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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Burma is a true melting pot of Ethnic cultures and groups.
  2. A caretaker government should be sitting on there hands and biding there time until shown the door, not creating a feces mess for the new Government to clean-up.
  3. Yes, my wife speaks Karen, Burmese, Shan as well as Thai and English. Multilingual. She as an Ethnic Karen comes from the Hlaingbwe Area up in the mountains.
  4. Putin is sounding scared and seems to think that he is in control of his people. I think not. We will see if the regular Military located in Moscow capitulate or draw that line in the sand.
  5. Now that is pretty interesting to hear. It was just 2 weeks ago they were playing up Nuclear tactical weapons being transferred to him from Putin. This is starting to turn into a strange new chapter in Russian history. Will China now make a move on Siberia?
  6. This is what has always been thought was the end game. Russia has been growing to big and its food supplies and so on have dwindled.
  7. It sounds like the false flag operation was conducted by the Wagner group. They seem to have only headed to Rostov to ensure the air attacks and artillery were directed in the right locations and not on there own soldiers, and that true information be given to the top command (Putin) of the deaths occurring and the loss of ground they had once held. Seems like from watching the latest Twitter feeds, that Prigozhin's first public address insinuates what I wrote above. False Flag being that folks in the Ukraine are being given the hope that the war will turn into a Russia V Russia Civil war. Could that happen, sure it could, but unless more filters out and is shown them marching on Moscow, I am not sure what is actually occurring.
  8. Countries like the US have already placed Myanmar on a No-Go list, but if you decided to go and something happened they would not bail you out, your on your own.
  9. There is no conflict of interest it is a dispute with the administrative court. As the PM Pita like others could ensure there is no involvement by recusing himself. It is not up to the PM to resolve the dispute.
  10. Were the share's ever really in his name or the name of the trust with he as the Trustee. What does it matter, the company as a media company is defunct as far as broadcasting and he gained no advantage over others. Moot point in my book. My fathers Trust, for which I am the trustee, has shares listed which are in a company that has gone out of business completely and they are worth nothing. The beneficiaries get nothing. Sounds similar to the IPTV shares, worth nothing and have no value as far as Pita getting a advantage over others.
  11. Sounds like the wagons are being circled by Putin. BTW where is Putin, why has he not appeared to calm his nation, is he in hiding?
  12. Safety wise, not a good idea. It's the border we would need to travel through for the wife to see family. No way in hell would we subject ourselves to that and if stopped by a Myanmar Government patrol or checkpoint they would surely take the wife into custody as she is Ethnic Karen.
  13. Sad to think they value the lives of those from Myanmar, who are under attack and a war of genocide being raged, so little My wife's family has fled from there homes in Kachin State and as Ethnic Karen's they are being forced out because of the war. Myanmar does not want to be a country of many ethnicities, they want to be Burmese pure. How can the Thai government, currently in power condone this......rhetorical question as we know the answer.
  14. Well it appears with Trump and his defense team seeing the newly provided transcripts provided under discovery now know the people who testified in front of the grand jury. That seems to have made Trump blow a gasket. The Sentence That 'Made Donald Trump Blow a Gasket': Kirschner (newsweek.com) "That's right, friends," Kirschner said during Thursday's episode of his Justice Matters podcast. "Donald Trump now has the grand jury transcript so he can see for the first time who testified against him and what they told the grand jury about his criminal activity. So, it just got real for Donald Trump." Kirschner went on to infer that the witnesses in question likely told Trump "everything he wanted to hear" while working closely to the former president but did not say the same "when they were hauled before the grand jury." "They swore to tell the truth and if they lied in there, they could be charged with perjury," he noted. "So, who were all the people that Jack Smith compelled to testify in the grand jury about Donald Trump's crimes?" Kirschner added. "Most of them were allies."
  15. So you believe he will not Plea and take a deal if offered one?. If so that makes his defense attorneys being able to make an insanity defense, which of course would also remove him from running.
  16. If he agrees to a deal he will have pled guilty and under the 14th Amendment banned from politics. You do understand that do you not.
  17. Well the story says this, so maybe it is pure speculation on how it occurred. The investigation into this peculiar incident led authorities to a peculiar discovery – a pair of pigeons had unknowingly triggered the explosion. The exact details of how this occurred are yet to be determined. Authorities are currently working to gather more information and piece together the sequence of events that led to the pigeon’s inadvertent role in this incident.
  18. Many are escaping persecution and genocide in their own countries, especially those who have fled from Myanmar. There is no agency helping these folks in order to assist them in staying here legally. The UNHCR has attempted to intervene yet the Thai government will do nothing to help those from elsewhere. Even Stateless people battle the system here for decades before being recognized. A job in order to survive is a necessity, pushing them back into there countries is a sure recipe for disaster and possibly death. Amnesty for these folks needs to be given and assistance in obtaining documents is needed. The current Myanmar regime is not assisting folks outside of it's borders unless you already hold documents. Obtaining a Birth Certificate or National Identification card means traveling back to where you were born, many of these townships have been destroyed in this current genocide.
  19. Doing jobs only a Thai can do. If that's so then why are Thai's not doing them. Wonder if they are going to go from Business to Business as well or house to house and check all of the housekeepers, nannies, gardeners etc....
  20. I know really, I'll take Hunter for the final Jeopardy question for 500 Alex.
  21. Yes "I am now sitting here with my father"...is there a photo from the recovered whatsapp message. I am writing this post with my goldfish sitting on my shoulder......more third hand BS.....but but but.
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