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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 14 hours ago, shaul19 said:

    Only that he rented that room was there when she fall and didnt call the police is a reason to arreset him

    It's been reported that his visa had expired and he was wanted in connection with the theft of a motorbike.


    14 hours ago, epicstuff said:

    I would say it takes a special kind of  dick to leave without  checking or  helping her after an accident like that, sex or not.  If you just out  for innocent  fun and that  happened I  am not  sure i  know anyone that  could zip up and walk away unless there was some hate involved and a feeling they thought they  could get away  with murder.  Sure cant  be that hard a job for forensics to  tell what really happened.


    Apparently, they were having spiced up sex with opened liquid viagra found at the scene and used condoms.


    This fantasy sex apparently moved to the balcony and the rest we know. I completely agree with you about a special kind of dick who walks away from a situation like this and doesn't even seek help or contact anybody. Instead, he goes and carries on like nothing has happened. He has arrested drinking in a beer bar. He then, according to reports made light of the matter and started laughing when the police arrived and when arrested, asked if he could smoke a cigarette!!.....


    Sounds like a great guy, huh?......... Filth. On this occasion, I hope he gets a hard time from the cops for being such a despicable creep.


    She was from Sakon Nakhon, somebody's 26-year-old daughter and hugely popular with workmates. She didn't deserve to die like this and just be left there in the road.



  2. On 07/01/2018 at 3:59 AM, nickboyuk said:

    My wife got her Schengen at the French embassy in Bangkok and even gave her a refund as its free. Was easy and a got a year one so we used it to go the Spain too.

    I like the sound of this, I will check further about it.


    On 07/01/2018 at 4:03 AM, Here It Is said:

    The state of things, you should've got her settled years ago.   

    Hi, Sorry, I don't know what you are meaning here. You mean the state of things in Thailand?

  3. 7 hours ago, Here It Is said:

    You married a Thai without considering the consequences.  Family first. 

    Much as I would like to admire your sentiments, how can it be family first when the husbands walk away, the mothers are no better???, They leave, saying they are going to get money to send home and leaving children in the care of grandparents and then forgetting to send money home or saying they aren't earning enough.


    They seem to quickly forget their responsibilities when they hit the bright lights of Pattaya, Phuket and the likes, with the bars, restaurants, discos, alcohol, and drugs. Are we going to excuse this and put it down to low education? No, It's down to choices. They know what is the right and wrong thing to do, many find the temptations too much to resist.


    It's always the restaurants and karaoke bars full to the brim with Thai customers, till dawn. I know, I used to be in them until dawn as well in younger days and plenty of spending and money changing hands, going on with the working girls and boys.

  4. 6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Sounds to me this is the outcome of marrying  a lowend person. It comes with the turf. What you describe is similar in other countries. I doubt this scenario would apply with a professional woman, and I don't mean a former massage girl/beer bar hostess. The men who encounter these issues are not much better themselves. If they are unhappy, they should consider  a better class of companion.

    I find your post inaccurate, judgmental and actually rude.


    You are actually saying that anybody that doesn't marry a hi-so Thai female lawyer, doctor or similar is asking for all they get. What a load of garbage! Your classification of people resembles the Indian ' caste system ', next you will be referring to people from Isaarn as ' untouchables ' which in itself, is another disgrace. In addition, my partner  (we never married) was not and never has been a girl/beer bar hostess. You will be saying next it's " their own fault they were born poor! "


    A lot of foreigners get conned and skinned alive by the very people you are referring to and fall into the category as a ' professional woman '  because they are cleverer at the con and harder to read or catch because they are smarter. They also have the ability to lull the foreigner into the false sense of security with the outward appearance of being well-heeled and having their own money. What the farang fails to understand that in Thailand ' Greed is as natural as eating noodles '  and they can never get enough.


    I was referring to fair-weather friends of my other half that keep appearing invited or not because they have known my partner from schooldays and grew up in the same village and because my other half hasn't got the heart to tell them or is too gentle, to tell them to get on their bike.


    In Isaarn villages, there is a great deal of peer pressure to assist those less fortunate and not enough attention paid, or it is ignored, as to why they are in that position.


    We have been together 21 years now so I feel no need to look for a ' better class of companion '  as I am happy with the person who has worked with me and assisted me in business, looked after me when I was gravely ill for an extended period, and been the best companion and most loyal friend I have ever had. Is she perfect?... No!,... Am I,... No!


    Are we on the whole content and as happy as most people, the answer would be yes.

  5. 56 minutes ago, VBF said:

    @Briggsy  That is probably true - like many Farang, when I first came to Thailand, the only Thais I met were those in the bar industry and perforce there were some not-so-pleasant people amongst them. (Some of course were great!) Since then I've met more people, learned a little Thai and realised that there are good and bad everywhere. Thing is that MOST of us only ever meet people who either choose or are forced financially to work in jobs that  even other Thais look down on. These tend to be less educated and possibly desperate people.We judge by what we see and hear - at least I do.


