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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Good move. First time I have seen Thailand stand up to any of it's many despot neighbors. Doing the right thing is always the courageous thing to do. Hun Sen would have made this guys life miserable, or he might have just had him assassinated, as he has thousands of others. Sen is a serial killer, a lying, thieving thug, who has amassed a fortune into the tens of billions. He is not a democratic leader. Yet, he continues to be supported by morally weak, and ethically bankrupt western powers.


    Maybe a tad unfair.


    The EU and USA have ramped up pressure on Cambodia both economically and politically. They are well aware of Hun Sen and his disgusting ways and behaviour.


    What the West is worried about with such as removing favoured status for Cambodia in the garment trade and others, is that it will affect the poor most of all and not the target which is Hun Sen and his cronies.


    The other matter of course, is we have the Chinese waiting in the wings who do not care about human rights and are quite prepared to ' scratch his back '  with no strings attached economic aid, because he has openly supported the Chinese regards the South China seas and their encroachment of it including man mad atolls to extend Chinese influence.


    All these countries will regret getting into bed with the Chinese in 10 or 15 years for sure when their real intentions come to the fore.


    I have the exact same views as yourself regarding Hun Sen. He promotes himself as a leader and liberator and is nothing but a despot put there by the Vietnamese after their withdrawal, as no more than a puppet regime. He has since morphed into a corrupt, evil, murdering, lying scumbag.


    Good on Thailand though and a decent decision.

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Mum2 said:


    No I am not condoning his actions at all - I am livid with him. 

    As for the 2nd point, he would have been charged with overstaying, this is now the procedure, two people he met in a similar situation did not arrange and pay for  a visa extension and were charged 20000 Thai baht for overstaying  on top of their fine for the drugs




    I think the possible confusion may be that the two people he met did not go and tell Immigration immediately upon release on bail that they had been arrested, bailed and had upcoming court appearances.


    If that was the case and there was a substantial delay in notifying the Immigration authorities of their predicament, it is possible that they went into overstay and got no assistance from Immigration until that matter was resolved.


    If they reported themselves to immigration within a reasonable timeframe, it would have had to be accepted.


    Seems very harsh banning your son for life for some cannabis in my view, when they have so many bigger issues they are not addressing, but their laws and their country I suppose.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, robblok said:

    Of course they are losing money, they priced their rooms based on the fact they could charge for electricity. Now they can't do you really expect them to take the hit ?


    I would expect them to try to raise the rent for sure if possible. I know I would. (that being said I would not have used this business model but just charge a higher rent). I don't know why people expect the owners to take the hit. All of a sudden the government changes the rules. Not exactly fair. 


    They probably can't legally change the rent if you have a contract. 


    Well, we think differently. I believe the electric charge is a "sneaky trick" or a  " hidden extra charge " on behalf of the landlord for the many people from the West who don't even think about utilities being charged at a higher rate.


    I do agree with you however, I would just be ' upfront ' and ask for a higher rent in the first place.


    And I do own houses and I do not adopt the business model as mentioned. The rents are paid to me and the electric is paid to the company as per the meter. I sleep soundly and with a good conscience. Others may do it differently, up to them.

  4. Just now, gaff said:



    Can you please explain things clearly ?


    Apartments owners won't be allowed to charge us 8thb for electricity anymore ?


    But they are required to charge us more for something else ?


    And what if the owner is just honest and only reduce electricity fee ?


    Thank you.





    If it works in the 'spirit of the law ' your electric goes down and end of story.


    Landlords are now trying to find ways to get this money back from the tenant using ' dirty ways ' such as backdated rent increases. It depends on how decent the landlord is.


    The landlords because they have got away with charging their own tariff for electric ( 8 baht a unit instead of government 4 baht a unit for example), which really is a sneaky way to charge you more rent but it is just done a different way. They are trying to recoup this money as they feel they are losing it.In reality, they are not, but they don't accept it.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I used to have safety box in the UK with my bank. The only link was it flagged up next to my account was that I had one for whenever I required access to it. The comings and goings of the said box was never the banks business. I paid for having that security box and they had no idea what was in it.They opened the box with a key. Inside was another box with my padlock on it to which they had no key.


