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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. The possibility that this row had been going on for some time seems possible. May the decedent RIP and the suspect be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. From the link in the OP it appears there is more to the story. "Pheeran explained that Narathip blamed him for staring at him while he was walking to the bathroom, and he got angry and dared him to fight even though he did not have a weapon with him at that time. According to Pheeran, Narathip threatened to shoot him. He allegedly said… “My gun bullets do not have any eyes. They might accidentally go to you"
  2. Can you supply some proof and links of your statements that the Russian collusion disinformation campaign was led by the left. .state.gov/briefings-foreign-press-centers/russian-disinformation First, these disinformation efforts are not individuals expressing free speech or personal opinion. These actions are a concerted effort directed by the Russian Government, using Russian Government resources, to intentionally target and destabilize neighboring countries. These are not just public statements from Russia’s MFA account, the press or cultural attachés working at embassies or through official public accounts, although they also frequently are purveyors of similar tropes. These are broader campaigns, using shell companies, false names, and layers to conceal the real backers and their intentions. And this is part of a larger campaign to orchestrate a scenario that offers an excuse for Russian Government behavior and to create a pretext for Russia to further invade Ukraine.
  3. So your saying crimes like this do not happen elsewhere?
  4. If they have to truck the water in because of there not being enough then that would explain why a hike is needed. Yet according to the article they are stating they need to increase it because of: Manit stated that the MWA has endured the burden of raw water costs for tap water production, which currently stands at 1 billion baht. Additionally, energy prices and other expenses have risen in recent years. He stressed that the new price structures are essential for covering these heightened costs. If the prices remain untouched, the MWA will find itself unable to generate revenue for the state by 2027,” he said.
  5. Hey, it could have been covered up with a stylish cover and a bedside table lamp on top, I mean it is next to the bed. Dual purpose served.
  6. Could be many things, but in the end the person has been dead for awhile. A forensic review of the skeleton/remains should give an answer to possible cause of death.
  7. This clipped from the linked article is also interesting. So it appears there is confusion about his arrest location. On top of that the on duty police sergeant is stating he went out for lunch and brought back food for Mr. Winder There are contradictory statements as to where the Aussie was arrested with other reports suggesting that he was picked up by police at where he was staying which was also located on the Bang La road. The arrest occurred early on Sunday morning. After midday on Monday, the on-duty police sergeant left for lunch and later brought back something to eat for Mr Winder. He discovered the Australian hanged with his shirt tied to an iron bar in the cell where he was being held.
  8. As my CCTV records here at the family abode, the footage is uploaded to the cloud storage I have. Most folks do not know that they can set this up as well. So Regardless if the server is stolen, the footage remains. Will be interesting to find out this family did just that and they have videos of the perpetrators. Most do not have inside cameras either, just the ones outside.....motion detection inside cameras are needed for full home security in my book. I don't have them in every room, just the main rooms people would need to walk through. One wonders if they had these as well.
  9. And Prayut and his cronies are not criminals in your book. All politicians are corrupt in this country. Prayut gave himself immunity, now why would he do that? Dissolution of parties is reckless in my book, and only certain politicians, who are proven corrupt, should truly be banned. Just look at the ones from the PPRP that have already been removed by the courts.
  10. Here seems to be more reasoning why he was let go Fox Reportedly Made ‘Startling Discovery’ About Tucker Carlson’s Private Messages Day Before Dominion Trial (msn.com) According to a report published by the New York Times on Wednesday, private messages sent by Tucker Carlson were worse than anything that had been previously disclosed in unsealed filings by Dominion. “Private messages sent by Mr. Carlson that had been redacted in legal filings showed him making highly offensive and crude remarks that went beyond the inflammatory, often racist comments of his prime-time show and anything disclosed in the lead-up to the trial,” the Times stated.
  11. Reading in between the lines this is more about Anutins Bhumjaithai party being dissolved as they are already in the crosshairs of several lawsuits being filed to dissolve them https://thainewsroom.com/2022/10/18/anutin-shrugs-off-party-dissolution-bid-over-free-marijuana-campaign/
  12. You do understand many will see this as coverage. Some travel here, like a few friends did recently by using there Amex card to buy the airline tickets and the card provides for medical insurance as well. Some do not look further, so as you say they are naive, many think they are doing the right thing.
  13. Have you looked at the actual policy TAT is proposing? Sure looks like it's meant to provide medical insurance for tourists to me.
  14. Reading the OP and the fact they took the CCTV Server and destroyed the safe in 4 hours tells me that whomever broke in knew what was in the house and had planned this event.
  15. We can only hope that his enthusiasm and statements are correct. I know that as someone who lives here in PKK, using the airport would be done to travel by air instead of driving, this saving us time.
  16. Never observed a cash register in any of the Talads. Most vendors use a calculator to tell you the price and then use to to see how much they need to hive you back if any is needed because you gave them a bigger note.
  17. My partner watches the world news as well as local news. She asks questions about anything she can not find d while searching Google.
  18. I really hate to break it to you but the poster you responded to is correct. Thailand is a Buddhist country. They even have a government Sangha Council. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism_in_Thailand Buddhism is the largest religion in Thailand, practiced by over 94% of the population. Thai Constitution does not indicate any state religion, but promotes Buddhism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sangha_Supreme_Council The Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand (Thai: มหาเถรสมาคม; Pali: Mahāthera Samāgama; abbreviated SSC) is the governing body of the Buddhist order (Sangha) of Thailand, and is the ultimate authority for all ecclesiastical matters within the Thai Sangha.[1] Its leadership consists of the country's highest ranking monks, who consult the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand with respect to administrative and theological matters.[2][3][4] The Sangha Supreme Council was established on 1 January 1963, under the Sangha Act of 1962 As far as drinking the 5th precept of Theravada Buddhism says this https://www.learnreligions.com/the-fifth-buddhist-precept-450104 According to Bhikkhu Bodhi, violating the precept requires an intoxicant, an intention to take an intoxicant, the activity of ingesting the intoxicant, and the actual ingestion of the intoxicant
  19. Wonder how long it's been there? to be bleached like it looks like in the photo it could be many years since the body was placed there.
  20. No thats is incorrect, but I get your drift. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/doubling+down 1. In blackjack, to double one's wager after seeing one's initial hand of cards, with only one more card allowed to be drawn afterward. Having already lost a massive sum, he decided to double down an already huge bet to try to win back some of his money.
  21. Sometimes the hook gets set deep and you can not get away from the lure of the possibility of getting rich. Once down money folks double down and hope they regain what they have lost. I wonder how many gambling addicts there are in Thailand....that's a rhetorical question by the way.
  22. It is what it is and as many before me have stated, the pent up supposed demand is over. Folks have spent what they wanted, and could afford to, and now have returned to work to re-fill there own coffers, while Thailand is still hoping to reach the numbers they predicted. what the predicted. My view is that we have seen the last of big tourism until the next hi-season starts. My kids who were here and have now departed back home spent an average of 11k Thb per day, that was the total amount for both of them, basically 5500 Thb each per day, while they were here, and that included hotels food and travel around the country with the GF and myself. The higher airfares were why my sisters family did not come for their spring break, like they wanted to. Ticket prices for the 5 of them were going to run almost 10k USD, and for a two week trip they would have broke their budget for the whole year.
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