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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Anyone who has lived in what used to be called a third world country would not apply that description to Thailand. A developing country would be more appropriate.
  2. Assaults on staff occurred regularly at a hospital I used to attend in Surrey in the UK. Why such violence takes place in hospitals is a mystery to me, given that the attackers are abusing staff who are there to help them at a time of need.
  3. A classic example of a non sequitur.
  4. I merely questioned your use of the word penalty in your original post. 'Crime' or 'offence' would seem to have been more accurate in the context which you were referencing. Small issue.
  5. '..and the PENALTY is aggravated assault..' Really ?
  6. There are laws in the UK which specifically recognise provocation.
  7. Islam is a religion, not a race.
  8. What is the point of Macron's proposed cease fire if it does not apply to ground forces ?
  9. Astonishing that the Dems opposed this. What on earth were they thinking ? Men competing in womens' sporting events is not only unfair, but also can be very dangerous. Shame on all those who rejected this bill.
  10. Only 5 years for a brutal murder ?
  11. I somehow doubt the Brit would behave like that in his own country.
  12. Thais, be they drivers or pedestrians, tend to be thinking about things other than what they are doing i.e. not concentrating. Having said that I was not exactly impressed by the road manners in the UK the last time I was there.
  13. If it was me I'd pay up and move on. Small money, not worth arguing about.
  14. Usually it's the other way round with adults being classdified as children, some of whom are 6 ft tall with beards.
  15. What used to be wildlife territory is now being taken over by people. It is very difficult now for feral animals to avoid humans.
  16. Ignorance on my part, what is the significance of an EM in this story ?
  17. Unforgivable cruelty to a very young child. In the absence of a death penalty jail for life with no parole.
  18. Order of preference, first, sit alone, second, sit next to a corpse, third, sit next to a living person.
  19. Not bald, 83 years old, happily married to my Thai wife, aged 68, since 1990. I smoke 1 small cigar a day, and no longer drink alcohol. At my age I must be fading away, to refer to one of your categories, but slowly, and thankful for still being able to mostly enjoy life.
  20. In this sad case the deceased appears to have lost control of his vehicle with no other road users involved.
  21. Immigration control has been non-existent in the UK for many years. I remember a time when the entrance and departure of all people, Brits and foreigners alike, was meticulously recorded, and often closely questioned if there was any doubt about their credibility. Now it's free movement for all. Not good.
  22. Nearly 5 million baht profit for 1 minute's work. A good return by any standard.
  23. This Thai bouncer did not seek any help from other Thais. The Brit clearly had no idea he was taking on someone who was not afraid to fight, and who had the skills to do so.
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