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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Yeah, A strong competitor for the end of year Darwin awards 2024.
  2. A long time since I was there, and thank you very much for your insights and very interesting photos and updates.
  3. Laos is boring but beer is good there.
  4. I have no jealousy, and I am contemplating getting one. My issue, same as other long term expats is that once it gets abused, which it will, how swift and what sweeping changes will come into effect, changing the criteria in obtaining one. If I was to get the soft power under medical reasons, I have the ability to prove, I need to get a medical procedure done by an ENT surgeon every 4–6 months, so it could work for me. Leaving every six months? I already do that on retirement visa.
  5. My other half loves Border Force and Nothing to declare and howls with laughter when they get caught, especially if they are Thai.
  6. Yeah, but I get fed up with cartoons.
  7. Watched Gladiator 2 this morning, until I switched it off. Gladiators on a Hippopotamus and sharks in the Coliseum, with a large helping of unreal special effects that looked tacky. I think not. Saving grace, it had Denzel Washington and that's it.
  8. I'll stay here, thanks! Heard enough about Trump for a lifetime.
  9. You mean violence like Capitol Hill?
  10. You are talking a lot but not saying much. Payment for goods and valuables by sexual services is the definition of prostitution. A temporary relationship? You mean like the bigoted way ISIS and Muslim fighters got married ' for the night ' and divorced the day after, so they could bypass the laws on not having sex outside marriage! Ridiculous, just call it what it is, no shame in it, unless you want to see it that way, but don't try putting lipstick on as pig.
  11. They don't allow the truth to get in the way of a good story.
  12. The powers that be at AN should open a separate subsection for Trump related posts, preferably a separate message board.
  13. Are you still keeping your chickens in the coop outside your trailer?
  14. Happy times for you then, time to look in the wardrobe and dig out the white uniform, pointy hat with eyelets and the cross to burn in the gardens of naysayers.
  15. It's prostitution, plain and simple, no matter how you try to dress it up. Everyone can make an excuse for selling themselves, poverty usually being top of the list. Lack of education is also another to limit a person's opportunities. We hear this old chestnut also trotted out as an excuse for thefts, robberies, burglaries, citing poverty and poor childhoods, over here and in the West. Regarding dating apps, they are more popular than ever in Thailand, especially for those who don't wish to stand on a stage and don a number. Lastly, many of them forget that their reason was poverty or to help out family once they hit the lights of Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket and soon find other vices to drain any money that they get. All night partying, drinking until out of control, gambling and drugs to mention just a few. The salute should go out to those who choose not to go down this route and work near their homes in menial jobs to keep themselves above water.
  16. You are right, They now take credit cards! I got cheesed off with the Neteller nonsense. I mainly just want Football, the other stuff I get elsewhere with Netflix, Amazon, and all that jazz.
  17. They can never simplify things, they are always harping on about protecting national sovereignty, it's all jingoism. That's what it is. Everything comes here with never ending caveats, only to be shelved because they can't agree. Don't forget westerners, if you want to make full use of your newly acquired condo at 10 million baht plus, it will cost you an extra 35% I don't think I will bother.
  18. Age old tradition with a new trendy name
  19. I am same opinion as @bubblegum easy install, rarely buffers. It has on occasions, but they all do. If it was frequent, I wouldn't be using it, as I am an avid football fan. I am on AIS.
  20. OK, understand from that point of view now. However, it won't matter to me myself, as I won't be bringing any more large lumps of money as I did in the past. As I have said in previous posts, I probably won't buy any more cars or big ticket items either whilst this rule remains.
  21. I agree with you completely, But I think two expensive alternatives.
  22. Yes, I have a Cambodian visa myself, I got mine in Phnom Penn on the front riverside, and I also did the express method, as I go there on personal business stuff for myself. But It looks like you are planning to stay there for reasons best known to yourself. I am not sure how that would go down with your Mrs, as Thais tend to miss home. I actually prefer Siem Reap to Phnom Penn, but it's got to be PP if you want to get things done. Siem Reap has quite a long list of characters living there and a vibrant expat community. It's not for me, nothing wrong with it, but I like to be on my own. However, my previous post was about with associated costs of staying outside Thailand, like you mention, this would be far in excess of any tax I had due for staying in Thailand. It definitely wouldn't work for my circumstances. For a start, I have no rent, all the items you mention I already have. I am probably older and in a different situation to you, as I am 62 years old.
  23. So now he is in custody, he is Arm-less!
  24. I would laugh , but it's too serious a subject and the same is definitely happening in the UK, with Wokeism and weak governance.
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