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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 1 minute ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    and bringing up all the other things that bother you about thais is called "having a go".



    Just gave the truth, facts and observations.


    Only person attempting to have a go here is you with your ' I must defend Thai honour '  diatribe without any substance except repeating the same ' having a go ' mantra without pointing out where you actually find the post incorrect.

    • Like 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    telling it like it is out of the blue is "having a go". there is no need to bring up habits you dont approve of other than to complain about them.



    And the title of the thread inviting comments is........' Thai eating habits ' ............!!!


    Telling it out of the blue????................... We are on page six,....... post 80!  


    By all means, you go sit on the floor and eat food with hands that are full of bacterial faeces with them.


    I did say people are free to do as they wish, I just pointed out what I preferred.

    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, hellohello123 said:

    Severence pay? absolutely ludicrous


    all of this multiple advice saying pay her 10k or a few 1000 baht,


    no wonder so many guys are door mats,

    20 years older and get taken for a ride by someone 20 years younger, while worrying about doing the decent thing to do


    And for every bad story about a Thai, there is equally one about a foreigner.


    What about those guys coming out underfunded that cannot even survive on that kind of money in their own country, that then take7-10,000 a month condos here and move a woman in because they think they are being smart and it's all just free sex without bar fines or paying the girl?

  4. 2 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    in other words "having a go at thai people".





    I am just saying it as it is, and calling a ' spade a spade ' or in this case a spoon!, without the need for ' having a go ' at anyone.


    I have found similar things I would not wish to join in regards communal eating in Arab countries as well as Vietnam and China.


    Not a Thai thing at all, it will happen more often and I will see it more often here because I LIVE here.

    • Like 1
  5. On 3/25/2018 at 5:05 PM, jak2002003 said:

    What is the purpose of this thread, apart from being raciest and having a go at Thai people?


    I have seem Americans with the most disgusting and stupid eating habits but will not start a thread about it.  


    What is the purpose of many threads on Thai Visa, Information, and viewpoints I would have thought?


    The post is about Thai eating habits.I find some of the eating habits quite unacceptable like other posters do.


    My other half is well travelled and educated, speaks English ( the only member of the family who went past basic education ) lives with me in a separate house to the rest of the family.We cook using a BBQ and eat together. Both of us are very clean in our personal hygiene and oral hygiene.  The rest of the family are not.


    Sometimes, my other half goes and eats with them and sits on the floor etc It's a communal thing. They eat all kinds of weird and wonderful things including pigs tongue, pig's ear, som tam, bugs of all descriptions etc and they are welcome to it. I don't.


    With regards digging in with their own spoons etc I see this all the time and also using their fingers. Now for a start, I know very well some of them have never visited a dentist when it's cold some of them do not even take a sluice shower.


    Whilst they are quick to complain about a foreigner who forgets to remove their flip flops on entering a house, they are the same people who forget to wash their hands after urination or defecation in a dirty squat toilet. Many of these toilets do not even provide soap and a clean towel! Tissues can be non-existent or a filthy towel that has been there for weeks.


    Many squat cabins in petrol stations are the same, no soap or empty soap dispensers. I am sure this must have happened to many expats in Thailand on road trips, to be caught short only to encounter the above problems. I say nothing to them as it would be a waste of time and be seen as taking the ' high ground ' Let them live as they wish but it is not compulsory to join in.


    No, I think I like my ways better, and I will stick to just the two of us eating and drinking together.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Goldbear said:

    Not to derail the thread but why no dogs in Muslim areas? 


    Muslims as a rule, don't keep them as they believe they are dirty and unclean according to the Koran.


    16 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Probably not.

    The better question is to ask:

    Where to find a place with educated vaccinated dogs? And where to find those owners of the dog.

    My experience is unfortunately that even Westerners are getting accustomed to Thai ways: never see a vet, no vaccination.


    Do Westerners need to see a VET and get vaccinated? Is this something new for the Junta? 


    Where do I find an educated dog? Ramkhamhaeng University?

  7. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:
    1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:
    I find the post from the newbie OP is a load of tripe.
    He has gone into 14 pages of asking and receiving advice, decided to take none of it at all and now thinks, he himself, knows how to handle it better!!........... Why did you post??
     He says he rents a place, probably a 5-7,000 baht a month room with a squat toilet!!
    He doesn't want to pay her any money, he doesn't want to pay the police, he doesn't want to pay for locks changing, are we seeing a pattern here?
    I think the post is a figment of his imagination and he is just a pitiful soul seeking attention.

    Yes we are seeing a pattern and its your negative bitter post. No need for it. If you're angry look at yourself



    Negative yes!...... Bitter, No.