    It would be unusual in my view that they would then give receipts at the bank as bank staff should not have access to the box as that defeats the object of the exercise, likewise, if it was ' linked to an account ' the point of having a box would be wasted.


    I think you are being ' had over ' or as they say ' taken for a ride '


    I am sorry but I think, based on the information you have given,  he is conning you out of your money.


    As another poster said, seizures don't happen the same day. These court actions are very slow and the Thais are very cunning.


    The Thai guy would have drained his accounts and anywhere he had cash, a  long time ago,if he thought somebody was coming with a legal claim to it.

    • Like 1
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  6. 2 hours ago, BigT73 said:

    They had a report that hackers were using pcs and phones in Thailand to mine bitcoin.  This usually comes with the online cracking programs that installs who knows what on your pc.

    1)You can download free original w10 from microsoft with a android system or use firefox with a app to make it look like its a android. (useragent switcher).

    2) use a usb drive and download create w7 bootable drive.  Works with W10.

    3) to register you can utube.. activate w10 without serials and software.. takes a couple of mins to do.  Or what another poster said kmspico.


    Result is permantly activated windows that updates.

    If your pc installs a updated w10 build just do step 3 again.


    This was the Opening post:



    No doubt this has been covered before on here many times down the years, but anyway I have just purchased a new notebook just a HP 15 Notebook jobbie. When buying a new 'pc' in the past I have always just got copy windows circa Bt400 but this time I'm thinking about doing it properly and installing original windows (10) which I believe is around 4k baht?


    But is it worth it? Apart from not having to keep seeing a pop up telling you that this isn't original software what are the other main benefits? Also, how long is the license for? And would I need to do anything in the future like renew or update, etc? Pardon my ignorance, I'm very raw with things like this.


    Thanks for any help/advice.




    And the OP says he is very raw with things like this, you think he will be able to follow your instructions which are ' technical '  in terms.


    Without being difficult,I don't think your way is particularly easy for the not so ' technically minded '


  7. Pat in Pattaya,


    I am average on a computer or decent but by no means would I class myself as smart or expert and I had no problems installing Windows in the step by step process offered once your installation key arrives after purchase. Opening an account with e bay or Amazon is easy and painless, that's why they have millions of customers because it is a simple process.


    I always ONLY BUY REGISTERED legal downloads and/or CDs as they used to be for installing new programmes such as Windows. You don't pay yearly for Windows, it is a one-off cost and when updates come around, it is as simple as a yes/No click on the button asking if you wish to install updates. When you have copy software, this is when you get caught out when the manufacturer comes out with an update and you have an unregistered copy.

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    It is more than a hint. I would call it a warning to not try for a 3rd one this year or you will be denied entry unless you have a valid visa.

    I really just don't get some of these guys at all. They cross the border into Laos, what could be simpler to make their life easier and stress-free but to spend a night over there, go to the Thai Embassy and get a valid visa for 60 days?

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

    Ive watched a few you tube vids of farang interviews in the big house and they all say they are treated well by thai prisoners and guards and basically left alone


    The nonsense about dropping the soap in the shower is in the fertile imaginations of posters watching to many American jail docos


    If the foreigners do not walk into their world such as indulge in betting and gambling on anything or borrowing money at ' their interest rates ' and if they treat everyone with a modicum of respect and are not loudmouths, they will have little or no problems at all. Most of the Thais live in their own world especially when you move into the big houses such as Chonburi, Klong Prem, and of course Bang Kwang. They are serving substantial sentences and are too busy with their scams and businesses to be bothered with foreigners.


    You are spot on regards soap in showers, it doesn't occur.


    Actually, the only shower areas are in the Bangkok prison hospital that I saw, the day to day ' Dens ' as they are called where prisoners are housed, not ' wings ' as described by Kieron00001, have troughs where sluicing over the body with bowls, is the showering method.It can get very tough when there was a water shortage and none for showering or emptying toilets which used to be a frequent problem at Pattaya prison.


    Regards hygiene, it is very tough. People must consider we all have different bathing habits and different access to soap and shampoo, some cannot afford it, some are just dirty. Scabies and other skin diseases used to be a big problem, especially when you could get up to 90 plus in a remand cell in Chonburi in very confined quarters.

