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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. They have been shown in front of the cameras being reunited with their families. I wonder how long it will be before they are re-arrested, never to be seen again. Shame on you Thailand.
  2. If anybody knows this security guard let me know. Sounds like a guy who can take care of both himself and the business he is paid to look after.
  3. They should, but he is probably lying low for the time being.
  4. My uncle John arrived in Bangkok in 1946 following his involvement throughout the Burma campaign. Years later he advised me, in my early teens, never to turn down the opportunity of a posting to Bangkok if it was offered. At the time I wondered what on earth he was talking about.....
  5. Ridiculous comment. Find something else to do.
  6. Of course. The fact is, though, that Hayward was an 'ivory tower' man who should have known better. He was not somebody I could ever get on with. Far too fond of himself.
  7. So what ? I doubt she would have any idea why people like yourself find it necessary to comment on her choice of T shirt.
  8. How about he is an over-stayer ? Last thing he would want to do is talk with the RTP.
  9. In my case 30 years with BP. I entirely agree your comments ref the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Utterly appalling, and out of character with the way in which BP had normally handled such tragedies. Hayward resigned shortly thereafter.
  10. At least there is currently talk about peace rather than, up to now, talk about an endless supply of weapons to keep the war going.
  11. Accidents do happen in the oil business notwithstanding the considerable efforts made to avoid them. In this regard BP has a good record for over a hundred years of operations.
  12. It would be good if we could obtain extensions of stay for longer than just 1 year, say 2 or 3 years, and not have to do 90 day reports which are a relatively recent requirement. No other complaints, and very happy to be still living in Thailand after many years.
  13. Thai Government departments move at their own pace. As you have been advised earlier the Department of Protocol at the MFA is probably the place to lodge your complaint, best in written Thai. Don't expect much by way of a response, and beware of exposing yourself to a defamation case. Unlikely from a government department, but not unknown.
  14. Quite possibly. It's up to those that know me to judge. Meantime, relax and enjoy your day.
  15. Some of us are indeed old, but at least we've grown up. I'm not aware of any posters who are opposed to well-run casinos, nor any who want Thailand to fail.
  16. And yet the Thai Tobacco Monopoly is free to continue producing and selling lung cancer causing cigarettes with impunity.
  17. Should read 'friendliness', of course. Error regretted.
  18. The PM is talking about an ethics code ? Stunning hypocrisy from someone who has just approved the return of 40 plus Uyghurs to detention and torture in China.
  19. They must have feared their number was up the moment Thaksin returned from Dubai. The message is, to anyone, anywhere, trying to escape persecution, don't come to Thailand. Sooner or later you will be betrayed by people here who are easily bought off.
  20. In which case I am, according to you, a moron. Thank you for your comment, and have a nice day.
  21. Very sad. Anybody trying to escape persecution in China would be well advised not to come anywhere near Thailand, especially since Thaksin returned and became de facto leader.
  22. I like Thai people because of their friendless and their good humour. They can also be very kind to people who respect them.
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