    Why ask for advice and then go out of your way to find a reason to refute it all?


    No need to look at myself and I am not angry, I am not the one whining that a useless woman and her dog are parked in my condo.


    Nor am I asking for help, and then saying ' You know what? I know her better than all of you so I'll just do it my way! '



    • Like 1
  8. I find the post from the newbie OP is a load of tripe.


    He has gone into 14 pages of asking and receiving advice, decided to take none of it at all and now thinks, he himself, knows how to handle it better!!........... Why did you post??


     He says he rents a place, probably a 5-7,000 baht a month room with a squat toilet!!


    He doesn't want to pay her any money, he doesn't want to pay the police, he doesn't want to pay for locks changing, are we seeing a pattern here?


    I think the post is a figment of his imagination and he is just a pitiful soul seeking attention.

  9. The OP seems now to have gone silent on this subject and just left it to TVF members to make suggestions without further input, which are now running to its seventh page.!


    I cannot believe you have been here very long if you are not strong enough to end a relationship and tell her to move out.


    By the sounds of it, there is no relationship, she is just hanging there free of charge with a mutt that shouldn't even be in the apartment block.


    Suggestions have been made to be a bit decent and give compensation and ask her to move ( 10,000 baht is enough, she isn't going to rent or pay two months deposit but it will get her home to where she comes from in Isaarn probably), change the locks and inform building management and security, it won't be their first or last rodeo in these matters, ask the Police to come for an orderly exit ( they will expect you to pay! around 1,000-2,000 baht) but you say you don't want to do that.


    The last choice, MOVE OUT and rent elsewhere, it's hardly the end of the world and there is an abundance of condos everywhere in the LOS.


    Hanging around in the same place if you offer her no compensation to at least get home is taking risks for no reason other than further confrontation; and seems you are getting off on the fact so you can tell others you have thrown her out and are gloating about it......... Be wary of a woman scorned!!

    • Like 1
  10. Hi,


    We are headed there at the beginning of June. I am going with my two sons in their late twenties. They are professional guys interested in a bit of eco-tourism and sightseeing. It will also be my first time on the island. I see White Sands seems to be the most popular beach but I want opinions from you guys, please. We are looking budget about 2,000 baht a night per room. 3 rooms.


    I am looking for recommendations please for hotels etc.


    I have also had a quote for 4,800 baht to take the three of us one way on to the island from Bangkok in a new SUV with a 5% discount if I book the return. I/We would prefer just the three of us in any transport and so the bus./ group minibus is not what we want.


    They WILL NOT be renting motorbikes etc so good walking distance to many attractions or a short tuk-tuk/taxi ride will be fine.


    Would love to hear from any TVF members with recent experience or knowledge. That really would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  11. 6 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

    Yes indeed you are!

    No threats here, only facts.


    As for you're assertion that I'm somehow defending a system which in you're words is 'ridiculed the world over'. I think not, there is no such system being discussed. If you are referring to the Thai justice system, that system famed throughout the world for its contributions to the development of the rule of law, Thailand a country steeped in what that bastion of British rule of law Rumpole of the Bailey might have called the golden threads running through our system. A system accustomed to the highest of standards of independence and evidential rigour. If this is the system you are referring to, then you are most certainly mistaken.



    Nothing incorrect in what I have stated.


    Thai expertise in the administration of justice is a commodity which is held in the highest of regard across the globe and is seen to many as the last beacon of hope in an increasingly darkened world.

    Are you off your meds?? Or are you just trying to wind me up?

  12. 1 hour ago, Fish Head Soup said:

    Another unqualified expert I'm sure. Don't you know that everyone is an expert these days?


    Yes as I have stated it's possible but in this case It's not.


    Yet you didn't understand why it happened.


    Again see above.


    Appeals to His Majesty The King has nothing to do with this case.


    Your xenophobia was on clear display in your comments.


    Then you should know that being critical of the courts decision is a crime, you should also know that accusations of bribery and dishonesty against the judiciary is also a criminal act, you should also know that putting these slurs on the internet is again a serious criminal action under the computer crimes act. I'm sure you know all this already though as you're an expert in this field.


    Now could you just run this theory about 'crossing palms with silver' by us again please?


    You can suggest it, but it ain't going to happen laa.




    An absolute clown!..................and now attempting to defend a system that is ridiculed the world over by making threats of the all-encompassing ' computer crimes act! which is used to keep the masses in line.


    Also, complete and totally incorrect information you are passing to TV readers and members laa!

