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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. Guys,


    This thread reminds me of the guy panicking about telling a Thai woman to leave his apartment and worried about the consequences or the guy worried about throwing the trespassers off his land growing bananas and refusing to move. Now, we have a nonsense from 10 years ago and the man gets his ' knickers in a twist ' about something he read online and not helped...but hindered....by scaremongering some TV members here online about breaking leases and so forth, because they have nothing better to do.


    Does anybody here imagine for a second that this rubbish is going to be on an immigration computer?? or that a guy walked away from his lease and basically gave the horrible cow, 80K THB deposit which his landlord took without any qualms and then the greedy woman tried to squeeze even more baht from him?


    It is time to toughen up some of you guys and stop being lily-livered.


    As long as some on here walk around frightened of their own shadow, bullies in this country and any other country will win the day, They thrive on fear, they are cowards when you stand up to them.


    A bully relies on this outlandish, unnecessary fear to get their own way. You put your point across to whoever in a calm, sensible dignified but very firm way and show you are standing for no nonsense and 98% of the time, they back off. They wait for you to panic or hesitate and then they know they have won.


    They have some cockeyed ways in this country but there is a rule of law, there are good respectable lawyers and there are judges who would throw this out of court.In fact, it wouldn't get to court, because the woman was just ' trying it on '

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  2. The perpetrator of these crimes will not be killed, guillotined, castrated, shot or anything else that the bloodthirsty members here desire.He will not be ostracized in prison either,  nor will anybody be committing male rape whilst he is in the showers. There are too many on here seem to be watching too many movies and are totally adrift at sea in what really occurs in these matters.


    He will have a sentence of 22 years to think about what he has done and that society does not accept this behavior. He will then, after repatriation in about five years, ( four before consideration and about six months to a year to get approval to transfer) be left with whatever the Dutch-Thai treaty gives him in a Dutch prison.


    What will happen is that his nice life with the house and swimming pool has drawn to a close for a very long time.If he owns his house he will probably have to sell it for a fraction of its value bearing in mind he will be deported and blacklisted plus he faces more charges in Holland.


    He will live in filthy conditions and have to find money every month if he wishes to eat anything that is edible to a Westerner. He will suffer days, months and years of repetitive, mind-numbing tedium. There will be no Christmas, Easter or New Year celebrations only the same old, same old.


    He will not be able to keep himself properly clean as it is not possible given his conditions, He will inevitably have scabies and a rich variety of other diseases to contend with. His dental health will be virtually non-existent.


    He will need to be on his guard for gratuitous violence which drug-addled Thais can mete out at any time, not because of any crime, because that is how the animals inside behave. He will be at the mercy of the ' lifers ' who will threaten, cheat and steal from him if he is weak. 


    He will be cheated, blackmailed and lied to by foreigners who will promise him, lawyers, to get him freed on bail or get his sentence reduced, Those prisoners are on kickbacks from lawyers.


    So, his life will neither be pleasant nor easy. He has done wrong and he, for sure, knows it is wrong. It is sentences like these that prevent the rest of us in society from taking stupid risks. I had dreams as a youngster to rob a bank or commit a gigantic fraud on a bank and be set up in a life of luxury, ( Many of us will have done) what stops me and you are the penalties and the thought of prison for a very long time. Also, it's the knowing the difference between right from wrong,


    Guys like him can be very cunning and very smart and that is how they stay under the radar. His luck has now run out.


    He has been caught and now will face the consequences and have years to think about it.I do not think he has got off light by any stretch of the imagination. A bullet would have been far too easy and painless.

  3. 5 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Depending on how many people work in this tailor business it can take a very long time to make 6000 uniforms. However the quality is appearently bad.
    I guess the tailor took on a bigger bite than he could chew.

    What is the most disgusting thing, is that the police officers must pay out of their own pocket for their uniforms.


    Never mind, they will soon get the money back on speeding fines, illegal parking, no safety helmets, no seatbelts, at the expense of tourists, expats and Thais alike.


    Do you really expect us to feel sympathy for them?

    • Sad 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    This is just fluff. 


    Makes me wonder really about all those in "open" relationship with Thai women who don't care either way as long as you give money. They probably don't care selling children too....farang or Thai.




    That's why there are eight-year-old kids riding around on 125CC motorbikes in the villages and five-year-old kids selling roses and sweets in Bangkok whilst the parents get pissed on Lao Khao and Yaa Baa.


    They don't know how to parent!

    • Like 2
  5. 17 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

    We can but hope that he never tastes freedom again and his fellow inmates learn why he is banged up. 


    They will not care why he is banged up as long as he has money. It does not have the same stigma to Thais and they view it in prison with a slight sense of amusement.

    17 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    Let's hope that he'll lose his sope often when he showers and some gentlemen do him thoroughly through. 

    An urban myth in Thai jails. He will have young willing Thai males as long as he has money to support them in gambling, food, cigarettes.


    3 hours ago, johncat1 said:

    I hope he has to serve his sentence in Thailand and not be deported to serve his sentence in s soft western prison he will not survive his years in prison here

    Unfortunately, there is a treaty in place between Holland and Thailand. He will be sent back after four years as his sentence is not life. If it was life, he would be eligible after 8 years.


