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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. I would say most likely. Either that, or an in-car romance which ended rather suddenly.
  2. Pathetic behaviour. Can't hold his drink, and creates another nail in the coffin of of the reputation of westerners in Thailand. I, and those around me, were hard drinkers when younger but I don't remember any of us ever becoming rat-arsed and incapable, even after partying for days on end. Can't laugh at the RTP's caution in this case. They were dealing with a moronic alien and had no idea what he might do next.
  3. I've lived and worked in many countries on 4 continents. Retired to Thailand in 1993 having first visited in 1969. For me it is still one of the best countries in the world. Not as good as it once was, nowhere is, but still a great place for foreigners. Great food, friendly people, stunning landscapes.
  4. Correct, and when not sleeping they spend most of their time cleaning themselves.
  5. I have always believed he will be PM sooner or later. Not only does he have the money to support such an ambition, he also has all the right connections.
  6. Well said. Me likewise. I've no intention to go, or be taken to, anywhere near a hospital when the time comes.
  7. This is a robbery, and a nightmare for the house owner. I cannot see the bank logo in the picture I'm looking at Totally blurred out.
  8. That sounds more than likely. Very sorry for the young man Tae who was killed. Such a short life. RIP.
  9. I think you will have to up the salary you are prepared to pay in order to find, if at all possible, a competent maid who can also drive. 12-15k baht may attract some interest. Otherwise forget the driving requirement and see what you can find for around 10k baht.
  10. The arrival of techno music pretty much put an end to the performances of those girls who could actually dance. Many of them were really good to watch, with a fine sense of rhythm and timing. All gone now I'm afraid. As has been advised earlier try some of areas mainly frequented by Thais, and maybe drink something a bit stronger than Coke zero in order to enhance the experience.
  11. If funding either a retirement visa or a marriage visa is a worry I would strongly suggest you think long and hard before committing to Thailand long-term.
  12. Just shows it can be done if you hit the right time of day and/or the right time of the month.
  13. People who keep on promoting the use of agents are either very old or infirm, in which case entirely understandable, or they cannot meet the legal requirements, or they have a vested interest in the agency 'business', or they are too lazy to get off their backside. I would suggest you walk into as many banks as you can find in your area and try your luck. It can work every now and again. I have 3 accounts at SCB. They are pretty tough on requirements, and they don't have a branch at CW, so maybe give them a miss.
  14. I'm not clear what he was accused of. Can anyone kindly explain ?
  15. Personally I'll continue to wear a mask until Thais stop wearing them. It doesn't bother me in the slightest even though I am asthmatic.
  16. Here we go again. Must have been the dog's fault, of course.
  17. Nepotism, corruption and puppets ruling on behalf of the elite are so entrenched in the Thai way of life that it is hard to see things ever changing. People tried bravely in 1973, 1976 and 1992 but were tortured and/or killed in large numbers. Memories of those savage events are not forgotten.
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