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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 20 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

    Normally it's Thai's who do all the employing of illegal workers, I cant think of any farangs who employ Burmese,


    There is many Thai restaurants around Rawai with Burmese workers, mostly hotel staff around here are Burmese,




    When I was in hotels and restaurants down Pattaya way, government representatives would come in and go through the books thread to the needle checking social security payments, tax payments, licences, everything.


    Surrounded by Thai businesses, did they go to their establishments?


    Not a chance!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mikebell said:

    Thais have no work ethic; in fact little sense of ethics at all.  There is not one area of Thai life free from corruption (check out the millions stolen by crooked monks in Korat).  There is no sense of building a customer base by thoughtful service; they look no further than the immediate baht.  There is over-reliance on restrictive practices like price-fixing cartels/monopolies.  When farangs attempt to plug some of these gaps they cry foul.



    Great response,


    Agree absolutely with you.

  3. 2 hours ago, ifmu said:

    this is what my wife tells me 

    rats run loose everywhere  all over the products 

    high floodwaters spread the wastewater everywhere 

    poor waste disposal  


    all if this crud ends up on your shoes / feet     

    take shoes off when requested 


    It is their house and their rules. That is OK.  quote 





  4. 7 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    For get about "hygiene" part of visiting other countries  is experiencing and adaptation to culture.

    I don't hear Asian people making a big deal about it.


    People who visit Thailand then show hostility about removing shows before entering certain dentists, pharmacies or shops are boorish clods barging around with an air of superiority, or worse.

    Example whilst I go to the US I shake hands if proffered even if I don't particularly like it.  


    I'm particularly disgusted by people who kiss animals on the mouth and sleep with them. Creatures that seem to spend  a lot of time sniffing around for others discharges and licking their own genitals. I do not know if that is really that unhygienic. I read somewhere that a dog is cleaner than the long beard of a  hipster.









  5. 6 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    For get about "hygiene" part of visiting other countries  is experiencing and adaptation to culture.

    I don't hear Asian people making a big deal about it.


    People who visit Thailand then show hostility about removing shows before entering certain dentists, pharmacies or shops are boorish clods barging around with an air of superiority, or worse.

    Example whilst I go to the US I shake hands if proffered even if I don't particularly like it.  






    No, you won't hear Asian people complaining about it because the majority are sheep and would drive off a cliff if everybody else was doing it, and it's called not thinking for themselves.


    I have pointed out the dirty habits displayed by the locals regarding food and hygiene, and that part of the post has been ignored.


    Nobody is being a boorish clod walking around with an air of superiority, that is a dull and thoughtless way of trying to explain something that you are unable to explain, so you resort to name-calling.


    Your response is ill-thought-out and childish.

  6. 2 hours ago, NoshowJones said:

    Can you name any of these illegal agents?


    Agents who are in the widespread practice of obtaining extensions from different provinces for people who do not have the necessary funds in the bank.


    There are plenty in the likes of Bangkok and Pattaya, who work hand in glove with immigration, however, I think you know this already, and have nothing better to do with your time, except stalk on here acting or being obtuse.

    • Sad 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Brick Top said:

    Well , you definitely would not get away with that at Phuket immigration , in January when i did my 18th extension based on retirement, they wanted to scrutinise a 12 month bank statement that hsd to start on the very day i did my previous extension,  which was 22 January 2023 , to absolutely make sure i had not gone below 800,000 for 3 months 




    But, you are doing continuous extensions.


    This guy is applying for a new extension each year and it is quite legal what he is doing.


    He is doing the two-month seasoning and getting one year. Then using his money in total.


    The following year, when his extension expires, he is leaving and then entering on a waiver I believe, and then applying for a 90-day visa whilst in Thailand and putting his money in the bank for two months. Then he gets another 1-year extension.


    Rinse and repeat, that is how I understood him to be doing it anyway.

  8. 2 minutes ago, ryandb said:

    As others have stated, if there is no criminal history for the people involved in these 3 incidents, how exactly would this help stop them? For tourists, this would be a huge sod that moment, we will go somewhere else.


    Without a doubt.


    Clowns on here want to inconvenience thousands of incoming travellers for a few silly mishaps.


    As you say, the offenders have not even got any criminal history, so how would 'screening' help?


    Nothing but soundbites from an empty head in a government press office.

    • Sad 1
  9. There is only so much screening that can be done, and the rest is the luck of the draw.


    As I said before, they can't expect massive revenue to come through the airports and spend trillions in the country without some hiccups, and that is all these things are Hiccups.


    A young kid playing with a horse, A Swiss that kicked a woman on some steps, and a couple of Kiwis that subdued an overzealous policeman?


    These are hardly mass shootings, murders or bombings, are they?


    There was even one poster on here last week advising that every person should have their luggage checked on arrival at the airport!!!! .............Could you honestly imagine that?


    Way too many knee-jerk reactions here, by a sensationalist press corps with too much time on their hands!

    • Like 2
  10. 43 minutes ago, gravity101 said:

    Used wife as a nominee shareholder, not filed income taxes, drank a beer in the car, bought fake Nike shoes, smoked a vape. Driven too fast, didn't yield for zebra crossing, taken boat out with an expired licence, circumvented taxes by paying rent from offshore. Watched porn.


    That's just this week.


    Next week I'll be paying an agent to pay under the table just to get my effin extention done. Isnt that bribery?





    If you are going to break the rules, you might as well go the whole hog and not do things by halfway.


    Well done!

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Brick Top said:


    They did confirm that after the 3 months is up from March 1st  to June 1st , i can use the full 800k to spend ot transfer out if i want to .



    I have read on this forum about some guys who just put the 800K in 2 months before, got the retirement extension and then used all the 800K.


    The following year they just reapply for a new extension, thereby, not having to keep money in the bank for the additional 10 months when they obtained the extension.


    What is wrong with that method? I suppose a bit of messing about.

  12. 2 minutes ago, 2baht said:

    That will sort out the wheat from the chaff!


    No, it won't, it will lead to unnecessary hardship on the wrong people.


    I can afford to pay plenty more for an annual extension of stay, but why should I and what benefit is it?


    I resent the present rules where you have to permanently leave 400K always in the bank and for five months at least, 800K in the bank.


    It's daft, I have had separate health insurance for many years, those on the 65K method don't have to do this, so why should I?


    And no, I don't want the faff and bother of proving the 65K a month method along with proof and paperwork continuously, nor do I want an illegal agent.

    • Agree 2
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