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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. It's a bit of a non-story that must happen hundreds of times per day.


    I don't see the necessity for all the photos for a ridiculous little problem like this. It's simply daft.


    The argument has to be the time difference between booking and cancellation, if he's already set off and is underway ( which is trackable) then he should get something.


    If it was cancelled before he started the engine, then I would think, No.


    When I was in Ho Chi Minh a few months ago, I booked through the hotel at $20 as I didn't know the city. He wasn't there to collect me. I phoned the hotel, they said he was on his way.


    Another fifteen/twenty minutes went by.


    I booked through the airport kiosk, and they asked me for $12!!!!.


    He arrived after I paid the Kiosk, and he started raising his voice, I walked away on the Kiosk's advice, and let them sort it out with him.

  2. I read the full story and it's just totally bizarre to me.


    And the Police saying he looked ' suspicious ' is simply ridiculous. I just brought a good few packets of Ibuprofen from the UK, for the MIL.


    I wonder if I would have had problems if stopped, and I always carry sleepers for long aeroplane journeys.


    He may have looked nervous, not suspicious, nobody wants to be stopped by these gangsters.


    Footnote on that story says 33 foreigners have been arrested in Phuket on various misdemeanours including 3 Chinese working on a building site, since this Swiss story hit the headlines.

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  3. 5 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Who is "they"?

    Here's the original article and the criteria used. They survey was also done in February, so unless the Thai government a) can influence an independent survey conducted without their knowledge, and b) can time travel to go back in time from when the negative one was published, then I would love to know how you think "they" rushed out and did this.



    Chill out,


    Not the end of the world. Stop getting the urge to bounce around proving unimportant stuff.


    My choice comes in at number 3, Hamad International and I rate it better than Heathrow.


    That's all that matters to me.

  4. 2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Very true....   the criteria listed (eg Champagne and caviar) is completely ridiculous from the 'evaluation of an airport' even from a luxury perspective.... 


    That said - regardless of what the criteria is - I find Suvarnabumi Airport quite a decent airport... I've travelled through it so often, a few hundred times and never have any issues......


    I find it the same, as long as it caters for your needs and is relatively easy to negotiate, that's all that matters, and of course nice clean toilets whilst you are making your way through the said airport.


    My favourite is Doha because I get free, meet and greet and am taken to the lounge by a knowledgeable friendly hostess.


    No stress.

  5. 1 hour ago, Webfoot said:

    A Bangkok taxi driver once told me, “lady boy no good.”


    And you couldn't work that one out by yourself?


    1 hour ago, Jackbenimble said:

    Not a single post inquiring "why" she kicked the guy sitting down. That tells a story in itself.

    He has obviously said something not nice, something derogatory and probably mocking - the ladybot hasn't just lashed out for no reason.

    I'd wager the the guy was drunk and shooting his mouth off fuelled by alcohol. If he ddi that to anyone he should expect a retort and maybe a fat lip. 

    Is there any mention of what he said?  


    It doesn't take much to push the buttons and set the ladyboys off on a tantrum.


    They are a nuisance in all high-profile tourist areas and not much good comes from them, plenty of thieving and fighting, that's for sure.


    They also, just the same as their Male motorbike taxi counterparts like to fight in packs.


    Sure, there are loudmouthed tourists, fuelled by alcohol and showing off, but it's just as easy to walk away, LBs never take that option.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Jackbenimble said:

    this isn't Singapore.............we dont want snitching curtain twitchers. They're the worst.



    Thailand has more than enough Snitchers.


    Plenty of foreigners do it because they think it puts them in good stead with the police and plenty of Thais do it. After all, it's in their nature.

  7. I just recently had surgery for my eyes in the UK and a lens replacement.


    There was no overnight stay, it was a top-class clinic I used and I was in and out in three hours.


    I had an eye patch to wear on the way home and I was advised not to drive, which was fine. I was given various medications which I used (some painkillers, which I didn't take), and different forms of eye drops to help with the healing process, for one month.


    I also had a procedure done in Thailand ( colonoscopy) last year, and they made me stay in the local hospital overnight. That procedure in the UK does not require hospitalisation.

  8. 3 hours ago, Smokin Joe said:


    One thing that I don't think has been specifically mentioned in any reports I have seen:


    Green Elephant Sanctuary Park is a commercial enterprise intended to make money.


    Green Elephant Wildlife Foundation is a non-profit charity (located at the Elephant Park, using the same logo and address).


    It appears that the alleged purpose of the foundation was for making an Elephant Hospital, and possibly a mobile clinic. I don't think it ever happened and seems to be a bit dodgy. 


    BTW. In Thailand, according to Siam Legal website, the word "Foundation" does mean an entity is a registered non-profit charity, and the word Foundation must be in the name. I was wrong in another post where I didn't think "Foundation" had any special meaning.



    Hence the renaming and two names for the same business, one is profit making and one isn't.


    So the idea is obviously to steer as much money to the non-profit foundation and load it down with all the expenses, that's how the 1 million baht a month villa and fancy motor come into play. No doubt all wages, food for the animals, and lease of the elephants will all be weighed down as expenses on the foundation, as opposed to the Park.


    It's clever accounting. I've seen it done in many operations to minimise tax and maximise profits.


    No doubt it is common practice to do this in Thailand, and that is why the Governor asked for clear identification as to the two roles played by Green Elephant Sanctuary Park and Green Elephant Wildlife Foundation.



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  9. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Why does this even matter if he is being kicked out of Thailand, and his visa is being revoked? Or, have they changed their minds already? 



    Because they like to follow the adage about making sure they kick a man whilst he's down so there is no possibility of him getting up again.









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  10. 3 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Which Swiss have been, or are being. deported?   I don't believe any have nor have any been threatened with deportation. Not having a visa renewed is not deportation...he could be back on the next plane.



    If the Governor of Phuket is involved and it has also been brought to the attention of the powers that be in Bangkok and also voiced their displeasure, as well as the DSI now involved, it is fairly obvious.


    They are proceeding to go to the court to revoke the foundation licence, I cannot see a local judge going against the Governor.


    I don't think it is much of a stretch when they have already stated that he is a danger to the peace and stability of the nation, that he will be deported and blacklisted after his current court cases have been heard and dealt with.


    The house of cards is tumbling down for him.


    He did the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time and opened a can of worms. It also attracted massive media interest, both locally and internationally, for the wrong reasons


    It has turned into a witchhunt, and they are going to follow through with this one I think.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Ben Zioner said:

    So in Thailand the accusation doesn't have to prove anything, they just have to "believe". But we knew that. And we are still here.


    But thankfully not in business in this country anymore 


    I'll stick to construction in the UK where it can all go in my name and I know the rules and regulations and what I am dealing with.

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  12. 35 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    There is something to be said for the usual chavy-bogan di<k heads from all nations being priced out of travelling here due to the recently elevated flight costs....


    BUT... those who are causing all the trouble seem to be 'resident foreigners' who have taken it upon themselves to start acting like locals with a short fuse.... 







    They seem to get the idea because they are here a while or running a business, which gives them more entitlement than the rest of us mere mortals.

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