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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Not sure how voters in Clacton will react to this. The danger for Farage is that they will see him as a chancer who changed his mind as a result of events in the USA.
  2. So, we now have people here wanting to kill monkeys in addition to wanting to kill dogs. Which species comes next ?
  3. Slaughtering and eating animals is disgusting.
  4. A final warning seems appropriate given the Brit's ongoing aggression. 'One more time and you're out'
  5. Slaughtering and eating animals is disgusting.
  6. I paid into the UK National Insurance all my working life. Living permanently in Thailand I make no demands on, inter-alia, the NHS. My UK pension has been frozen on £300 per month since 1993, and is paid and spent in the UK by way of birthday gifts to young relatives etc. Question is what has the UK govt done with the contributions I made for over 50 years ?
  7. Hard to imagine Starmer, a dull, boring, two-faced creep with a charisma by-pass, being PM.
  8. I lived and worked in Taiwan from 1987 to 1993, following 5 years living and working in Thailand. Taiwanese people are friendly, hard working, and well educated. The island has beautiful mountains and lakes, and an excellent infrastructure. The capital Taipei is a well organised city, with top class hotels, markets and facilities, and a lively nightlife. However, if you are on a brief visit, with not enough time to explore the island outside Taipei, it may not be the best place for a short holiday.
  9. A 77 year old found guilty of first offence, non-violent crimes would not be sentenced to jail in most western countries. However, this is New York in the USA. I wouldn't rule it out.
  10. The 'exotic pet trainer'would be jailed for cruelty to animals if I had my way.
  11. I hate them. They are increasing in frequency, and are an unpleasant disruption.
  12. Drunken idiots in trouble well after midnight. Hardly news.
  13. The choice and quality of food in the Philippines is nothing like as good as it is in Thailand. The people are friendly enough, but less interesting. Addituonally i have been mugged twice in metro Manila, not once in Thailand. Take a good look before making a final decision.
  14. Good for him, but I fear for their welfare. Thailand claims to be a Buddhist country but, nevertheless, most Thais eat animals.
  15. Not so sure. He was previously sentenced to 2 years in jail, and had to run away to Dubai to avoid serving time.
  16. Looks as though he may be heading back to Dubai before long. Already annoyinga lot of people.
  17. Disgusting. There very little Buddhism in Thailand, only idolatry.
  18. Yes indeed. He figured that previously, but then skulked off to Dubai.
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