    • Sad 1
  13. 7 hours ago, saakura said:

    I have no knowledge of the law and just for my knowledge, are you saying that if a lower court has found a defendant innocent of a crime, then it is the end of the road for prosecutors and it cant be appealed at all, except in a civil court for damages?


    Whereas if found guilty and sentenced, then either party can appeal to a higher court on a point of law, fresh evidence or length of conviction.


    Sounds strange, what if the lower court judge erred? No recourse?



    The guy calling himself Fish head soup is talking absolute crap nonsense and in a dream world of his own making!!


    Unless they plead guilty in the first court and accept the usual sentence cut in half for a guilty plea, the vast majority go on to appeal to the Appeal court and onwards to the Supreme court called the Diga.


    They know, the defendants,  they can kick the case around the courts for 8,9 or 10 years and in the meantime, provided they maintain innocence, they are entitled to bail.


    The defendant can appeal against both sentence or conviction or both, and so can the prosecutors.


    There is no stigma or embarrassment to a judge in Thailand having his decision reversed like there is in Europe.His answer would just be ' That is how he saw it ' and his verdict reflected that.

    • Like 1
  14. 10 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

    So why not say ' this is the reason why crimes...including murder...are rampant [sic] ' There is no need to add a subset identifier in to the statement, unless you feel the need to play victim.

    Can you corroborate that with any statistical evidence or is such paranoia just formed by your own xenophobia and based on you're visits to the Thaivisa 'news' forum?

    If anything they would go to an appeal court but I doubt they can in this case because the defendant has been found innocent and under Thai law could not be tried for the same offense twice. They would not be appealing a sentence or point of law, they would be appealing a judges decision based on fact. A case such as this would never go to the Dika court by-the-way.


    The only action left available to take against this woman is of a civil nature not a criminal one.




    I have far more experience of Thai courts and Thai law as well as Thai prisons than you actually lead yourself to believe.


    It is also possible if the prosecutor remains dissatisfied it will go to the Saan Diga, the final court or Supreme court. I have SEEN THIS HAPPEN! If this is the first court of the first instance, the provincial court, he/she, will have as a prosecutor 28- 30 days, to appeal the verdict. They may even apply for a further 14 days if they are not ready to proceed with their objection.


    Furthermore, I have also experience of Appeals to the King, (Toon Glow, etc.) I find your comments presumptuous and certainly rude regards accusations of xenophobia. I also have done a damn sight more in my now 25 years on Thailand and knowledge and connections to the British Embassy than you can know from inside and outside the Thai prison system. I suggest you take your arrogance and high handed attitude elsewhere where you can boast and brag to those who do not know the systems over here.

    • Haha 1
  15. 6 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

    Then pray tell what is the reason for crimes against Thai...including murder...are rampant...?

    I believe what SOTIRIOUS is meaning is that you can nearly pay your way out of any crime in the courts provided you have the cash to back you up even in the face of overwhelming evidence. This applies to both Thai and Foreign victims. It is those with no funds that end up in jail, not the ones who are necessarily guilty.


    Furthermore, I think that is correct and by and large, although there can be exceptions, the courts always tend to accept the Thai explanation to the detriment of the foreigners. Sentencing is all over the place and inconsistent as well for similar cases but in different courts.


    I think the prosecutor now has the right of appeal TO THE SUPREME COURT unless their palms have also been crossed with ' pieces of silver! '


    I find it ludicrous to believe that an ex-husband, especially Thai, killed both Japanese men out of jealousy, she is no oil painting!  More to the point she got away with it once and played her hand again, the ex-husband was in it for the financial gain as well as she, is a more likely scenario.

  16. Hi Guys,


    I live up in the back and beyond so am not that familiar with Samui. I have two friends who wish to rent from December 16th for two months and wondered if anybody can point me to the right agent or owner. They are looking for beachfront 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Condominium I would imagine.please?


    Their budget is 100K-125K a month

  17. 25 minutes ago, Chivas said:

    Simply no way this boy (if proven guilty) is walking with a fine that even a council house family in the uk could cobble together.  He'll get a 10 stretch. This story is plastered over every first world country that has a high level of visitors to Thailand.

    To even contemplate losing enormous face and letting him go with a fine simply aint happening chaps


    On an aside its very clear that the thai embassies abroad do not run a criminal conviction check when they issue tourist visas. A rape conviction would surely have a been a reason to deny



    You are moving into huge human rights issues here especially when the person involved comes from the EU. They do not allow foreign embassies, Thai or otherwise, and vice versa, to go check on their citizens. There would be uproar.


    Certain countries such as USA and Australia are taking steps to prevent sex offenders from traveling by either refusing them permission and putting them on a stop list in their own countries or stamping their passports so that the receiving countries know they have a sex conviction. This is already happening.