    • Thanks 2
  10. On 4/21/2018 at 5:44 PM, ubonjoe said:

    Been several years since the last time I did it waiting for a morning flight to here. Never a problem with security and many places were open.

    Sleep depends upon him since all that is available is normal seating.

    There is a new place in Don Muang called Sleepbox, I have used it. They have small comfortable rooms and showers ( not shared but compact! ) and a bar outside selling beer, spirits and reasonably priced snacks. Rooms can be rented by the hour, two, three or four hours. It's on the 4th floor, terminal 2 at Don Muang.


    Scorecard, It is NOT 480 baht a night, that is for the first hour but they do deals for three hours and different deals depending on what time of day or night it is.


    If he just wants to ' bum around ' in the airport, he will have no problems with security and also there are various outlets open throughout the night in there to buy stuff from 7-11 or Family Mart type places.



  11. 17 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

    The OP story is so embellished it is a joke. I too have been on many prison visits, thanks to my wayward BiL, and Thai jails ain't as bad as Sean Felton is making them out to be. He needs to shut his lying mouth, do his time and don't rock the boat. With luck he'll get let out early anyway. 


    I think you will find he and his sidekick who did the kidnapping, or whatever it was, taking the child without permission and trespassing, are already out and safely back in the UK.

    • Haha 1
  12. I have seen the inside of HMP Wandsworth (squalid), HMP Edmunds hill ( even had their own en-suite shower) HMP Everthorpe ( induction wing squalid but new wing excellent) HMP Moorlands open prison.with what I have described in above posts in detail.


    So you are telling me that UK prisons are not some of the best to be housed in just because of some liberal-leaning EU directive claiming inhumane conditions that are probably comparing them to the luxury of Holland or Scandinavian prisons.


    The EU wants to go look at prisons in Mexico or the Philippines or other places around the world.


    Then for you to start comparing the actual cell sizes to hotel sizes is just DUMB! and unworthy of a response!

  13. 34 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Yup, I'm saying you're wrong, I recon you read the headline last year about a Dutch prison trialing giving prisoners their cell key and didn't read it and assumed it was about a British prison.


    As for google it, how can i google the awful hotels you've been staying in to compare them to the prisons and wouldn't it be down to you to demonstrate that the prisons are in some way like hotels seeing as it is you who claims it?


    I have already enclosed a link in my amended post proving UK Category D prisons provide the prisoner with a key to his cell, did you see the link??? Feel free to apologize at your convenience!


    I see you are trying to cherry pick sentences from my post to suit your needs and ignoring the overall picture.


    Prisoner DO LOCK AND UNLOCK their own cells. There is an override obviously for the duty prison officer but not for other prisoners. I ASK OTHER TV MEMBERS, would they consider this having the key to your own cell?...... By the way, you keep the key with you and only if you move off the block, you give it to the prison office.


    Now you are trying to shift focus to rescue your credibility because you have written SOMETHING on Thai Visa before checking regards keys and UK prisons. I will add something else. All old style TVs in UK prisons are to be replaced with flat screens because the government has decided they are more environmentally-friendly and use less power.


    Cells are now fitted in certain prisons with telephones and if the prisoner has enough credits in can call home from the comfort of his cell.He fills out a form with a certain amount of telephone numbers of family and friends on the list. After vetting the list, if he has credit, he can call these numbers anytime he chooses.


    OK then, maybe not hotel standard, because it's actually all free.


    Free food, free electric, free snooker, the key to the cell, flat screen in the cell, phone in cell, own cell, free laundry. Free medical care. Weekly salary and weekly shop for goodies from outside the prison including X boxes etc if you have funds in your account to cover the cost and good behaviour class.


    Here is the link AGAIN.




    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    "the UK hotel standard prisons and you don't get a key to your cell here like the UK"


    Where do people get their nonsense'?  Hotel standard?  Key to the cell?  What?



     Are you trying to say I am wrong in any comment I have made regards UK prisons especially Category ' D ' prisons, where you are issued with your own key to your own cell?


