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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I have come to the conclusion that we don't see Thais getting worked up about taxes owed, so why should I.
  2. I agree, I think far too many excessively worrying and getting their knickers in a twist about scenarios that probably won't pan out.
  3. And a good choice! All these Thais with their little shops using the QR etc, which is all OK until big brother decides to check their actual income, against declared income, down the line. Then all these QR code payments etc that were so easy, won't have been the best decision any more.
  4. I use contactless at Lotus.
  5. It's all smoke and mirrors. The USA doesn't have special relationships with any specific countries, it is too big an economy. It does have those countries it would rather do business with and trusted allies in conflict. At the end of the day, the USA looks after itself and its own interests, just like every country on the Globe. For all the threats, posturing, and talk and even nice diplomacy, don't expect any favours from Trump.
  6. The only thing about all this is that it is being left to all of us to guess and play out scenarios regarding transfer of monies, resident status, tax implications etc. So far, NOTHING from the so-called decision makers.
  7. Of course, it would go through the bank of whoever owned the ATM, that's why they charge a fee.
  8. I am stating what I read and that was the use of things such as withdrawing on home country cards, including Wise cards, they are not linked to expat Thai bank accounts. Such transactions, which are cash, would not be picked up on. It would be just like a tourist withdrawing money on a card from the UK in Thailand. Too many making too much of a big deal about small things like this.
  9. I think you are underestimating and understating by saying" a few foreign expats” and what they bring to the table. Regarding wealthy Thais and their vast incomes abroad, when do you honestly think they will be able to catch up with this group. Those guys have the power to bring down governments in Thailand, and let's face it, it doesn't take much doing. They will never nail the likes of these people, who employ large accountancy experts to navigate and ensure tax avoidance.
  10. Because Wise themselves explained how to use it for online purchases in their Q and A. I always use COD with Lazada and others.
  11. I wasn't talking about the digital card for online purchases, I was talking about people who filled up their Wise card in their own country and withdraw cash in Thai baht from ATMs in Thailand. My response was in answer to another poster, who was questioning if it was classed as taxable income coming in or if it would be noticed if they were withdrawing cash in Thailand on a Wise card. It would not be going through your Thai bank account or a card linked to it, you would purely be using an ATM.
  12. If they play that card, I definitely think that will be the final nail in the coffin and an exodus of foreign retirees. They won't be able to use all their past claims about it being retiree friendly etc as other countries in the region, and Europe, offer better.
  13. Chewing is for the young dog trying to strengthen its teeth, it can act like this out of boredom as well. A few toys might help and playing with it and giving it a bit of attention. Nothing wrong in my book in getting them sterilised, too many soi dogs anyway. We get frustrated as well, for a different reason. We keep our five dogs (we have a big piece of land) and we wash them, shampoo them, treat them with flea powders and collars, we make sure they are inoculated etc. The problem is that every other villager doesn't, or none that I have seen. They want them as puppies to parade around, but as soon as the cuteness is gone, so is the care. With our dogs coming into contact with the village dogs, it's a constant battle to keep them clean. We also have a neighbour on the opposite side of the road who is an alcoholic and never feeds his dog. His son used to look after the dog, but he now works away a lot in construction. The dog constantly gets through when our gate is opened to steal any food from the bowls lying around. Because he's very hungry, he shows little fear. A waste of time talking to the drunkard.
  14. Inappropriate use of the word. The chap was acting out of kindness, so he didn't deserve it, as you state.
  15. My understanding is that with Wise, you are purely using the ATM service, which you pay for, and the money is not going through the Thai banking system into an account that is linked to a card. I read this when researching.
  16. I have Wise from the UK, I have a green physical card and a pink digital card to use online with a different number. I have never used it online TBH, but it's straightforward.
  17. We wouldn't own it, and why should we do it? We have options and alternatives to Thailand, and I, for one, will not be held to ransom just because my partner is Thai.
  18. That's my plan, applying in Cambodia next month. My retirement doesn't expire while July. I want to get it before any further changes come in to play (if it gets abused, already agents arranging trips for DTV visas), and I am informed once you have it, you can just hold on to it, without using it until later in the year.
  19. I have to agree with @Phillip9, as you are aware, immigration is directly involved, even through agents, with the Non-0 process of extensions. With the DTV being granted through the MFA, the immigration noses could well get put out of joint, as if enough people move to them, it would greatly have a bearing on one of their lucrative income streams. Yes, Real Madrid sorted, and Man City slaughtered, it should have been 5-0, but we will take 2-0! Even at this early stage now, it's Liverpool’s title to lose, I just hope they don't fall to pieces or get injury hit, plus the contracts of Salah and Co becoming a distraction.
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