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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Why would they follow Pakistani brothers? As a rule, they don't trust them. Nor do they share common beliefs. That script is for Muslims, the majority of Indians as we know them follow Hinduism and Sikhism.
  2. Nah, them lot will be all pious at Mecca, on the proceeds of selling Heroin.
  3. This is what they do when they bring their own backward culture to the UK
  4. I don't smoke, I don't like the habit. I don't vape or anything else either.
  5. Not my friend, I have no idea who the guy is. I am not apologizing for anybody. Here you go again changing facts and the story, do you have difficulty reading? Maybe his friend just thought it would be more sensible to walk away from a storm in a teacup and was diffusing the situation?
  6. No Brits involved? Shame! Some on here will have nothing to write about today.
  7. Not a Brit in sight to blame, some people will be disappointed.
  8. Totally unnecessary comment blaming the victim for his weight or sexual persuasion in 2024.
  9. I see now, A foreigner smoking near a street food stall needs ' tar and feathering ' but a tourist customer, doing nothing wrong apart from slamming a car door according to a driver gets slashed with a cutter knife BY AN UNBALANCED TAXI DRIVER is OK? Where do you get your logic from? I see you don't even find it in you to say this is completely over the top and wrong, instead you go barbling on about UK taxi prices!! Unbelievable!
  10. Another ' Quality Thai host ' looking after tourists!
  11. 1. A bit if not a lot of exaggeration to the point of over egging the pudding in your first argument. How much smoke is billowing from those gas cookers and naked flames, not to mention all the fumes and petrol, as well as diesel from the cars and trucks passing the roadside stall? 2. Yelling and swearing seems to have been going both ways from the video I saw. Throwing objects, followed by buckets of water certainly didn't help diffuse the situation. 3. No evidence whatsoever of this occurring, and I don't believe it did and where is your video evidence to back this up? You can make a point, but you really shouldn't resort to the overkill and blatant disregard of what actually occurred, everybody can easily watch the video to know, many of your statements are clearly untrue.
  12. Ridiculous response, even if he did commit a minor infraction, which I don't believe he did. Second hand smoke. How much smoke and fumes are coming from those calor gas cookers with dirty oil coupled with the cars, driving adjacent belching out car fumes and oil? Kudos you say to the stallholder? All she and her sister did was turn a small matter into a large one, something people out of control are good at. What would the police lock him up for? What grounds? Where is your logic for a ' 6 months in the can and a 200,000 baht fine ' Your post is knee jerk and ludicrous
  13. For what? Smoking in Thailand?
  14. No, I am not having that, that would mean pedestrians have no right of way to walk next to a road. Markets don't own the kerbs, though they often encroach on them, hence various means and methods to get markets moved. How often previously was it we have to move into the road to negotiate our way around food trolleys and carts occupying the pavements in Bangkok. These are attempts to commandeer public spaces and rights of way by stallholders. It is no better than those who place bollards and obstacles outside their shops so they can reserve parking for themselves in public streets and rights of way.
  15. From the view, he wasn't in a market or restaurant, he was smoking in the vicinity of a stall perched on the outside of the market as we can see from the traffic.
  16. There was no wrecked stall. Any wreckage was down to the behavior of the sisters. Of course it's an exaggeration to justify firstly throwing an object from one of them at him, backed up by the second throwing water which was hardly likely to ' put out a cigarette ' it was intentionally aimed to inflame the situation. He wasn't smoking over her food at the stall and was a good couple of meters away from her stall. It looks like he is on a public highway, not in the middle of a market. Gas bottles are used to fuel open burners with naked flames, so the health and safety argument is out the window. Then of course, we have the AN forum hang them high brigade on here, Ban him, send him to jail, revoke his visa, throw him out of the country,...….pathetic responses and over the top! The guy has smoked a cigarette and that is the top and bottom of it, and whether you like it or not, no law was broken. This crime against humanity has subsequently drawn the wrath of the great and the good on Asean Now to warrant a 10 page thread. Finally, we have the outraged Anti British on here spewing their bile against any person of British extraction. You guys want to get out of your self important bubbles, off your small laptops and barstools, where you spend your lives blaming everybody else for your own miserable existence and give your heads a good wobble,
  17. I have switched to Haier for my TVs and white goods. They told me at Lotus, keep the receipts etc and anything goes wrong inside two years, bring it back, no quibble, replace it with new and no repairing!
  18. Showed your knowledge of the UK In the post above your incorrect interjection, we were referring to illegals in the UK, so brushing up on your reading skills and attention span would be a great idea. So, you go hug a tree!
  19. You would have all the lefties and tree huggers marching and complaining they don't have Wi-Fi and snooker tables as well as Halal food.
  20. Anybody would get that view and agree with you if they hadn't been there or weren't from there. London has been taken over completely with ridiculous, unhinged policies, and there is a lunatic in charge, as the London mayor. A great deal of the ghettos and inner city problems have been formed by governments past and present, by relocating MANY of the illegal immigrants and refugees to the poorer, cheaper areas of the North of England. Out of sight, out of mind. These towns and cities once formed the backbone of textiles, confectionary, steel, coal, etc but are now in steep decline. These places, especially the town centres, are full of non-working Albanians, Romanians, former East European migrants. Shoplifting, thieving, petty crime and violence are now every day occurrences. Add back the British lame and lazy, and a drug epidemic, that is what the outside world is seeing. If you move away from the likes of Rotherham, Liverpool, Rochdale, Sheffield, Hull, Halifax, Bradford, Burnley, Barnsley etc there are some magnificent parts of the UK, unscathed and untouched by all the problems that grab the headlines. Richmond, York, Thirsk, Lake District, Whitby, Yorkshire Dales, too many to mention, are still outstanding. https://www.yorkshirecoastalcottages.com/blog/the-most-beautiful-places-in-yorkshire/ https://www.laurushomes.co.uk/blog/posts/top-7-beauty-spots-to-visit-and-walk-in-lancashire/ https://northernlifemagazine.co.uk/prettiest-places-to-visit-in-lancashire/
  21. No fines? I wonder how you got away with that one.
  22. Stamped addressed envelope.
  23. I agree with all you say, now we just need a UK government that's strong enough to implement it.
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