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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Says plenty about the American public.
  2. Well, he did do something wrong. He's living here on tourist visas, that's why they have an immigration system and a Visa system.
  3. You do know that you have to have reasonable grounds and/or an attachment to the country where you are applying if it is not your country of nationality. It's not just simple and straightforward that you can apply to any country you choose in the region as long as it is outside Thailand. I read that somewhere when I was looking, as I intend to apply in Cambodia early next year, but I do have an address, a visa, and do banking business in Cambodia. Also, he needs to show 500K See above. How rigorous they will enforce is a matter for them, but we know different Embassies and Consuls will have their own rules. I can see very soon if people keep applying for DTV based on these scenarios, there will be a big change in the application process and new rules will be brought in. I mean, this means guys are just living here on tourist visas and now trying to move that lifestyle to the DTV.
  4. There is no need for such aggression when I am just asking simple questions to try and understand why Thailand was asking for information about you from your bank. This letter looks like they are looking at your previous business affairs in Thailand. This isn't, or doesn't appear to be, anything to do with the new proposed tax regulations for foreigners staying over 180 days.
  5. Why would Thailand make enquiries regarding your banking business and credit cards? The taxation of foreigners in Thailand, which has yet to be clarified, is only coming into force this year, and as yet, there is no tax due by anybody. Nobody really knows anything, so for what possible reason could Thailand be doing this?? HMRC in the UK, the governing tax body, is not allowed by law to look at our bank accounts or request banking information, unless they have a strong case that a person is being dishonest, has more funds than they are declaring or is claiming government benefits unlawfully. I am totally confused by your post.
  6. Have you taken your medication this morning?
  7. I have thought about moving to somewhere in Europe for quite a while now. The mother here is 84 and really on her last legs. Father went a few years ago, and my other half's siblings are selfish and useless. My partner purely cares about who will look after the property if she is not here, because as I said, we are dealing with a set of morons for family. It's not as much about money, our houses are built and paid for, as are the bikes and car. I am now fed up with the Thai government constantly trying to dream up ideas to lump bills onto us as foreigners. This is especially true with this latest round of taxation. If not doing that, they blame us for the woes of the country, whilst getting fat on the back of tourism. They moan about a few baht from foreigners who don't have the money to pay hospital bills, which really is, a drop in the bucket to the trillions they rake in annually. They want to try dealing with the influx of illegal immigrants and boat people that Europe is currently having to pay, house, fund and feed. Not only that, but they reckon 8 million GBP a day illegal immigrants, entering by boats, are costing the UK government, sorry, TAXPAYER, and it's rising fast. Furthermore, they are seeing a route for taxation for them, without giving anything in return. There is no recourse to Thai government funds, as it doesn't have the infrastructure for such things. They moan about foreigners working without permits, but have a large percentage of their own population that doesn't want to work, hence a lot of jobs are taken by Cambodians and Burmese. We pay inflated prices for OPD hospital care, we pay health insurance. We buy cars and condos, (I built houses) so we do contribute to Thailand as a whole, especially when paying school fees and university fees for extended family members, to give them a leg up, so to speak. So, the naysayers on here that imply we are nothing of consequence, or the usual sarcasm about Thailand can survive without us and doesn't need us, can go and do one. For this input we make, we must report every ninety days, 0/A visa holders must-have health insurance, I have it anyway on Non - O, extensions. There is the 800K in the bank, but 400K must remain in there in perpetuity. We, as foreigners, are blamed for all ills, although half of Isaarn wouldn't have decent houses without plenty of foreigners and assistance, and many of the Isaarn kids would never be getting the benefit of further education without sponsorship. Let's be honest, Thailand has never cared about the Isaarn region as a rule, except at election times. Thailand is not what it was by a long way, and there are definitely new options opening up for retirees to enjoy their older years in peaceful surroundings, without getting fleeced at every juncture, or the common phrase thrown at them,' If you don't like it, go home! ' I notice Thais with restaurants and shops residing in the UK don't say such things, they keep their heads down and their mouths shut and enjoy the benefits and a better standard of living.
  8. I don't get point 3 unless it's a miscommunication with English, not his first language. I can't see Thailand contacting his bank regarding his Wealth, it is way too early for such a thing, as many areas are not finalised on tax for foreigners etc The alleged tax year isn't even over, and there are many questions unanswered regarding rules, regulations and implementation. I do agree, however, Thailand is no place for somebody elderly who is a foreigner with multiple health issues. I would sooner be in Spain than parts of the UK.
  9. When I read the post and the BBC report, it did not say he was working at a school, it said he was ' recruiting ' and placing potential teachers in teaching positions in Thailand, so, I took that as freelancing. If he was self-employed, he wasn't teaching at a school and no school insurance would have been provided.
  10. Bloody hell, it's obvious and fenced enough for anybody to realise it's a hazard, give it a wide berth and to stay well away from it. I can't see it being a motorbike, it's a fair distance from the road. Also, it ain't knee-high, unless you are Michael Jordan, you can see in the pic with the guys standing around, it's waist high. I agree Thailand doesn't have a great health and safety record, but visitors know this, as it's obvious, such as lousy drivers, open manhole covers, etc You are not going to achieve Western standards of health and safety over here. Anyway, RIP to the poor guy, 36 years old is no age!