    You disagree? Google it! but don't get your facts wrong and try to make me out to be lying or romancing, like the guy is in the story.


    I have BEEN AND SEEN that situation.




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  15. On 4/23/2018 at 11:19 AM, CelticBhoy said:

    I guess there'll be a book out soon.


    Gotta make the error pay for itself.


    You know before I even got to your comment, I was thinking exactly the same!


    Well, if Billy Moore can claim to have learned Thai boxing and reformed himself from thief and drug addict to champion Thai boxer, all in four months then this guy can certainly claim the same! Another clown. When's the book coming out mate?


    What an absolute <deleted>.  He breaks the law, gets placed on remand, we know Thai prison fall way short of the UK hotel standard prisons and you don't get a key to your cell here like the UK. Suck it up!


    You broke the law of not only Thailand, of any country that has a rule of law. He is now trying to ' milk it ' and get some money out of breaking the law.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. It's not about me, or about what I think of the person doing the job, or what the person doing the job does with the money. It's about the worth of the work in an absolute value-added sense when there are millions of people that can and will do it, no education and little training required. Regardless of what job one is talking about, if that job is only worth 5 bucks an hour in terms of value-added, and you pass a law saying it has to be paid 10 bucks an hour then no one will pay 10 bucks for a 5 buck job and the job will disappear. The only way you can keep that job around is to find a way to double the productivity of the worker.
    This is all settled textbook economics.

    And who decides what a job is worth by the hour? You can apply that logic to anything you want.Traffic wardens are not highly trained, nor are toilet cleaners or cleaners in general, factory line workers, porters, hotel maids, building caretakers, employed taxi drivers etc etc

    These people you are describing are human beings with thoughts, families, lives, bills such as electricity and gas, taxes, the same as everybody else. Minimum wages were introduced in the UK to stop exploitation and sweatshop labour.

    This has nothing to do with liberal views and I am no liberal by the way.

    These service workers get up, get themselves made presentable, make their way to work, do their shift and pay tax contributing to the economy. They must have the ability to read, write, converse and be pleasant in a correct manner, assist, clean up, etc yet you are referring to them as not worth $10 an hour.

    We are only suggesting that the emphasis be moved to the employer and make them pay a living wage to enable these people to walk with their head held high and have money for food and shelter.if prices in restaurant menus must go up to reflect this, so be it and fair enough.At least it's out in the open and not buried into the bill.

    The general public will know where they stand when they read a menu and many people will be happier especially in high tourist areas, where the customers are not from the US or from tipping cultures.

    Some of your countrymen obviously disagree with your views as they say it is already happening in the US right now and restaurants are making these changes.

    If you make work an unviable option by paying ridiculously unfair wages, people will look at other ways to make ends meet that certainly don't contribute to society or the economy.

    This tipping of 15-20% of a restaurant bill is actually another tax on the bill plus VAT or whatever taxes you have in the US and expected to be paid by the diner, and placing the emphasis on the diner instead of the restaurant.

    Just because ' it's always been done that way ' doesn't make it right.

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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  17. Actually, if the tipping culture of the USA is your biggest beef with the USA I'll chalk it up as a endorsement. You're welcome to go through the whole process to become a citizen so you can vote. However instances where the voters have voted to raise the minimum wage, such as in Seattle, has proven that the effect is not to create a living wage for restaurant workers but rather to eliminate restaurants and move the workers to the dole.  Only fast food, carry-out and very-high-end places survive. And the culture of tipping is not affected by the increase in the slightest.   You're also welcome to simply not visit.




    I haven't visited and have no intention of doing so, the USA has never appealed to me, as I have previously said I have visited Canada twice.


    With comments like yours, I will stick to Canada or South America.


    Your comment about my biggest beef being the tipping culture in the USA and nothing else is way off. We were talking about tipping culture in Thailand and other countries and nothing else. That was the title of the thread,!


    You have taken it as an attack on your beloved Star spangled banner and country and I wasn't in any shape or form.


    A bit sad really that you find it necessary to derail the topic and just want to talk about the US of A in general terms.


    If you are so certain it would not benefit the average service worker, why is it constantly in the news where they themselves are asking for a minimum wage?



    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



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