    @yardrunner Agreed! The father of 6 year old twins of my acquaintance has run off leaving his ex GF to raise them, helped by his mother - the twin's grandmother. This is in UK where at least there are some State Benefits available. 


    There are jobs many working-class Thais look down on and will not do, hence the numbers of Lao, Cambodian and Myanmar nationals.


    However, many of the same Thais who look down on this work such as the service industry, construction and fishing and the nationalities working in these industries, prefer to sit at home in Isaarn jobless!!!


    They then spend their days making a nuisance of themselves visiting friends, who have Foreign partners, trying to borrow money, ( when they have no means to repay) encouraging their friends to go out eating and drinking ( when they have no funds to pay their share) or in general wish to ' hang out ' at the house of their friend with the farang husband, because it is equipped with a large screen TV and FREE Wi-Fi, that they can tap in and use.


    They then try to go into the fridge without asking and help themselves and then become offended when told that it is not a free 7-11.


    Welcome to Isaarn.

  6. 1 hour ago, speedtripler said:

    I have stayed at hotels and not paid until it came time to leave.... I don't think its as rare as people think


    But when I check maybe they see a permanent visa or speaking to them in Thai makes them think I'm not a tourist who might run away without paying the bill.... 

    I think the chances are you have stayed upcountry or smaller informal hotels as opposed to the bigger or main ones in Bangkok and Phuket and the like, where it is standard policy.


    I stay at the Tawana in Bangkok when in town and they have known me personally 20+ years and always ask me for a swiped credit card to hold. Yes, I pay when checking out to settle the bill, but they still have my swiped credit card, just in case I have a heart attack in the middle of the night and can't pay!


    Maybe, it has something to do with staff wages being docked if they make errors dealing with customers and the hotel loses money? The staff just will not take the risk.


    I have a long-term extension of stay in my passport for many years and speak reasonable Thai but it makes no difference.

  7. We are going to the UK next month and have already got the UK multiple entry visa.


    Whilst we are there in Europe because we are going for a month, we may as well do a short visit to Spain, France or Portugal, with the cheap deals available from the UK at this time of year.


    We did get the Schengen visa for Spain once before whilst in the UK, but that was many years ago now, but were told next time to apply in the country of origin of the national, i.e. Thailand.


    Has anybody else done this recently in similar circumstances and which would be the quickest and easiest Embassy in Thailand to apply for the Schengen visa please?

  8. 28 minutes ago, speedtripler said:

     agoda  and some other travel booking things have a policy of charging you for the room since they can't rent it to anyone else if you don't arrive and don't cancel


    (usually they waive the charge if you cancel within 24hrs of arrival so they have a chance to rent it to someone else but it may depend on the hotel too) 




    Not completely correct actually. You have to read the small print of each hotel policy at the time of booking. They are clearly marked, so no deceitful behavior. Some want three days notice, some 24 hours, some charge for the whole period if you cancel in the week you are due to go there.


    It all depends on the hotel policy, not the booking engines.

  9. They will make sure no elections are held and they have no intentions of having any. This is for public consumption and international press releases to try to get the West to accept his autocracy which is backed by the military and hand in glove with the police.


    A few Bangkok bombs here and there around about March/April should do the trick and a few bombings in the deep South will finish and put an end to any nonsense about democratic elections. Drum roll.......Thailand is not stable enough to call elections.


    After all, he and his cronies believe that the Thai public is just too stupid to be allowed to vote as they keep voting for, and electing the wrong party.

  10. 17 hours ago, jobsworth said:

    i don't understand how a hotel can manage bookings. obviously they want as many guests as possible but if it is possible to check in without a reservation and it is also possible to make a reservation some days in advance. there must be a conflict. what if as stated here you check in without a reservation and stay until somebody else has a reservation on your room? i have had similar experiences in germany, cambodia and laos. on all occasions i have been asked to leave but in a friendly manner. needless to say i have never gone back to those places but thinking about it what else can they do? is it like an airline where you book more passengers than you have seats on the assumption that some will not turn up for the flight? a booking is a reservation and an airline will sometimes book you on another airline if they don't have a seat for you.  aeroflot once booked me on thai air and very nice it was too. i guess the difference is that in one case you have not paid any money while on the other you have. anybody have any experience of this or know anything about hotel management?



    I was in hotels and answered your question in an earlier post of mine.


    However, you have also asked about bookings and vacancies. The majority of hotels of any size these days that also take online bookings use a channel manager. This is in effect a link to all the different booking organisations such as Agoda, Bookings.com, Hotels.com etc that the hotel uses linked back to their own computer.


