house/condo here, and travel back and forth to other locales. If you remember the very beginnings of this OP you can see the same comments as the poster you quoted and commented too. Having my condo here in BKK my house in PKK, and a house in the US allows us to travel back and forth in an easier fashion with the LTR Visa versus the old Non Imm-O-A with a multiple entry stamp. When you look at the cost of both they are essentially identical in price over the 10 year period and with the LTR we do not have to do 90 day reports or an annual extension or buy the multiple re-entry permit, plus we can use the fast track services.
  12. Surely this is a good thing Putin's Inner Circle 'Wants to Oust' Russian Leader From Power to End Ukraine War (msn.com) Putin's Inner Circle 'Wants to Oust' Russian Leader From Power to End Ukraine War Story by Connor Surmonte • 8h ago Vladimir Putin’s inner circle is reportedly plotting to oust the Russian leader from power to end the ongoing war in Ukraine, RadarOnline.com has learned. In a surprising development to come as Russia’s war against Ukraine quickly approaches the 17-month mark, sources familiar with Putin’s status indicated the 70-year-old leader is on shaky ground.
  13. Can they get a loan of one or two Hi-end watches from a dead friend....asking for a certain General.
  14. Cyber bullies? Does he mean the folks who as business owners posted that the Senators and there families were no longer welcome in there establishments, or the fact that folks are blaming them for a delayed government and the protests? When will these guys learn to live with the fallout they created. The laws here which they pander to are disenfranchising Thailand's ability to rise to the top like cream on milk.
  15. My Karen GF finds it highly problematic if the FM did meet with her. She has said that there is no way the Myanmar (Burmese) Military would let her speak with anyone unless a deal was being brokered, and there is no way Thailand would be behind such a deal.
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