    He will then have the balance to serve in Holland depending on the treaty terms, plus the Dutch charges to face. He WILL get reductions on this sentence in Thailand for good behaviour and receive substantial reductions from King's pardons and amnesties. That's the way the system works here as it is classed as a non-violent crime.


    2 hours ago, hansnl said:

    And now for the Thai offenders.

    Would they get, deservedly, the same punishment, or is this, again, a underhand deal between Dutch and Thai authorities, used as an example?

    Thais usually get lighter sentences than foreigners in these matters. The foreigner will be getting made an example of; partly through the involvement of the Dutch government via the Embassy.

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  6. 8 hours ago, ericthai said:

    but you said you had a guy that worked for the anti corruption force that is not corrupt (therefore could be trusted) 


    In my dealings with the Anti-corruption squad in Bangkok years ago guys, now called the DSI, they were all corrupt, it's just the depths that differ.


    3 hours ago, mettech said:

    One thing not to forget farang is like a ATM machine and a walking wallet ...Go figure.

    It's a tired old cliche, to be honest. However, Thais at the level of Isaarn farmers are ' chancers ' they will ask if you say ' No ' they will say they were only joking. If you say ' Yes ' they have hit the mini jackpot.


    In your own country, if a child knows he or she cannot get sweets/candy from their parents and ask you and you give him or her, they will see you as a soft touch.


    You know very well, they will ask again and again until you eventually are forced to either say No, or that you have no goodies left to give them. Same principle here. It's not a ' personal thing ' to Foreigners as they do it to each other given the chance. They are manipulators, selling their YOUTH, sex, or their heart to the highest bidder.


    It happens time and time again with rich Thai men having 21 or 22-year-old girls as the ' Mia noi '

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  7. I don't know why some posters think the Poo yai baan can help very much. They cannot do very much at all except liaise in local disputes between villagers. They also act as liaison between the police/authorities and the locals living in the village who are uneducated, as the authorities haven't the patience to sit and explain to these people..


    The Poo yai baan ( especially in our village )  would get out of the way if there is any kind of mafia involvement, they wouldn't want to get involved, they have families too. These guys are no superheroes, just normal folk with a slightly better understanding of the mechanics of local government than the rest of them in the village.


    Others are saying report it to the Army, I can't see this helping very much. It is still the job of the Police to police in Thailand. The ruling junta, for want of a better word, has representatives of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Police, all sitting together.


    I am also unsure about other areas but around the areas and villages of Roi Et and  Kalasin, from what I have seen and witnessed, the cops and Army seem patrolling together in groups and to be working for themselves and each other, " hand in glove ".


    I cannot see them treading on each other's toes for some silly villager that has got themselves into debt. However, if these people turn out to be mafia debt collectors, that would be a different matter and I feel sure they, the Army and Police, would act.


    I stand by my earlier post of making an appointment to see the Chief of Police at the station if you cannot get any joy with the family. Let's face it, these guys are not coming for no reason and must think they are on solid ground to be turning up so regularly. I think it will be for a debt.

    • Like 1
  8. You should try talking first, even though you know you are wasting your time because when you go to court the judge will adjourn and say just that! Compromise and reach a solution. Get witness statements via a lawyer from the HOV as you call him etc.


    Atr least if you do this in advance, you can go to the Judge with evidence that the woman refuses to compromise and is making silly demands.


    It could help you in the long run and avoid unnecessary adjournments in proceedings because they always ' kick the ball into the distant future ' so the next hearing could be six months down the line and so on...

    • Like 1
  9. I have just done a UK visa, (not a Schengen but we have done these in the past as well) , for 2 years multiple entries for my partner. We did it, as always, by ourselves.


    The total cost was the price of the visa to the UK government.I think from memory about $500 or 340GBP thereabouts.


      Where in God's name do they get 270K THB from?

  10. They are Muslims, let them head to Muslim countries to be looked after where they ' allegedly ' share the same faith and beliefs.


    Indonesia and Malaysia or Bangladesh can have them, after all, they are their ' Muslim brothers and sisters, right? '


    Why do they seem to always want to have all their own way, implement their own rules and laws, not contribute to the economy, and not mix with their host countries be those countries Buddhist or Christian?


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  11. I found it interesting and did read it all. No doubt Aunty was playing a double game and chances are your lady knew about it... to an extent!


    She was probably also taken for a ride along with the victims.


    On the plus side, you are doing well, your daughter is getting the education she would not get here, possible future sporting achievements at an advanced level. Fluency in English( not sure if she remembers her Thai language ) and hopefully a bright future .


    All the best.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 10 hours ago, kevozman1 said:

    Don't worry the 'more Thai than the Thais' crowd are considered even bigger jokers by most Thai communities. Just have to let some people embarrass themselves sadly. On the subject I honestly enjoy eating with Thais for the most part, but I am certainly not going to start acting like a brat if others have a different take on things. 



    Thank you, I agree.


    I was brought up in an overcrowded house as a kid, I then went in the Royal Navy. We had to be fastidious about hygiene and respect the space of those around us. This is likely where I got my habits and I am not going to change them at my age. I already said to the guy AYJAYDEE, that others could do what they feel comfortable to do, it just wasn't for me, but he took this as an ' attack on Thais ' which is plain silly.


    I felt the same in China, Vietnam, Egypt, Morrocco, and various other places.

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