    This enables them to see at any given time the occupancy in the hotel and adjust prices accordingly to demand. There are contracts in place with these organisations that the hotel cannot give a better rate than what the booking engines are advertising otherwise they will not allow the hotel into their systems. If bookings have been pre-booked and paid at whatever rate, that's the end of it for that particular room.


    Some hotels leave or block off a percentage of rooms for walk-ins and direct bookings with the hotel's own website, some don't. I think this hotel was waiting to see if all bookings turned up or confirmed if booked directly with the hotel. When that proved to be the case, (which it would at New Year), they informed the customer there were no vacancies and he had to leave.


    He was presuming he could carry on his own sweet way, and paying three days in advance each time but not committing himself to the full festive period.This gave him the option to leave at the ' drop of a hat ' if it suited him. The hotel therefore had to treat him as a walk-in and when a request for the room came in, his particular room would show a check out date on the computer for the day he had paid up to. They therefore, took the booking.There was nothing rude nor was it a personal insult, it was purely business at a busy time in the calendar.


    If there was a switched on receptionist, I suppose they could have asked him what his intentions were and to make a commitment by paying the room as they were getting enquiries. However, that is a perfect world and this is staff we are talking about here. However, why didn't he think of that himself with full knowledge it's the busiest time of year?

  11. On 30/12/2017 at 8:56 AM, noise said:

    Get the Tourist Police to help you.  If you made your reservation thru the 5th or 6th of Jan, you should be able to get the Tourist Police to help you make the hotel honor that.

    He didn't make a reservation until the 6th January at all.


    He was ' playing it all by ear ' and seeing how he felt BUT ALSO leaving himself with the option of checking out if he chose to. If he had booked and paid, there would not be an issue. The probable reason the hotel left it to the last minute just in case there was a cancellation whereby they would have allowed him to extend his stay.


    It's the highest demand of the peak season, if they had allowed him to stay they would not be honoring bookings made by others.


    He is completely in the wrong and expected the hotel to make special dispensation because he has been there since the 16th December but never made a firm booking or his intentions known or committed to booking and paying. You can do this in quiet hotels or low season, you cannot expect it in high season.



  12. I quit drinking alcohol in Thailand a while ago, so I won't be drinking/driving. Prior to that, I used to drink in my garden at home which was much safer and more pleasant.


    Where we are, we have a huge sugar factory nearby and the roads have been very much improved and made more accessible leading to a big influx on minor roads, near our home, of 12 and 16 wheeler trucks taking shortcuts going to and from the local sugar factory. Those beasts are terrifying to me on the roads.


    There is too much information out there these days informing us all of the dangers and hazards.


    At the end of the day and for all the jokes and wit on TVF, is Thailand any better off under this lot in power now, especially the poor people, who they do not give a damn about?


    Has the green and brown partnership benefitted anybody except them? ( as we all knew would happen) I am no fan of the Shinawatras but this lot are certainly no improvement and don't look to be going anywhere anytime soon.


    Happy New year 2018 Yingluck, you are better off out of it all and now even your brother cannot pressure you into doing things anymore. Enjoy the U.K.


    If she gets a chance, she might want to pop in Harrods and buy a Patek watch, there's a New years sale on! ,  we can't have her or her brother being outdone by the likes of Prawit and co.







  14. 11 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

    I was at the embassy recently. They sent me to Trendy or online vfsglobal. For a visa for Thai girlfriend. Applications no longer taken at embassy. That section permanently closed.

    That is correct. Applications are no longer taken at the Embassy but they are decided by the Embassy.


    Many Embassies no longer accept visa applications, it must be done as you rightly say online and at Trendy. I also was there very recently for a 2-year British visa for my partner. It was processed and accepted by vfsglobal.


    It was decided by the British Embassy, then sent back to vfsglobal at Trendy, who forwarded the passport to us. The decision was made by the British Embassy only not vfs. They are a subcontractor for the purpose of processing applications for many Embassies.


    In years gone by, the Embassies were clogged up by applications that were incorrectly filled out, wrongly applied for and I recall a number of disgruntled Brits shouting and screaming in the Embassy when their girlfriend of two weeks was refused a visa.


    With the new system, all this has ceased, much to the relief of many at the different Embassies.

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  15. Sounds like an ill thought out plan and they were trying to bypass immigration rules and find a back door into Europe.


    They are obviously well-heeled financially bearing in mind their travel itinerary up to present including 5 months overstay. They then refused to return to their country of origin citing unrest, even though there was to unrest at that time they mention and there isn't any now.


    When an application is made for asylum or refugee status to any UN body, their reasons for applying are initially taken at face value and recorded and written down as they tell it, until investigations have been carried out which can take months and years.

