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Posts posted by chilly07

  1. I think what Streetlite is saying is that he has a routine hospital appointment and is concerned about visiting a hospital during this crisis because he is elderly. I also need to visit my hospital for a blood test and have put it off twice as I am sure that there are many more cases of CV in Thailand than reported and  I don't want to visit a potential disease hotspot in Pattaya where the authorities are more concerned over Tourist Income than my health

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  2. Recently sent Thai Mail envelope to UK EMS for 880bht taking 5 days and got Royal Mail envelope from UK EMS for 300bht taking 7 days both tracked all the way with no problems. Tried DHS one time UK to Thailand taking 4 days but envelope arrived shredded and sellotaped back up- never again!

  3. They usually come into the house in rice and then spread to other cereals and noodles. Ants are equally as bad and just as small. Nothing to do other than trace the infestation throw everything out and use insecticide. Spray companies help

  4. We (200 home village) have recently been  connected to  Government  Water ( previously had a village borehole). Began to  notice  gurgling in our storage tank from the  ball valve.  Apparently it's from air in the new pipes coming  through the  new meter.  The air gets into the pipes from leaks and temporary disconnections BUT the meter also registers this water/air mix for which we are charged so although  Government  water is cheaper we are metered as using more.  Fortunately we have retained  our bore hole connections and can switch back if the bills get bigger buts it's worth  checking that you are not paying for aireated water

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