  11. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c7v3qrg99zeo
  12. Try educating yourself, and below is some bedtime reading to help you along. Below it tells you about his lies, draft dodging and misogyny, as well as his conviction. He's a convicted felon, for god's sake! All articles from respected sources. However, cult followers like you will never accept, it is a waste of time showing you facts as you deny them, you don't think for yourselves, and it's the blind leading the blind. The man is a danger and a loose cannon:- https://apnews.com/article/trump-trial-deliberations-jury-testimony-verdict-85558c6d08efb434d05b694364470aa0 https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-lies-rogan-interview-ballots-voting-c8c06eb608c1b1ae8ca0e93ec1022b02 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/02/27/trumps-lawyer-no-basis-for-presidents-medical-deferment-from-vietnam/ https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-avoided-the-military-draft-which-was-common-at-the-time-vietnam-war-2018-12 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/nov/13/your-body-my-choice-maga-men
  13. Are you for real? or have you been living under a rock without internet for the past 10 years?
  14. Insurance abroad to cover all eventualties should be top of peoples lists, unfortunately, it tends to be an afterthought, with inadequate insurance or no insurance being the norm. I get some kind of insurance via my Thai credit card for accidents, Do I think this covers me for anything major? Of course I don't and have full medical insurance in Thailand as well as, not instead of. When I was a kid, asking strangers or neighbours for money was classed as begging and a badge of shame in my family, and we were poor! Why do people in 2024 think it's OK to just put up a GoFundMe page and let charity from online strangers take care of their oversights and shortcomings? A side issue and short story, I have a spare house in Isaarn and I had this guy come regarding rental. We weren't asking much, it's a three bed bungalow, with European style bathroom and toilet and a kitchen/diner. This German tried to beat us down from 6,000 baht a month to 5,000 baht. I saw him in the local bar later that evening, where women of the night are available. The girls didn't understand him and he asked me to translate, he wanted to request they would come down from 3,000 baht to 2,500 baht for the night. So here we have a guy, who is prepared to pay 2500 baht to get his rocks off for a couple of hours, but doesn't want to pay 6000 baht for a months accommodation. It's called getting your PRIORITIES RIGHT and what is important in your life! And No, I didn't rent the clown the house!
  15. Totally agree, If a guy wants to drink beer in the morning, it's his choice. I've not drank for three months, but my waistline isn't saying the same.
  16. The problem is, and this is showing in the West, as youngsters turn away from alcohol, they are turning to drugs. They aren't leading super healthy lifestyles, they are swapping one substance for another. These take the form, in the West anyway, of Cocaine, ecstasy is a staple, Cannabis etc and those alleged, ' Healthy Gym buffs ' are on various substances, including steroids, but only admit to protein substitutes!! My eldest son informs me, they hit the Cocaine big time, at the weekends, and then they all want time off work the following week, claiming mental health issues, which is now the' Catch all and Go To ' excuse for missing work. He has worked with Adults with mental health issues for many years, and knows the stories.
  17. Hi, Side question here as not wanting to open a thread for a small matter. If you withdraw an amount from your 800K, Is your three months after renewal (where you cannot withdraw), timed from when you OBTAINED your renewal, or the expiry date of your renewal. For example, if your renewal expires on 18th July 2025, but you renewed in June 12th 2024, is the three-month period from June renewal date or the July expiry date?
  18. I got rid of a black faced submariner early last year, It had sat in a safe for years! I got 9,500 GBP for it, and I am glad I sold it. That, coupled with the fact it costs 800 GBP just to get it serviced, I let it go and sold it when I was in the UK. With the sale and profit, I put in a new, non-slip tiled driveway in the house in Thailand, I also bought Madam a new motorbike and got her a 10-year visa for the UK, and I got my eyes lasered. I now wear a Black pulsar which cost me 50 GBP!! It still tells the time, looks OK, and I wouldn't be too upset if it got stolen from a hotel room on one of my mini breaks in Cambodia!
  19. So, it looks like the kid is 14 years old, not 10 years old as stated, and he knows his way around in the thieving game! Seriously, what on earth was the woman thinking, leaving that amount of valuables lying around in a condo with the flimsiest of locks as security. She should have left her jewellery in Australia, the same place as she left her brains! The stupidity is mind-boggling. Great idea, let's take 3.5 million baht worth of jewellery to Thailand, which has rampant poverty, and leave it on bedside tables and drawers, In an unsecure condo, without even a safety box, on the ground floor. What could possibly go wrong?
  20. In Cambodia, they want and expect you to pay the fare plus the extra for petrol for THEM taking YOU to the wrong place!
  21. You short of friends to send you emails?
  22. Yeah, Goodbye, Biden, now let's listen to four years of Trump crap, lies, misogynist behaviour, racism, and self adulation. If you miss it so much, get yourself back there, there will be plenty of space with the amount selling up and getting out.
  23. The Black holes in UK finances are made up of inefficient use of resources and top-heavy management in the NHS, and DWP, and adding into the mix the lazy work-shy Brits who have scrounged all their lives on benefits, with a nice helping of false Asylum seekers, that shouldn't be in the country.
  24. Very few Nigerians are in Thailand for tourism!
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