  16. 10 hours ago, BellyNeedsJelly said:

    You have clearly had very bad experiences in the past, and closed your mind off since. If Canadian Immigration was that strict, they wouldn't allow entry to the thousands of Chinese students who are currently studying all across Canada. And most of them are younger than 25.



    The Chinese who are studying in Canada will have been through a complex and completely different type of education visa application to the one you wish to apply for. They have taken the education route and this visa will have strong backing from their families for funding, length of stay, specific courses and for sure, Canadian universities will be backing these applications in Canada; and there will most definitely be substantial reasons to return to China on completion of studies.

    • Like 2
  17. 3 hours ago, Colabamumbai said:

    VFS Global does all the visas now, not the Canadian Embassy. They are in Trendy Towers. The embasssy stopped doing this in May.



    I think you may be in error here.


    Trendy towers process the visa applications to ensure all the information is correct and all documents enclosed. When this is completed and things such as the biometric details are done, it is then passed to the Embassy for consideration of the visa application.


    Trendy towers have no say or power over the outcome of a visa application.

    • Thanks 1
  18. I don't see the point in issuing a warning which is published in Thai media such as Thai visa or The Nation.


    If they are tourists entering the kingdom, the chances are they will read neither and will know nothing until confronted with a massive queue!


    A few months ago was my worst delay at immigration and that was 2.5 hours at Don Muang. My longest at Suvarnabhumi in recent times has been about 1.5 hours. The same old story, loads of booths closed at both airports. There were, of course, the usual suspects delaying everybody with forms filled out incorrectly or bits missed and people in wrong queues etc

  19. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    Right - counter terrorism professionals advice makes you 'puke'. You and others apologist posts for right wing terrorism are appalling and shows what you and your clique are - terrorist sympathisers. Accordingly the same level as sympathisers for Islamist terror - traitors to our home countries.

    Yeah, yeah, whatever nonsense you want to roll out. If it makes you feel better-carry on!

  20. 2 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Your BS statement - "appears all terrorists are Muslims'.

    Far right ideology has led to murders and attempted murders (domestic terrorism) in many  countries. Your echo chamber messaging of hate speech has been thoroughly condemned by professional counter terrorism experts. Time for you and your fellow travellers to grow up and comprehend the damage you cause.

    Liberals like you make me puke. All is rosy in the garden until it isn't with these ill thought out ideas.You then resort to blaming everything except the ' root cause ' which is unvetted and uncontrolled mass immigration.  If they were not let in in the first place, there wouldn't be ' domestic terrorism '

  21. It seems to me that you are trying to find out ways from TV members to search for any ways to circumvent the system or any options you have not thought of, put in place by the Canadian government to control immigration and avoid unwanted visitors.


    Without taking the high ground, these systems are put in place to protect Canada. London and other areas of the UK have many Thais that went there with boyfriend/girlfriends and broke up soon after arriving in the country. The Thais involved then chose to do what many of them did in their country of origin in order to stay,remain there and survive. 


    They don't do bespoke visa entries just to please the few citizens.


    They will also view her as irresponsible for simply quitting her job for no apparent reason unless you have been filling her head with these things. It goes against her on every level. A car does not signify a reason to return and can be sold at the drop of a hat.


    Your choices are to get the necessary visas or the elite visa and hang around with her in the Far East. Visits around Asia on a Thai passport prove nothing much except that she has traveled a bit. Any Thai with funds can visit those countries.


    I remember the difficulties we had in the year 2000 for the Canadian visa. The earlier poster, kingstonkid, who mentioned about Canadian immigration is right. We were further subjected to an additional in-depth grilling when we arrived in Canada. That was only a two-week visit!!

    • Like 1
  22. 10 hours ago, simple1 said:

    People such as you should really stop echoing proven falsehoods.


    In the OP the Pope is articulating core Christian values. Aiming hateful commentary at the Pope by some on this forum is only aiding the messengers of hate by those seeking to rip the fabric of Western societies, be they Islamists, the far right and so on.



    I was christened Catholic, I really don't need you or the Pope to remind me at my age what my Christian values are.


    There were no proven falsehoods in what I stated, if so please enlighten!


    It isn't the Islamists creating ghettos in the West, it isn't the Islamist attacking and raping young boys and girls at public swimming pools, it is the so-called ' mainstream  Muslims '  from these backward uneducated countries.


    It is a backward, hateful, intolerant cult, not a religion, and needs wiping from the face of the Earth.I would ban any religion that promotes misogyny, beheadings,  burning in cages, throwing gays from tall buildings and stoning female victims of rape, whilst the mainstream Muslims say little or nothing because it is written in their twisted interpretation of their Koran.

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