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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. If it was all about actual love, there would be no need for the big announcements, flash ceremonies, Thai traditional costumes, and TV cameras broadcasting to poor people, the dowry. It is all about the BIG FACE that Thais cannot help themselves doing, and also for the benefit of others that just encourages resentment, jealousy, and greed.


    You have to go with the TV cynics on this unless a lot more information provided regards length of relationship, time together, etc  If you don't, it is too easy to believe that It ends up a fool's errand.


    It becomes just an excuse for the village to get plastered, the uneducated Mother-in-Law to upset her mates showing off, and to continue and perpetuate the dream  in Isaarn villages of the " Farang Holy Grail '


    It just looks like an effeminate looking young Thai taking an older foreigner with money to the cleaners. And before the accusations of me being either green-eyed or anything else, you are wrong.


    My other half does have the big house in her name,( I have a usufruct ) a  new pick up and motorbike and 3 rai of land with further houses rented out for income. However, it has been a slow process and is valued and been done step by step,it has taken 22 years of knowing each other, ups and downs, illnesses, heartaches, to get to that level, we are still together and reasonably happy without going OTT.


    Even if the guy is loaded, there would be far better ways of showing love and devotion to somebody much younger in a more structured way, especially with the immaturity Thai males and females can display, until well into their late thirties and early forties.

    • Like 2
  2. Well, they managed 600 extra ones for Songkran in Pattaya and that was a wet one!! 


    I don't know what percentage of police officers they have out of 215,000- 230,000 in the Royal Thai police force for the Chonburi region, but should imagine it is a decent number. It's a fair sized province with a lot of responsibility.

  3. 6 hours ago, Juan B Tong said:

    Blacklisted from what?

    Teaching at that school again?


    Ignore it.


    Like there is some national register of foreign tachers in Thailand nobody knows about.


    Curious how a second hand report of this threat became your concern. Got nothing better to worry about?



    Because sometimes on here the ' friend ' is actually they themselves? Maybe? Possibility?.......


    I think that this could be a possibility!...

    • Haha 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, ekkamai said:

    I think there is an undelying problem here, which is much more worrying. Negative attitude towards foreigners - be it expats or just tourists. We are - increasingly - the dirt they walk on, and agression is lurking lust below the surface. This is of course deeply unfair towards many Thais, and I have many dear Thai friends here, but overall the trend is definetely there. Personally I have had enough. I planned spend the rest of my life here, but that is no longer the plan. Other countries actually welcome retired expats. Give us decent visas and go out of their way to make it happen. I'll keep visiting Thailand, but I'll be damned, if I want to live my life where I am so obviously unwanted and all they want is my money. Visiting other countries in the region I have come to realize, that that famous Thai smile has emigrated too...!



    I think you just might be right! I have been thinking the same.


    Familiarity breeds contempt!

    • Like 2
  5. Well, it is to be expected that the term ' Farang ' is not really a nice description of us.It is hammered into them from an early age as though we are from outer space.


    The Thai government preaches to the masses that all the country's woes are the fault of foreigners, meanwhile, they themselves, at U.N. leaders meetings, are seen sucking up to the West and pretending that the uneducated masses in Thailand, are the fault of past governments and they are really trying their utmost to educate them but it is an uphill process.


    Thais in the main, who are not well educated or have not really traveled, are taught from birth to be Nationalistic and xenophobic ar every opportunity, starting with television, the schools, through their teens and into adulthood. Anything goes wrong in the country, blame the foreigner! The TV and newspapers seem to be actively encouraged to seek out foreigners who step out of line within their country and blast it non stop all over the media. It is social brainwashing.


    They are also taught never to question or argue with their superiors,  and they must make sure the person they are addressing are treated like some kind of demi-god because they wear a uniform and some gold braid on it, even a few medal ribbons!.All this is ingrained and in their nature.


    Of course, when these Thai people visit the West, they fully expect to be given equal treatment or better than the natives of the said country and complain like hell if they don't get what they want, be it buying land, visas, investing in business in our countries, divorce settlements, etc. They very quickly become conversant with Western laws that benefit them.


    A friend who has passed away now, and was a very ' old hand ' from the early days in Thailand once said to me:- ' The Thais are polite, but they have no manners ' It took me a while to figure that one out, but he was right.

  6. 31 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Yes indeed it does.  A very fat brown envelope was probably handed under the table to the police.  However the victim was pretty stupid in signing something in a foreign language that he didn't understand and which clearly allowed the bail to be set.  In Thailand you cannot trust people to be honest and straightforward I am afraid.


    I doubt that this Brit will get anywhere with this.  One foreigner against the system.... may as well just go back to blighty and lick his wounds there.


    He can lick his wounds anywhere, he has 16 of them!....:burp:


    I used to get wound up about the term ' Farang ' when I studied what it meant and the different connotations where it can be used. I then realized that the Thais using it, especially younger ones, know no better and it is simply passed down to them by listening to the older generation using the term.


    In the main to them, they just think it is the general term for white-faced foreigners and goes no deeper than that.