    However, why stop there?? What about murderers, drug dealers, etc?........ ....Then on the flip side, you will have liberal thinkers saying they have served their punishment and should then be allowed back in the community!!................. so where do you go?


    Also, in Europe how do you go on when a holder of an EU passport has freedom of movement and gets no more than a cursory glance at the immigration passport control point?? You then also have South East Asian countries with porous borders or countries that will not sign up for information sharing. The USA was facing that exact problem and that is why Trump ordered a block of nationals of certain countries being allowed into the USA and good on him.


    Lastly, what about people convicted of crimes in countries well known for poor human rights records, bad and corrupt legal systems, and crooked cops? Their own country knows many of these verdicts in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos etc would not stand up in a UK court of law and are unsafe. However, they would sooner allow an occasional sacrificial lamb now and again, rather than risk a political problem or diplomatic spat.


    It's all very complex and not as simple as a criminal record check.

  18. It must be noted that his brothers are constantly using defensive techniques when interviewed in the UK by the newspapers such as he made mistakes, he was led astray with bad company, he fell into the wrong crowd, He had a few issues with drugs, etc. The usual one that it is ' always someone else's fault '


    So he has already had a prison sentence for a violent rape, he is wanted at the moment by the police in the UK, he has previous for drugs offenses, they say he left the forces due to PTSD, when it sounds more likely his character flaws led to him leaving the forces.


    He then comes to Thailand with a view to learning ' Muay Thai ' how many times are we hearing that one of late!!


    The guy is 25 years old and he has managed all this already, so it hasn't occurred to him to go get a useful job in the UK? I mean he has another 32 years of his working life to make a contribution.


    After arriving in Thailand he then engages with the beer bar and go go/hostess bar scene. He overstays his visa, he allows somebody in his company to fall to their death, he doesn't report it or seek help but moves location and hotel in the hope of evading police. When arrested he treats it as a joke, laughing and requesting to smoke cigarettes. He takes the young woman's phone for no explicable reason up to press, He has a charge of stealing a motorbike and has had next to no contact with his family since traveling to Thailand. He doesn't sound like the guy you want to take home to meet your family, does he?


    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.


    The test implies that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject's habitual characteristics. He seems to qualify.



    Hey, watch this space for a Go fund me page for his legal fees!!!






  19. On 07/01/2018 at 10:59 PM, ericthai said:

    You made this sound like it was a government hand out. 

    I wouldn't say every Thai. I know some guys that are real dead beats and give their parents nothing. I have workers that only make 6-7K baht a month I know they send mony home but it's ony 500 or 1000B they aren't giving half to to their parents.   My wife takes care of her father, but only 1000B a month as he get 1000B from the govt.    


    I am sure you are a lot nearer the mark from what I have seen and heard about sons and daughters assisting their parents financially.


    I know Thai men happily married and work hard with a solid wife and are fully engaged in bringing up their children. Deadbeats are not unique to Thailand.


    Also, what some seem to be missing is there are a lot of deadbeats in other countries, I know in the UK that many run away from child support, hide assets or simply don't work to avoid paying for their children. They rely on the state, but these same people complain about immigrants and outsiders taking jobs and benefits! , these are the ones directly responsible for some of the mess the UK is in.

  20. 5 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    How easily we don't know, but drinking himself to death is compatible with the feeling of remorse.

    I am not defending his actions btw, i was taught to respect and protect women, more so if they are guests .

    I just can't imagine this guy as a ruthless criminal.

    But, of course, i might be wrong.


  21. 6 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    It's been reported that his visa had expired and he was wanted in connection with the theft of a motorbike.



    Apparently, they were having spiced up sex with opened liquid viagra found at the scene and used condoms.


    This fantasy sex apparently moved to the balcony and the rest we know. I completely agree with you about a special kind of dick who walks away from a situation like this and doesn't even seek help or contact anybody. Instead, he goes and carries on like nothing has happened. He has arrested drinking in a beer bar. He then, according to reports made light of the matter and started laughing when the police arrived and when arrested, asked if he could smoke a cigarette!!.....


    Sounds like a great guy, huh?......... Filth. On this occasion, I hope he gets a hard time from the cops for being such a despicable creep.


    She was from Sakon Nakhon, somebody's 26-year-old daughter and hugely popular with workmates. She didn't deserve to die like this and just be left there in the road.




    2 hours ago, greatwhitenorth said:

    why do you suppose he kept her phone?  I realize she wasn t going to be needing it anymore.  

    Well, he didn't use it to ring emergency services, did he?

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