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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 3 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Precisely - the point is you belong there and why should interlopers kick you out of your houses and land. 700k Palestinian Arabs were kicked out at the birth of Israel from their historic lands. Some still have the title deeds for their lands now having Israeli settlers living on then. Just imagine that happened to you - how would you react ?





    That was all done around the 1940s and 1950s.


    That is what the then-leaders decided at that time.


    We all have to sometimes accept that life isn't always fair and it won't always go our way.


    The Lebanese had a wonderful Christian land and economy, and the state of Afghanistan was Buddhist. Both are ruined nowadays.


    Times change and maps move


    Quite sure we Brits didn't like being dispossessed by the Vikings and the Romans.



    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    If we kicked out the scousers from Liverpool and sent most of them back to Ireland from whence they came and gave their houses and land to Pakistani and Indian immigrants within a generation I confidently predict Liverpool would be humming with commerce and industry. Add the Hong Kong Chinese to the mix and we could have Singapore on Mersey. Can you see any problems with this policy ? Might not get the Beatles though, but on the plus side we would lose Ken Dodd.



    And what would the HK Chinese and Pakistanis do for football teams?


    Nothing wrong with Scousers and even less wrong with the Irish.



    • Agree 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Graham8888 said:

    Exactly- hammas knew what would happen when their leaders ordered the attack from the comfort of their mansions in Qatar bought with stolen aid money ( fact) but they care less about the people than the israelis 

    but as usual it is the decent honest people that suffer for the egos and greed of a few .

    barbaric acts on both sides



    Spot on,


    And is it not the same as the barbaric acts ordered by these so-called Imans and teachers of Islam, brainwashing you lads to extremism, and radicalism and encouraging suicide bombings, whilst those ordering it, are sat in the comfort of their own homes?


    They've all got great ideas and lopsided ways of interpreting the Koran when it is somebody else's life they are playing with.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, placnx said:

    "When the Jews went back to their historic land, it was a barren wasteland—sand, desert and nothing else." This is a trope that has been around since the 19th Century, part of the original Zionist settlement campaign.



    A bit longer than the 19th century,










  5. All the above reasons are why I get my eyes tested, prescriptions, prescription glasses when I used to need them, and any necessary optical work done in the UK.


    I am not saying your eye health cannot be well looked after in Thailand. It's a minefield though, and you must tread carefully.


    Most of them are salespeople and determined to sell you products, often which you can manage without.


    I am very wary of my eyes and I was far less anxious about getting them done in the UK than I would in Thailand.


    We used to have a good ophthalmologist in Kalasin city. It's a long while since I went,m so I am unsure if he is still there.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Caldera said:

    Let's hope it's true. Spain will be a lot more enjoyable without the lager louts.


    Do you go there much?


    5 hours ago, Madgee said:

    I see the Brit haters are out in force again!
    The German sunbed gangs with their oversized towels will be happy, it's only the Brits that can give them some competition in the early hours with the towel saga.



    They speak like that, but they love the British cash.


    There are currently big arguments taking place in government circles in Spain and France, who tried introducing length of stay restrictions on the British with long-term holiday homes there.


    A lot of local communities are against this as they are reliant on these forms of income from foreigners.

  7. The Spanish love the cash the British bring. Whether they like the Brits is a different thing.


    Thailand loved the Farang for many years until they thought their needs would be better served by the Chinese and Indians.


    The Farang are still the ones who most frequent the bars and restaurants in Thailand's tourist hotspots.


    The Brits are huge spenders in the bars and restaurants in Spain, more so than other nationalities.


    They need to get organised, they have done it before in the 80s when Spain tried the introduction of price hiking and introducing new rules, by moving en masse to the Greek islands, and they can do it again.


    Turkey and Croatia are two other places where Brits could move to in tourist numbers and be welcome.

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  8. On 3/24/2024 at 6:12 PM, DrJack54 said:

    Wait for advice from someone who has actually done the process.


    My understanding is that it simply means  "signed" 

    Bit the same as sign photocopy of ID page when attending bank for any purpose 



    It is similar to the UK.


    They go to a Thai lawyer who affixes their stamp and seal and includes the words ' I certify this is a true likeness ' etc


    In Thailand, they also enclose their registration as a lawyer and photocopies and enclose their name cards and contact details.


    I have done it in Thailand with Passports and other documents.


    Thai law firms can do these notifications in both English and Thai with translation.


    They can be scanned and sent by email and should be satisfactory for their needs and purposes.





  9. 59 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    And yet it seems you left Blighty for such a place. Forgive me if I called wrong.



    Not getting into it as this has veered off course when I was answering a post where a guy said that Thailand was equal in status to the UK and I pointed out why it wasn't and the areas in particular regarding governance, corruption and policing.


    BTW, I refuse after 30 years plus to look at this place with the rose coloured glasses unlike many, who wish to criticise Europe and what it has to offer but refuse to acknowledge this country also has plenty of issues.


    Incidentally, I am staying because of my Thai partner of 27 years plus, who will not leave her mother, otherwise, both of us would have gone from here a long time ago and come here only for visits.


    I am well-travelled and have been reasonably successful so there are several countries I can go to, including the UK, so I am neither trapped here nor facing Hobson's choice.


    Many things have changed in 30 years, and other countries in the region are coming into their own with fewer policy changes and flip-flopping.



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