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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. You do understand that taking an offer or plea deal offered by the DA instead of having a court trial is the same as being convicted, right? So in cases where Trump or his companies accepted a plea deal and paid out the sums required he/they were actually convicted. A plea deal is what will keep him from serving time.
  2. Why do you think that an actual criminal case is a distraction?. I mean would it make any difference if he had not been a former president and was just Donald Trump the business man being prosecuted for the crimes he was indicted on. Remember he was not indicted because he was the former president or for the fact he is running for the presidency. He is being prosecuted for crimes he is charged with.
  3. That is unfortunately the state of life now, it is after all a world full of "Cancel Culture". Trying to erase anything be it good or bad because of the actions of the person or how it now violates the current view of history.
  4. May they all ???? and for those injured prayers to heal quickly. With the travel for Songkran already started my prayers to all for safe travel.
  5. Reading into his post would tell me he is talking about the PM known also as Uncle Too...buy then that's my view.
  6. You need to remember that the prime individual is now a Former POTUS, and as such completing a full investigation, getting all of the evidence collected and presented to a grand jury who can also request additional evidence by subpoenas ensures that all of the ducks are in a row. Sometimes the grand jury finds that there is not enough evidence and the case investigated goes nowhere. https://theconversation.com/how-do-grand-juries-work-their-major-role-in-criminal-justice-and-why-prosecutors-are-using-them-to-investigate-efforts-to-overturn-the-2020-election-187816 The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides the legal basis for grand juries. In federal criminal cases, federal grand juries are made up of 16 to 23 members. They decide whether to indict someone who is being investigated, and at least 12 grand jurors need to agree to issue an indictment. In addition to considering whether individuals may have committed a crime, a grand jury can also be used by a prosecutor as an investigative tool to compel witnesses to testify or turn over documents.
  7. True just 1 is responsible but the way I see it is as 3 people. Thats when the Donald says it as "He, Himself and I" as he speaks. Yes he has only himself to blame looking through the issues he has created and the incitefullness of his tweets and press conferences.
  8. Can you explain in general terms how supply and demand eally works in Thailand versus the rest of the world. Have you not seen the price increases when there is to much supply and low demand because of the prices. It seems to be a strange reversed way of thinking in the minds here. If I had fewer customers and locations were not being flown to as they were not popular and I was loosing money, I would slash my prices to load up the plane, but not here prices have increased on many unpopular routes. The article points out to giving possible subsidies to the airlines, well why not subsidize the passengers with incentives and thus the need to subsidize the airlines would not be necessary.
  9. Last Order, again it's a caretaker government and they can not incur any new expenses for the country and its people except to continue running current policies that are still in play, not creating new ones. That is up to the new government to decide.
  10. So what exactly is the 5 point strategy because the quote I posted below is definitely not it. If less popular destinations are just that,less popular, why provide a subsidy to the airlines, just reduce the ticket prices to almost free, promote the locations and give vouchers to ALL travelers going there not just Thais.
  11. The world has gone mad. Why do folks do the things that create the need for such hatred and new ideology by government sources. Is it because now so much of everything is just done without thinking about the consequences and its always right in our faces.
  12. Completely within his rights to do so, but with the current power behind the courts will the original outcome change or remain the same.
  13. Winning it from where, the jail cell he will be in on not just these but the multitude of other cases...
  14. So the question for UNESCO will be "Which part of the intangible heritage are the water fights, the ice cold water tossing, and the mayhem which occurs in the roadways of Bangkok, Pattaya, KhaoSan Road, Chiang Mai, Phuket and so on....
  15. The day will come for negotiations, and that will be when Putin has lost complete power within his own circles. He just now removed the latest general he had placed in charge of the most recent attempt at advancing. He has also cut off the Wagner group. To add insult to injury the Russian Defense ministry is now on fire burning the building. Putin ‘dismisses top general amid Ukraine failures’ (yahoo.com) Clipping Wagner's wings, Russia to remove mercenary force from Ukraine battlefields: Sources (firstpost.com) Russian Defence Ministry building is on fire in centre of Moscow (yahoo.com)
  16. A strong case is what it is based upon the evidence and the indictment. Yes the jury will decide the outcome.
  17. Holy cow, I know we are in Thailand, but if this is true and all of the Joe Ferrari assets which were sold have gone elsewhere instead of into a government fund to assist in paying those wronged, what a massively corrupt country this has become. I mean we know it is corrupt, but this would be next level.
  18. The charges are against the Donald for violating a New York statute, remember he is the resident of New York and that is where the crimes occurred as far as his fraud charges etc...., and it does not matter where he paid the money.
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