    I really don't give a bugger anymore, far worse names to be called and far more important things to worry about, to be honest.

  8. Bible rants and Bible nonsense is way off topic to a stabbing on Koh Chang island. And by the way, it's an open forum so anybody can respond to anything. If you want your bible studies group in private, send a message to the person.

    I can't believe people still try to quote biblical text let alone still believe in that nonsense.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    • Like 2
  9. 25 minutes ago, johng said:
    1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:
    Telling somebody to fragg his/her mother can get you killed. That's maybe why he didn't say it? 

    No I wouldn't say that...anyways he zoomed past and me zooming in the other direction no time to reply...I just laughed at his "idiotness" and continued on my way.


    And that without a doubt in my book was the smartest move and well done!.


    The guy screaming the comment doesn't look smart or tough, he just looks like the braindead, uneducated <deleted> that he is.


    He might get a snigger from equally uneducated <deleted>, but you need not trouble your brain with them.

    • Like 1
  10. 19 hours ago, siamcrut said:


    Why didn’t you reply:
    Yet Mae, Mueng!

    I don't think that would have been a very intelligent response at all, and not the smartest piece of advice I think a person could give out; unless he wants attacking with any tool the Thai has to hand.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, puffy said:

    Yes I agree, but what the bible taught you or didn't teach you is rather off topic.

    YOU are the one who started the bible talk, not me!  then you claim its off topic!


    6 hours ago, puffy said:

    The bible also teaches forgiveness and redemption but I guess you are not up to that bit and only on the first few chapters.

    You remember this?


    The Bible also has nothing to do with a guy getting stabbed sixteen times!



  12. 1 hour ago, rwill said:

    obviously the duct tape and plastic was put on at home.  Most likely to keep the wound dry while bathing.



    Maybe, just maybe, to avoid hospital bills?


    Those dressings certainly have not come from Bumrungrad!


    3 hours ago, puffy said:

    The bible also teaches forgiveness and redemption but I guess you are not up to that bit and only on the first few chapters.


    The Bible taught me nothing, it's just a group of contradictory stories cobbled together to suit the uneducated men of that period of time and stifle peoples curiosity about how the world came about before we had science and reason.

    • Like 1
  13. It looks like the Swede lives down on Koh Chang and possibly is it his bar?


    The bar also seems to be frequented mostly by non-British judging by the names made on comments on their facebook.


    The English guy from Stoke says he is based in Bangkok, so can only presume to holiday down there. A lot more information required to ' join the dots ' on this one.

  14. 1 hour ago, orchis said:

    I often wondered why the balcony railings are so low here in so many places, like reaching only half-thigh.


    Because they only thought about the height of Asians when they built them.


    You ever used the Thai urinals before they finally grasped it that we are much taller and made the new ones higher?


    If ever I die in a tall building or hotel in Bangkok by going over the balcony, I can assure you, it will be due to nefarious means.


    I hate heights, I don't go on balconies. That's why I joined the Navy and not the Air Force and I take no chances, I built and live in a bungalow in Thailand.

    • Haha 1
  15. 10 hours ago, Jip99 said:



    Whilst presumptious, it would invariably be correct.



    I was also informed that they control the prisons.


    Informed by who? That is just not true.


    If you think about it logically, there are not enough Katoeys/Ladyboys incarcerated to ' control ' anything.


    They are segregated into cells where they also put the ' older foreigners ' and elderly Thais with ailments and vulnerable Thais to make up the numbers. They hang around in pop up tents at the weekends selling their ' sexual services ' around the prison yards.


    I wouldn't really class that as controlling the prisons. They also perform duties such as laundry etc for other prisoners in return for food and cigarettes. The life is one of existing and escaping the boredom. They stick together in groups the same as other minorities do, which may look like there are more of them than they actually are.

  16. 1 hour ago, Apiwan2 said:

    What is self insure ?

    New to me

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    This is a term used for those who do not pay and have the peace of mind by getting adequate insurance and adopt the idea that they will pay for the other vehicle if they have an accident and decide to just take the compulsory government insurance.


    Guys like this tend to do the same with medical insurance and say they 'self-insure '  meaning they take the chance and will pay for medical care unless its an expensive operation, then they try to jump on a plane (if they are from the UK ) and get it free back home and burden the NHS.Anything to save money, or so they think, till something like this happens.


    In my view, and you know it, you are wrong and now you have the bill you don't like the numbers and are trying to find a way out of it or you are trying to renegotiate now the bill has arrived.


    Your own car would probably not have cost 7-9,000 baht to fully insure with second class insurance.You have opted to ' skimp on insurance '  and must now face the consequences.


    You accept it's clearly your fault, (well, you hit a stationary vehicle), and now you don't want to accept the bill. Also, you have gone about your business nonchalantly until this bill has arrived instead of being proactive, on the ball, and chasing it up regards repair bills, cost of replacement rental car, garage used, etc.


    Pay up and suck it up.


    As a previous poster states very well, What would have happened if this had been a top of the range Porsche or Mercedes?? I doubt the owner of one of those would have been very impressed with you having no cover.

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