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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. On 3/23/2024 at 8:09 PM, ravip said:

    My eye sight is not too bad. I use the phone/WhatsApp without my specs when I am out cycling/jogging. No I am not taking alpha-blockers.



    At the end of last year, I had a lens implanted for middle and long-distance reading and driving. I also had cataract removal.


    The procedure carried out was cataract surgery to my right eye with toric extended depth of focus lens implantation.


    I had mine done at a private specialist clinic in the UK, with a surgeon of good reputation in Wetherby. For one eye, the cost with the fancy lens was 3700 GBP.


    I had poor vision.


    The procedure was slightly uncomfortable for a short while but not painful.


    I did keep a strict regimen of eye drops following surgery. Some were for 14 days, some for one month and some for two months.


    I was seeing the benefits, excuse the pun, within 24 hours.


    I can swim in pools or the sea and go about any daily activity, including driving without glasses. I do wear readers ' to help ' with close reading and computer work.








    • Thanks 1
  2. 11 hours ago, kwilco said:

    Another observation on racists....they are unable to actually put forward any arguments so they resort to cliches..e.g. "woke".

    May I draw your attention to the comment by Kathy Burke - https://ifunny.co/picture/kath-kathyburke-i-love-being-woke-it-s-much-nicer-bqWU3B4h9?s=cl



    Nothing racist about me, It's you who is a bigot.


    You don't need to draw my attention to anything as nothing you have to say interests me.


    And resorting to rude memes in links shows not only have you not achieved in getting your point across, but you have had to use gutter humour to reinforce your bigotry.







  3. 1 hour ago, Trippy said:

    Great news! I hope the Thai's start complaining that no one in the UK speaks Thai.


    In case nobody informed you, English is recognised as an international form of communication.


    It is widely used as a first or second language in the USA, Australia, NZ, Scandinavia, India, Singapore, Malaysia, and many more as well as the UK.


    Where outside Thailand is Thai spoken widely?

    • Like 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    Interesting if a little disturbing to see a racist's POV.

    So still struggling to come to terms with UK beginning to recognise Thailand as an equal.



    With Thailand's corrupt courts, governments, Police and day-to-day practices, xenophobic and racist behaviour it is a long way off from becoming equal to the UK.


    How's life in your ' woke world '

    • Confused 1
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  5. 14 minutes ago, Kalasin Jo said:

    What talks would be needed on visa free 30 day visits to reciprocate what Thailand has long granted Brit passport holders? Get on with it! At least then my wife could join me, hassle free, on my short trips to UK to see my family and friends there





    Let's forget all the ramifications of granting this type of visa waiver where the UK streets would be further flooded with illegals, who get jobs in Thai restaurants, nail shops, massage parlours and the overstayers and focus on your 30 days holiday with your wife to see your pals in Wetherspoons!


    How selfish of the British government.


    The British visa system already allows a Thai tourist to stay up to six months in the UK, not the 30 days they give a British tourist here.


    And no bloody silly reporting and carrying passports around.


    Get a proper visa like I have had to do.


    1,000 GBP for 10 years, simples!.......😆

    • Like 2
  6. Hehehehe,


    It looks like he's transferred his and his business partners' shares to his wife and she has pawned them to loan sharks!



    8 hours ago, webfact said:

    this second case is a civil lawsuit in which the former partner of the Danish man demands compensation from the Dane and his wife for losing the ownership of their Koh PhangAn property to a local loan shark after they had transferred all the shares to the wife.


    You can't make it up!😂


  7. 3 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    The reason your central critique of your OP post regarding shoe removal  is being ignored is the half-baked concentration on the actual "hygiene" of ingrained cultural practice. Then in your vainglorious attack to deny the sense of entitled self-superiority whilst  simultaneously stating "the majority" of Asian people are "sheep" who don't think for themselves is beyond hypocrisy.


    Surely you cannot not be that gormless and are just having a pull of one of my legs. Nice one.




    Fairly clear by your responses who is acting superior here and definitely up their own ass!


    Slap yourself on the back!


    Have a nice day.

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