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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. He seems always to be in the news for the wrong reasons.


    For him to still be constantly attacked and in the limelight means there's a power play from within the RTP and they can't even sort themselves out.


    I've always had the view he was corrupt as hell both on AN and TVF before it. Many on here used to rave that he was the only honest cop!!!


    Yeah, right!    None repeat none of them in high positions in the RTP are honest, or low positions, in fact, in any position.


    Some are just less corrupt than others.






  2. 1 hour ago, DUNROAMIN said:

    Agree with OP regarding swiss men, I do not condone what they did, however, there are 70 million plus Thais in Thailand, with assalts, bashings, rapes, murders by Thais everyday in Thailand. Do you see the media covering those cases, no, because nobody cares, better story if 'farang' involved. Media BS at its best.


    Spot on, but it doesn't whip up Nationalistic furore the same as a White foreigner being involved, no matter how minor the offence such as visa overstays, or theft from a 7-11, take your pick.


    If the culprit had been Chinese would it have drawn the same attention or would mediators have been flown in to sort out the ' misunderstanding '


    Anyway, the Elephant man's ' goose has already been cooked ' as far as Thai Law is concerned, trial by media.


    That is unless it applies to something the Thais themselves have done wrong, then they expect compromise and to mediate and sort things out quietly for the good of the nation.







    • Like 1
  3. The only thing here is the Swiss that attacked the woman in the supermarket goes to court who will decide his fate and then a decision will be made on his visa extension status.


    By the photographs, this was a particularly brutal and nasty attack. You would rate this higher in the violence index than the kick-in-the-back steps assault.


    The other Swiss, who I have no time for and think is an absolute <deleted> BTW, already has had the visa revoked.


    The only thing here is, is dual standards.


    The Elephant Man, who is a repeat offender of minor nuisance and transgressions, but has not been convicted of any of this, has been Judged, tried and deported by the Media. Now, even the national government is involved, so he has no chance.


    His Ambulance middle finger escapade has only attracted 5,000 baht in fines. So, it wasn't high up on the serious crimes list.


    There are complaints daily regarding Thais not giving way to Ambulances or altercations caused by an Ambulance ' tooting his horn ' to get through, thereby upsetting someone's fragile ego.


    I have NEVER in all these years, seen the speed, acted upon by local government at which those steps up to the Villa on public land have been removed. Normally, it's backwards and forwards for years.


    Now, after an inspection of 30-plus villas ( I might be wrong on the number) 20-plus have been deemed to have been built illegally.  Well, who takes responsibility for signing off on that? Or is it the same as they do with the Police and move them to an inactive post within local government until it all dies down?

  4. 5 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    It flows in exactly the same direction - you missed it again.

    Yes there are many reasons why illegal employment has increased in Thailand and the ones you liosted are definitely a factor. But as I said, the relaxation of Visa rules has been the main contribution to the increase in their numbers - over and above the 'normal' numbers that have occurred in Thailand.  Another one is that tourism has increased in Thailand and there are more jobs than this time last year. And many more. But the Visa relaxation has caused a lot of problems. I know a guy that lives in Phuket (Rawai) - he has nothing but bad news about all the illegals working there - mainly Russians/Ukrainians). It is the same everywhere - not Russians/Ukrainians - they seem to be Phuket and Hua Hin mainly, but there are many others and the other tyoruist locations.  Out on the farms in Isaan they are not even seen. 



    More Gibberish.

    • Sad 1
  5. 1 hour ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Wrong.  That has been the case for a long time - no dispute.  There has been a lot of legals and illegals in the past.

    BUT since they changed the Visa rules - free easier and longer - a lot more people are in Thailand working illegally. This issue with the Philippinos is only one group - there are many more across a lot of industries.   



    Well, this is what Thanet had to say:-


    Thanet believes that the majority of operators would prefer to legally employ local workers and foreign workers with work permits if the process were simpler, to avoid potential penalties. However, the current immigration process is complicated and inconvenient, causing some operators to resort to illegal recruitment.


    “With our tourism industry suffering a severe domestic labour shortage following the pandemic, the government should relax regulations regarding the employment of foreign workers. We still need them to sustain our industry.”


    It kind of flows in the opposite direction to what you are saying.

  6. 31 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    The point and yourself often seem to miss each other - despite many attempts by many posters.

    Maybe you should slow down and try to understand what others are saying.

    We are not attacking you - we are disagreeing with what you are writing. 



    I know exactly what you said. You said I was wrong and then went on talking about Filipinos.


    You also say there has been a massive increase in illegal employment despite visas becoming easier.


    That is possible when people don't have the time nor means to wait when they are running from conflict as is very possible in the case of the Burmese.


    Can you support your claims of this huge increase in illegal workers with links and facts?


    It would be better instead of the single word, "Wrong!!"


    I don't need to slow down with anything and my reading skills are fine.

    • Agree 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, mokwit said:

    I am kinda curious what the Thais who used to do those jobs are doing for money now - they can't all be "little ghosts" making more money in Korea.


    The impression I get in lower Sukhumvit is that there has been a decision by the business  to staff it with non Thais. This, rather than they can't get Thais - although that said, I am also hearing of difficulty getting Thai staff.



    A lot of Thais are working away in Korea, but also in Israel and other countries, such as fruit and vegetable industries in Europe.


    I know Isaarn women working in the Middle East etc...........I don't think they are all domestic servants.

  8. 4 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Wrong.  That has been the case for a long time - no dispute.  There has been a lot of legals and illegals in the past.

    BUT since they changed the Visa rules - free easier and longer - a lot more people are in Thailand working illegally. This issue with the Philippinos is only one group - there are many more across a lot of industries.   



    There is and was nothing wrong with what I have stated with personal knowledge of these facts and of the Cambodians in question.


    I never mentioned the Philippines.

  9. 11 hours ago, Patanawet said:

    what documents do these agencies that advertise 'you don't even have to go there' require?



    Those adverts are a con and the Police have already made announcements telling people not to fall for it.


    As well as being illegal, just why would you go that route when the legal way is fairly straightforward with just a few hoops to go through, then you are fine for 5/6 years.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, RobU said:

    That's exactly what he said he wants, it means he will escape justice. 

     He should first be prosecuted and imprisoned and deported at the end of his imprisonment. He should also pay punitive damages and all medical costs


    And that is what will happen.



    34 minutes ago, brianburi said:

    ..........unlike the bonkers Brits who have plenty of coastline....


    Yes, as all the illegal boat people know, if they struggle to find our coast the French Police are happy to assist.






  11. 9 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Agreed….  But it’s either because of these actions, or the increased reporting of these actions that seems have planted the seeds which now feed a what appears to be a developing anti-faring media-bias….


    Perhaps deservedly so, but it certainly feels as though the media is running with this bias & publicising any wring step a foreigner makes, when Thai’s committing worse crimes are ignored. 

    One flag stolen = netizen outrage.

    15 people killed though DUI = nothing. 





    Nailed it!

  12. 1 hour ago, StayinThailand2much said:


    (Most) Thais will never understand, or respect the way of foreigners. They are not interested in them at all, but only in their $$$$...



    It's called a lack of education and awareness as to what is happening in the outside world and how people live there.


    Too many are imbeciles who prefer to sit in their villages talking and listening to garbage with no understanding of the world around them.


    Many can't find the EU on a map, let alone the UK or even a large country, say, Russia.


    They sit and swallow all the nationalistic crap that is poured down their throats from breakfast until sunset.







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