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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Inexcusable behaviour by the loudmouth tourist. Questions should be asked, however, as to why the group, who wanted to dive, were apparently taken to a place where it is illegal to dive.
  2. I agree. Well said.
  3. The fact is a vast range of products used world-wide will continue to be based on fossil fuels into the foreseeable future. BP, while not entirely relinquishing it's interest in so-called renewables, is entirely right to re-focus on its' traditional, core business of oil and gas exploration, production and sale.
  4. '..some of which' more like.
  5. The headline is inaccurate and over- dramatic.
  6. Such brave boys, 30 of them attacking 1 man.
  7. It would be good to see the police, in all countries. going after the dealers rather than the small users.
  8. Knife crimes involving young people are occuring all over Europe and the USA, not only in Thailand and east Asia.
  9. A curiously anonymous report with no details of the location or people involved.
  10. I'd rather watch paint dry.
  11. People pay for sex, for many different reasons, all over the world. Move on.
  12. One of the problems you face is the reluctance of many Thai women in Thailand to be seen with foreigners for fear that fellow Thais will assume they are a prostitute. This reluctance also applies to other countries in the region. I can only advise that you persevere in the hope that you meet someone who is less concerned about this issue, as I was fortunate to do many years ago.
  13. In 5 years time there will be approximately 400 million more people/consumers on Earth. In so-called developed countries we will continue to be told we need an ever increasing birth rate so that more people can be taxed to cover the rising increase in social costs. The poor in less developed countries will get poorer still, and wildlife will continue to disappear as their former territory is taken over by humans. Meantime, those of us who advocate for measures to reduce the birth rate will be told to shut up and go away.
  14. The best looking first lady ever.
  15. China is pretty much in charge in Thailand, increasingly so day by day.
  16. This doesn't make sense I'm afraid. I have no idea what you are trying to say. I fully appreciate, however, that English may well not be your first language.
  17. This doesn't make sense. Grateful if you would try again.
  18. If I was Putin I would be thinking today's UK would be an easy target, however UK is a nuclear power and a permanent member of the UN Security Council which should deter him.
  19. In other words very little, and does not apply to most of us.
  20. All Starmer has said he will do is to increase UK defence spending from 2.3% to 2.5% of national expenditure. Hardly a cause for great excitement.
  21. The way many animals are treated in Thailand is cruel. Surprising in what is supposed to be a Buddhist country.
  22. You were behind the car in front of you, your fault (assuming that this story is not a fantasy).
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